

Three days have passed since Xyno and Regina arrived at Kinderburn Isle. And they had already made significant progress on the strange storm that appeared on top of Kinderburn Isle.

As Regina speculated, the storm was indeed caused by a creature rather than naturally occurring. They reached to this conclusion as naturally occurring phenomena have magic of different wavelengths than the magic radiated by living creatures.

At night Xyno decides to go out for a stroll around the base camp to clear his mind.

(If a Pokemon caused it, what Pokemon could it be? It has to be a super-strong Pokemon that can stir up these kinds of storms. But the Pokedex has no data about a Pokemon that can cause all this. Or was it caused by a Legendary? It would make more sense as there is not much data on Legendaries since their encounter with Humans has been very limited.)

While thinking Xyno didn't realize that he had wandered too far from the camp.

"I should head back. It won't be good for me if I encounter an Ursaring or something out here alone."

Just as Xyno starts heading back he hears a faint growl.

"Huh? It sounds like a Pokemon's cry. Is it hurt? Where is it coming from" Xyno starts looking around for the Pokemon.

He then hears it again. Xyno starts running in the direction of the sound. After running for a short while he reaches a glade.

There is a small Pokemon lying there under the clear moon sky. The moon's light is directly shining on the injured Pokemon.

"Huh? What is this Pokemon?" Xyno walks over to the small creature.

(It looks like a baby Griffin, like those which appeared in Mythologies.) Xyno thinks in his head.

He slowly approaches the Pokemon. The Pokemon takes notice of Xyno walking closer and tries to move it's limbs vigorously as wanting to run away, but couldn't since one of it's legs were wounded.

Xyno stops at seeing the baby Griffin throw a tantrum of sorts in the hopes it would stop. But approaches the Pokemon anyway.

Xyno sits down next to the Pokemon and starts checking the Pokemon. He notices that the Griffin had a lot of injuries that looked quite severe.

Xyno takes it into his arms and runs back to the base camp. He takes it back to his room on the aircraft. There he starts treating the baby Griffin. He first applies an anti-bacterial potion to its wounds. The Griffin cries in pain as it's wounds stung.

"I know it hurts but settle down, I'm trying to help you." Xyno says to the baby Griffin But the Griffin starts struggling. Xyno tries to contain the Griffin.

"Stop it seriously. You will wake the others. Believe me, it will stop hurting soon." Xyno tries to convince the Griffin and strokes it's head.

The baby Griffin looks into Xyno's eyes and gets the feeling that Xyno is really concerned for him. So it settles down.

"See? It already stopped hurting." Xyno smiles at the baby Griffin.

After tending to it's wounds Xyno settles the Griffin on his bed where the small Pokemon just sits quietly. It realizes that Xyno just saved it's life and quietly sits on the bed.

"You try to remain silent here while I bring you something to eat." Xyno cloaks the Griffin with a blanket so if someone comes in they won't discover the creature.

Xyno leaves the living quarters and heads over to the kitchen area in the aircraft.

"What would Griffins eat? Let's try taking some basic Pokemon food. He might like these. I'll take this milk over too." Xyno picks up the goods and starts heading back to his room.

Regina was awake and was out of her room, thinking about some stuff. She was wearing a nightdress at that time. She notices Xyno leaving the kitchen and approaches him.

"Xyno? Why are you taking a bunch of Pokemon food and milk over to your room?" Regina asks confused thinking he surely wouldn't be eating Pokeblocks instead of normal human food.

"Ah I found this injured Pokemon in the forest, it's injuries were pretty severe so brought it back to tend to it's wounds." Xyno replies

"What Pokemon?" Regina asks.

"I don't know the species. I think it's a new species." Xyno replies.

"Oh? I'll come with you to your room to look at it."

"Sure." Xyno replies and both of them go back to Xyno's room.

When they enter the room Xyno notices that the Griffin is not on the bed. Xyno hurries over and removes the blanket.

