
Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures

A man from an Earth gets the choice to start over in any Universe and chooses an Alternate Pokemon Universe. Let us see if his journey to the top is succesful and the impact he will have on his new world. Pokemon is owned by Nintendo, Game Freak and Creatures Inc. I just use their sandbox for the plot of my MC and my OCs. This will be a "slow" paced story, in fact it's "super slow paced", so please don't expect the MC to directly start his journey in 20 chapters or so, actually multiply that by like 15. A lot is going to happen before that happens. The first 10-20 chapters or so are information heavy, depending on what kind of reader you are. I try to keep my chapter length between 2000 and 3000 words per chapter. My release rate is 4 chapter/week for now. I have a patre*n for those that want to support me with access to some advance chapters as a thank you. patre*n.com/Azrail93 This is an alternate pokemon universe so there will be differences to the games, manga and anime. So if something in the story is different it is most likely on purpose. The original sources are seen as suggestions not laws. Differences can be: Type variants, evolution conditions, strength mechanics, world building and more. If I am at some point asking for reader input I will do so but otherwise I will ignore most suggestions. So please don't spam things like catch this pokemon or do that next. I have my plot planned and external input will be considered when asked for. If I see a suggestion that I believe fit my plot flow I will use it and will credit the commentor. Comments on spelling and grammar mistakes are welcome. I will try to correct said mistakes with time. Constructive criticism will be read and considered. Insult and hate comments will be ignored or deleted depending on severity. Readers naturally can comment their dislike but one worders will be ignored. If the reason for the dislike is explained I will read it. Like previously mentioned pure insults and hate comments will be ignored or deleted. The same is true for simple hate reviews or insulting ones. Reviews complaining about something I warned about, such as the slow pace, will be deleted as well.

Azrail93 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
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845 Chs

CH7 (237), Mt.Moon Pokemon Analysis

The next morning I told my parents that I was still planning to go to Mt.Moon come Arcday since I was not planning to stop just because of the vacation.

Instead, I was going to limit my visits to Arcday, Mewday, and Giratiday, while the rest of the week would be spent at home or rather with my parents.

However, since I was limiting my visits to just 3 days I was going to head out at 10 a.m, so right after breakfast, and only come home around 6:30 p.m for dinner.

As the loving and understanding parents that they were, my parents naturally accepted my wish, but that served as the start of our current conversation.

"Say, honey, you've been going around the Moon Mountain Range for a few months now," mom began, but I threw in a "nearly nine months", so she went with the flow.

"So, in these close to 9 months you must have seen quite a few different Pokemon that call the mountain range their home. I'm sure you must have met at least some that are normally pretty rare. How about you tell us about the rare Pokemon you encountered during your time there," was what she said after my interruption.

Now, that she said that I noticed that all I had been telling my parents about my trips was against whom my Pokemon had fought or if they had made progress, so I focused only on my Pokemon.

I neglected to mention the terrain, Pokemon I saw but did not battle, anything non-training related really. Dad looked just as interested as mom, and that made me curious.

"No problem, but I would have thought that you two would have been to Mt.Moon at least once during your journey," I said interested in hearing their answer.

"Yes, we've been to Mt.Moon a few times during our journey, but unlike you who spent close to nine months around Mt.Moon, we spent a day or even less there each time, so it's not like we've done much exploring around the area," dad answered my inquiry and I nodded satisfied with the answer.

Compared to these two I could really be considered an expert regarding things related to Mt.Moon, despite having only explored less than a hundredth, nay, a thousandth of the mountain range.

"Well, let me think about the most uncommon and rare ones I came across until now. There was that one time I came across a Steelix and an Aggron battling it out," seeing mom's worried look I reacted swiftly, "but I quickly ran away from the area."

She relaxed hearing that I did the sensible thing instead of trying to fish for some opportunities. As for the possibility of me lying, she did not consider that since I had not lied to them until now. Not telling them the whole truth? Sure. Hidden stuff? Absolutely, but I had not lied to them so far.

Even using Urahara as an excuse for the balls in my possession was not a lie, since that was the alias I was going to use whenever I was going to sell or hand out my handcrafted balls, which I was planning to do in the future. The same was true for my alias as Tsukababishi.

