
A Sudden Expedition - II

The aircraft is on it's way to the Kinderburn Isles. On the aircraft among the boarded are Regina, Xyno, and some other scientists who would be helping in the expedition.

Regina is checking on some reports while Xyno is reading one of the magazines that were on the table. But none of them seem to interest him so he puts the magazines back into the holder.

"This island is quite far from where your research lab is."

"Yeah, this island is located somewhere between the Sinnoh region and the Hoenn region. The island has no residents on it so it is pure wilderness occupied by Pokemons." Regina replies.

" We are still some hours away from the island. You can take a nap if you want in the meantime" Regina suggests.

"No. I'm not sleepy. Instead, why don't you tell me about the Gyms a little?" Xyno asks Regina.

"Why the sudden interest in the Gyms? You planning on challenging the league?" Regina inquires.

"Kind of seems fun. But I'm your assistant at the moment. I'm just intrigued, so tell me." Xyno replies.

"Basically Gyms act as the law for a city and also a way to calibrate a trainer's talent and potential. By defeating a gym you can get its badge and when you collect an appropriate amount you can show up for the annual Pokemon League Championships. The one who comes on top in the League Championships becomes eligible to battle the Elite 4, and finally The Champion of The Region. There are 54 cities in total in the Sinnoh region and every city has a Gym and an appointed Gym Leader." Regina says.

"Wait, I thought there were only 8 gyms in a region." Xyno replies.

"Where did you hear that? You can enter the League Championship by collecting 8 badges or more. The ones who come in the Top 8 of the Championships, including the Champion are offered to work as a member of the Elite force directly under the Champion. You can deny the offer of course, but it would seem pretty foolish to deny such an opportunity"

"Elite force?" Xyno gets interested.

"The Elite force is comprised of the strongest trainers in the region who work directly under the Elite 4 and the Champion. There are two ways to make it into the elite force: Either get an offer to join by placing in the Top 8 during the League Championship, or get recommended by one of the Elite 4 members." Regina further explains.

"Do you get special privileges if you enter the Elite force, or is it just to show off your strength?" Xyno asks.

"Elite force is one of the top ranks you can get and serve the region under. So certainly there would be special privileges." Regina replies.

"Also if you defeat one of the Elite 4's you can take their position as the Elite 4 and they would be demoted from the position." Regina adds.

"Has any of the Elite 4 members ever been replaced by someone? I mean for this region." Xyno further asks.

"Yes." Regina replies with a simple yes.

"How do you apply for fighting a Gym or challenging the League?" Xyno asks.

"You will not require any special forms to enter into the League Championships or battle any Gym. For the Gyms, you just need your Trainer Card which will contain your home address and every other formal detail. As for the League submissions you will need to fill the form as a contestant when they open the submissions." Regina replies.

"What happens if the current Champion of the Region loses a fight against a challenger?"

"The Champion gets dethroned and can decide to take place of another elite 4 members or if he wants can retire." Regina replies.

"When do they start the submissions for the League participation?"

"The submissions start around the start of a new year and last one month, and the main show is held 6 months later so the challengers have enough time to prepare and train their partners." Regina replies.

"Where does the championship takes place?"

"The League Championships are held in Jubilife City, in the stadium. The stadium is very big and enough space to hold all the citizens of Jubilife City. Among the common audience, there are VIP seats as well for the members of the Elite 4 and the Champion and their family." Regina adds.

"Figures their families are also treated specially." Xyno comments

The aircraft's A.I. announced that they were nearing their destination.

Xyno looks out of the window and notices light purple clouds forming above the island.

"So that's Kinderburn Isle huh. Looks intimidating with all the lightings." Xyno comments.

"A huge storm did hit this Isle. The type we haven't seen before. I have a feeling this storm was not caused naturally." Regina says

"You mean it was caused by a Pokemon?" Xyno asks.

"I can't say for sure, but natural storms that form should not be this abnormal." Regina replies.

The aircraft advances to the island where the expedition camp was established. It flies over to the Helipad and vertically propels down onto the ground.

When Xyno emerges out of the aircraft he sees that there are some futuristic tents set up at the base camp. Upon noticing their arrival, a man comes out of the main tent and approaches Regina and Xyno.

"Glad to see you finally here Professor Regina, I suppose you read the letter properly and know of the circumstances fully?" The man asks Regina.

"Yes I did, Professor Erik." Regina replies.

(Seems like this man is the lead scientist here. I wonder how much progress they have made) Xyno already starts thinking about the expedition's progress.

"Who is this fine young man beside you, Professor" Erik turns towards Xyno.

"Allow me to introduce you to Xyno. He is a promising kid who is also one of my head assistants. And Xyno, this is Professor Erik. The lead researcher at the Sylvester Academy. He is the one leading the expedition." Regina introduces Xyno to Erik.

"Ah, so he is one of your head assistants. Such talent at such a young age, I look forward to working with you Xyno." Erik offers to shake hands with Xyno.

"The pleasures all mine Professor. I have read your theory of Pokemon magicules resonance with the environment and the effects it has on it. I was very fascinated by your work." Xyno remarks.

"It was not only me who worked on the theory, a lot of other very talented and young scientists such as yourself helped me in my research. So I can't take all the fame for it. Haha" Erik replies.

"Shall we head over to the site now Professor? I want to take a hold of the situation." Regina asks Erik.

"Sure Professor Regina, let's go." Erik starts walking towards the site.

The camp was established in a clearing not far from the coastline. Xyno, Regina, and Professor Erik were headed towards the center of the island where the clouds seemed to gather.

"We discovered that the flow of magic on this island is pretty abnormal compared to other places. And it all seems to be increasing around the center of the island." Erik explains.

"Which means that my speculation was correct. This storm was not caused naturally." Regina comments.

"So then who do you think caused it, Professor?" Erik asks Regina.

"I don't know, there are not many Pokemons who can whip up this size of storms, and the amount of magicules it's radiating is off the charts." Regina replies.

"Maybe one of the Legendaries caused this storm?" Xyno adds to the conversation.

"Seems likely, but we haven't seen any Legendaries causing this type of storm somewhere. They normally don't interfere with the natural phenomena." Erik says.

After taking some more readings further into the forest they decide to go back to camp for now.

You guys have 24 hours more to guess who the first partner of mc be. Any more guesses?

Hint: It's a fakemon and the origin is that it's a creature from the mythologies.

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