"Where did it go?" Xyno looks around the room. Suddenly he hears the Griffin's cry from under the bed.

"Oh, so you hid under the bed?" Xyno takes the Griffin out and shows it to Regina.

"I haven't seen this species before. Is this a new discovery?" Regina stares at the Griffin.

The baby Griffin gets scared and tries to hide it's face under its arms and wings.

"Oh is it a shy type? Don't worry I won't hurt you little guy." Regina smiles at the Griffin and pats it's head.

The Griffin looks at Regina through it's wings. Upon realizing she is harmless the baby Griffin opens it's wings and looks at Regina.

"He seems to be pretty harmless. Though I wonder how he got this much injured. Let's take him over to the lab on the aircraft for a checkup." Regina suggests.

"Okay" Xyno replies.

They head over to the lab and Regina starts giving the Griffin a checkup. Regina wears a lab coat over her nightdress when they enter the lab

"It is fine from the inside. And it doesn't seem like it hurt any of the vital organs. But the amount of magicules in it's body rivals that of a legendary and it is Dark and Flying-type."

"This is abnormal. It's Talent must be S class atleast." Regina gets surprised at the results.

"But how did this Pokemon end up getting hurt so bad?" Regina adds.

She suddenly notices something.

"Wait the wavelength of this Pokemon's magic matches the magic wavelength radiated by the storm. Was this Pokemon the cause of it?" Regina remarks.

"Maybe it got caught in the storm and got hurt?" Xyno adds.

"That is one possibility. But the bigger question is are there more of it's kind here on the island?" Regina asks confused.

"Well no one found any. If they did we would have known. Maybe it's one of it's kind." Xyno comments.

"He does seem harmless so I guess it's fine. Though what are you going to do about this Pokemon?" Regina asks Xyno.

"For now I'll take care of it. Also, it would be bad to show it to the others, so I don't think we should mention about it to the others." Xyno replies.

"Good idea. It won't be good for this Pokemon if they found that there a Pokemon connected to the storm has been discovered." Regina says.

"But what are you going to name it?" Regina adds.

"Name it? I guess he will need a name won't he?" Xyno thinks for a while and then a name comes to his mind.

"I'll name him Sett."

"Oh not a bad name. Be sure to take care of this little Pokemon." Regina says to Xyno

"Thanks Regina." Xyno thanks Regina and hugs her.

"Oh? It's okay. Now let's go to sleep. It's pretty late already." Regina hugs Xyno back.

Both of them go back to the sleeping quarters.

"Why are you sleeping in my bed Regina?" Xyno asks when he sees Regina sleeping next to him in his room.

"Oh come on. Let me sleep here. Can't I even share a room with you~" Regina speaks to Xyno in a flirtatious voice.

Xyno stares at Regina

"Okay fine. Have a good night." says Regina and leaves the room.

Xyno lies in the bed and looks at sett curiously. Set also stares at him.

Xyno pats its head"Ok now you will heal soon"

"Good night Sett. " Xyno says to Sett but suddenly Sett starts glowing and Xyno was caught off guard and was covered in white light too.

Suddenly Xyno feels something breaking out inside him. He felt like his body is filled with power.

<Link Formed!>

<Partner: Sett>

<Link: 5 %>

Xyno was shocked by the revelation when he saw Sett.

NAME: Sett (M)

SPECIES: Sky Griffin

AGE: 5 years

LEVEL: 1(regressed)

LINK: Partner(5%)


ELEMENTS: Sky, Demon

UNIQUE SKILL: Sky Monarch(locked)

MOVES: Quick Attack, Air cutter, Gust, Demonic Rush

Xyno can't believe that he could see such detailed status. It felt like his Eye got unlocked.

But when he checked his status he got even more shocked with what he saw. He got one more skill.

Aand the answer is..... Sett the Griffin! What thoughts do you have about this new companion?

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Dark_Xynocreators' thoughts