Anyway, back to the present. Now, that she was relieved of her worry, mom showed an enthusiastic look.

"An Aggron you say? There had been rumors that some were living in the depth of the mountain range, but those were just that, nothing more than rumors. Looks like they were true after all. The Aggron most likely left the inner area for some reason.

Since it fought against a Steelix they probably got attracted by the same thing. You did the smart thing by running away," mom said and I was wondering where her sudden enthusiasm came from.

Dad seemed to notice my confusion and chose to answer my unasked question.

"Your mom really likes the Aron line for some reason, so she's excited to hear that you've met one. They generally can't be found around Kanto and even in Hoenn, they're pretty rare," he informed me and mom excitedly nodded on the side.

"Yeah, I really want an Aron, and now I know that there are some within the Moon Mountain Range, I would like to get one for myself," she confessed and I could understand where she was coming from.

"Mom, you've said it yourself, their existence within the mountain range was a myth, so finding one without extensive search should be nearly impossible. So, there is no reason for you to go out to search for one," I began calming her down before she decided to start a search expedition.

"Leave finding an Aaron to me. I'm going around Mt.Moon anyway, so if I ever stumble across one, I'll catch it for you, or at least find where their habitat is, and lead you there," I promised her and dad supported me since he knew finding one would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, most of them were probably in the deeper areas of the mountain range, which meant that the area was more dangerous. In his mind, if I found one while going around in the outer areas then nice. If not, well, that was okay as well.

They could either make a trip to Hoenn to try their luck, or they could wait until they are stronger so that the trip to the inner and core area was not as dangerous.

How do I know what he was thinking? All I could say is trust me, bro. Anyway, mom seeing my and dad's reaction slightly reluctantly accepted my suggestion.

"Alright, with that out of the way, what else have you seen?" Dad encouraged me to keep going.

"Well, besides the regular candidates, I saw a Skamory fly by, came across a Slugma as well as a Magcargo, and a Golem passed through the area I was in. I also met some Nidos, a Sableye, Cacturne, Exploud, Ursaring, and some members of the Hitmon-family.

Oh, and I briefly caught a glimpse of a Medicham before it vanished from sight. I also met some Spinda that approached us while we were having lunch," I began listing some of the rarer Pokemon we had come across during our time around Mt.Moon.

When I mentioned the Medicham, dad gained the same look as mom did when she heard about the Aggron, so I could guess what he was going to say.

"Yes, dad, I'll keep an eye out for any Meditite and Medicham. If I find one I'll either get it for you or find out where it lives so that you can try your luck," I preempted his request.

Dad looked a bit sheepish at having been read but thanked me nonetheless. Mom began giggling when she saw that their roles had been reversed.

"You seem to have come across quite a few rare Pokemon. Your luck appears to be pretty good," dad said trying to divert the topic, and it worked.

"It would be great to know what other Pokemon species live there. I don't think there is an extensive list available. I've only heard of ones that have the common Pokemon that can be found on Mt.Moon. The rare ones are mostly not included, so we only know about them being there through hearsay and that's not the most reliable source," mom said and that gave me an idea.

Creating such a list would be an interesting project. I could list the Pokemon living in the area and add a rarity rating to each species to show how easy or hard it was to come across a Pokemon.

I would have to go through my memories to see which Pokemon I had met or seen during our trips to Mt.Moon in the last eight to nine months. I would also ask Luna/Clefairy for her input and asking the Spinda that are staying inside Utopia for some info on the Pokemon they had seen around Mt.Moon would be helpful as well.

Then there was my ace in the hole, the Elder Clefable. I was going to visit Luna's tribe and ask the Clefable Elder about the Pokemon species living on the Moon mountain Range. He should roughly know how many of them are around as well.

I won't ask for their living areas, since I doubt the Elder would be willing to reveal that citing something along the line of me having to find out on my own. So I did just that, I spent my free time for the next two days going over my memories, noting any relevant information on some paper.

I also asked Luna and the Spinda for any information they could give me that would bolster my notes. Come Arcday, I went to Luna's tribe and approached Elder Clefable for any information he was willing to share with me before I did the same with some of the other older Clefable.

Once I had done that, I decided to scour the web for any articles regarding the Pokemon trainers encountered on Mt.Moon, before doing the same with my super-library.

After I had done all that I compiled all the data I had gathered and ended up with two lists, or rather I ended up with a list, but decided to create another one since the first one looked too disorderly.

The first list had all Pokemon living on the Moon Mountain Range separated into 5 groups according to their rarity. However, the Pokemon lines were grouped together and which group they ended up in depending on the rarity of their first form, so it became a bit disorderly due to that.

Which was why I created a second list that sorted the Pokemon into 5 groups purely based on their rarity. That one was much more organized, but the Pokemon lines were separate from each other.

I ranked the rarity of the Pokemon from 1-star to 9-star, with each star being rarer than the previous one. There was also a rarity rank above 9-stars for Pokemon that we're so rare that assigning a rarity to them was too hard. I simply designated those as +9-stars.

I took a final look at my two lists, and I had to say I felt pretty satisfied as well as proud of my work. I was planning to show the lists to my parents after doing a final check-up on both to make sure nothing was wrong.

Pokemon living within the borders of the Mt.Moon mountain range:

Group 1:

Rattata (1*), Raticate (2.5*), Zubat (1*), Golbat (2.5*), Crobat (8*),

Diglett (1.5*), Dugtrio (2.5*), Spearow (1.5*), Fearow (2.5*), Sandshrew (1.5*), Sandslash (3*), Sentret (2*), Furret (3*), Geodude (2*), Graveler (4*), Golem (7.5*), Machop (2*), Machoke (4*), Machamp (8.5*), Ekans (2*), Arbok (3*), Zigzagoon (2.5*), Linoone (3.5*), Mankey (2.5*), Primeape (4*), Spinarak (2.5*), Ariados (4*), Onix (3.5*), Steelix (8.5*), Cubone (3.5*), Marowak (5*), Nincada (3.5*), Ninjask (5*), Shedinja (7.5*).

Group 2:

Gastly (4*), Haunter (5*), Gengar (8.5*), Dunsparce (4*), Shuckle (4*), Misdreavus (4.5*), Mismagius (8*), Whismur (4.5*), Loudred (5*), Exploud (6*), Nidoran (female, 4.5*), Nidorina (5*), Nidoqueen (7.5*), Nidoran (male, 4.5*), Nidorino (5*), Nidoking (7.5*), Magnemite (4.5*), Magneton (5.5*), Magnezone (8.5*), Poochyena (4.5*), Mightyena (5*), Rhyhorn (4.5*), Rhydon (5.5*), Rhyperior(9+*), Makuhita (5*), Hariyama (6*), Spinda (5*), Phanpy (5*), Donphan (6*), Gligar (5*), Gliscor (7.5*), Houndour (5*), Houndoom (6*) Nosepass (5.5*), Probopass (8.5*), Cacnea (5.5*), Cacturne (6.5*).

Group 3:

Teddiursa (6*), Ursaring (5*), Trapinch (6*), Vibrava (8*), Flygon (9+*), Oddish (6*), Gloom (6.5*), Vileplume (7.5*), Bellossom (9*), Sableye (6.5*), Sudowoodo (6.5*), Aron (6.5*), Lairon (7*), Aggron (8.5*), Meditite (6.5*), Medicham (8*).

Group 4:

Tyrogue (7*), Hitmonchan (6*), Hitmonlee (6*), Hitmontop (6*), Hitmonform (8*), Slugma (7*), Magcargo (8*), Numel (7*), Camerupt (8*), Spoink (7*), Grumpig (8.5*), Mawile (7*), Wynaut (7.5*), Wobbuffet (7*), Skarmory (7.5*), Baltoy (8*), Claydol (9+*), Absol (8.5*), Munchlax (8.5*), Snorlax (7.5*).

Group 5:

Lunatone (9*), Solrock (9*), Cleffa (9*), Clefairy (6.5*), Clefable (8.5*), Larvitar (9+*), Pupitar (9+*), Tyranitar (9+*).

Everything looked great. It just gave off a bit of a cluttered feeling, which was why I made the second list that sorted the Pokemon purely according to their rarity instead of taking their species lines into account.

Group 1:

Rattata (1*), Zubat (1*), Diglett (1.5*), Spearow (1.5*), Sandshrew (1.5*), Sentret (2*), Geodude (2*), Machop (2*), Ekans (2*), Zigzagoon (2.5*), Mankey (2.5*), Spinarak (2.5*), Raticate (2.5*), Golbat (2.5*), Dugtrio (2.5*), Fearow (2.5*), Sandslash (3*), Furret (3*), Arbok (3*), Linoone (3.5*), Onix (3.5*), Cubone (3.5*), Nincada (3.5*).

Group 2:

Primeape (4*), Ariados (4*), Gastly (4*), Dunsparce (4*), Shuckle (4*), Graveler (4*), Machoke (4*), Misdreavus (4.5*), Whismur (4.5*), Nidoran (female, 4.5*), Nidoran (male, 4.5*), Magnemite (4.5*), Poochyena (4.5*), Rhyhorn (4.5*), Haunter (5*), Loudred (5*), Nidorina (5*), Nidorino (5*), Mightyena (5*), Makuhita (5*), Spinda (5*), Marowak (5*), Ninjask (5*), Phanpy (5*), Gligar (5*), Houndour (5*), Ursaring (5*), Rhydon (5.5*), Nosepass (5.5*), Magneton (5.5*), Cacnea (5.5*).

Group 3:

Hariyama (6*), Hitmonchan (6*), Hitmonlee (6*), Hitmontop (6*), Houndoom (6*), Donphan (6*), Teddiursa (6*), Exploud (6*), Trapinch (6*), Oddish (6*), Gloom (6.5*), Cacturne (6.5*), Sableye (6.5*), Sudowoodo (6.5*), Aron (6.5*), Meditite (6.5*), Clefairy (6.5*).

Group 4:

Tyrogue (7*), Lairon (7*), Slugma (7*), Numel (7*), Spoink (7*), Mawile (7*), Wobbuffet (7*), Snorlax (7.5*), Vileplume (7.5*), Gliscor (7.5*), Nidoqueen (7.5*), Nidoking (7.5*), Wynaut (7.5*), Skarmory (7.5*), Shedinja (7.5*), Golem (7.5*), Magcargo (8*), Mismagius (8*), Camerupt (8*), Vibrava (8*), Hitmonform (8*), Medicham (8*), Crobat (8*), Baltoy (8*), Gengar (8.5*), Grumpig (8.5*), Probopass (8.5*), Aggron (8.5*), Machamp (8.5*), Absol (8.5*), Steelix (8.5*), Magnezone (8.5*), Munchlax (8.5*), Clefable (8.5*).

Group 5:

Lunatone (9*), Solrock (9*), Cleffa (9*), Bellossom (9+*), Claydol (9+*), Rhyperior(9+*), Flygon (9+*), Larvitar (9+*), Pupitar (9+*), Tyranitar (9+*).

Alright, everything looked fine with the second list as well, so I could now present them to my parents. I was actually considering publishing my lists in the relevant magazines and offices since the reputation it would gain me would help with some of my plans. The alliance contribution and merit points I would undoubtedly receive would be a nice bonus as well.


***A Big Thank You to Lustree for becoming a Patron***

Advertising plug-in:

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of June the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8. Those want access to them can find them on my patre*on.

There are currently two ongoing polls on patre*on. One decides the future of Horus/Xatu, while the other one decides to which Pokemon Haven he will have access to Togepi or Riolu. Both will finish by the end of the week, so those that want to take part in the poll can consider becoming patrons.

Help me stay motivated.


Thank you for reading.

This is chapter 1/5 for this week.

***A Big Thank You to Lustree for becoming a Patron***

The first goal has been completed, so for the duration of June the lowest number of advanced chapters available is 4, while the highest number of advanced chapters is 8.

Sketches, drawings of the MC, Variants and maps can be found on my Patre’on. An patre’on exclusive Legendary Lore series can be found there as well.


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