
please reset the booktitle RyanFic 20231218092329 42

Some dude transmigrates to a... A what??? Here's what you can expect: No boot-licking. Kingdom-building. Smart MC. Double Identity. Romance? YES. Late romance though. All of the good shit. I promise. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= No harem. But MC will have his fun for pleasure before settling for that 'one.' However! I will NOT be writing any sexually explicit scenes. Even if there come legitimate plot reasons to include steamy sex scenes, I see no point in writing them. In my opinion, it's perfectly reasonable to make it clear that my characters had sex, without describing the sex itself. I hope my readers understand. :) =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= I'll try my best to average 1000 words per chapter, four chapters per week. English is not my first language. However, I will put my best to make this enjoyable. Please forgive me for the many, many grammar mistakes and other cringe you may come across. Very Important! Please read the Auxiliary Chapter before starting the novel. =[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]=[]= Disclaimer: One Piece, or any Anime, all of their characters belong to their respective owners, and not to me. Marvel / MCU and all their characters belong to Marvel, which belongs to Disney, again, it is not me. Please support their official release. I own nothing.

RyanFic · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
53 Chs

Chapter 51 - The Boogeyman, Part 3

"I see... Well, I'm here now, Bone Butcher, aren't I?" Victor remarked, extending his hands in a snarky way. "So what are you going to do?"

That did, indeed, elicit the expected reaction from the man. He began to shuffle slowly towards Victor's direction, snapping his neck's nerves as he did so.

Krats, however, did not interfere with Butcher's actions because he wanted to observe Victor in action and gain a better understanding of his capabilities.

The extras present began to disperse throughout the tavern, eventually surrounding Victor in a circle, leaving Butcher and Victor in the middle.

"Ah before you begin whatever it is that you're about to do, I'd like to tell you all lot a story." Butcher's motions came to a quick halt as a result of Victor's statements, but this was just a temporary pause as he raised his hand shortly afterward, and a pointed, long, white item started emerging out of the palm of his hands.

"Recount your stories to the damned of hell..."

The insult was disregarded by Victor, who instead placed his right hand on the table. He reached down and grabbed the wooden spoon that he had been using up until this point in order to consume the food.

The white spear, which appeared to be a long piece of bone and had obviously emerged from the butcher's torso, was held firmly in the butcher's grip.

Butcher swung it violently to the side in an attempt to hit Victor in the skull.


Victor had vanished the instant Butcher began the move, reappearing to his right before burying a punch to his ribs, making him slump forward, and vomit a mouth full of saliva.

Butcher had to take a moment to catch his breath after getting whacked so hard. And during this time, Victor started to tell the story.

"Once upon a time, there lived a merciless mercenary who was dreaded by everyone in the underground world..."



Butcher forced himself to catch his breath, and his eyes were bloodshot. He paid no attention to Victor's statements and motioned to smash the spear at Victor once again.

But Victor left his spot again and came back on the other side before *BOOM*, again, he delivered the second blow to his gut.




Because the sight appeared so unrealistic, the thugs who were around it held their breath the entire time. They did not strike back, as if they had collectively and inexplicably forgotten to do so, and instead chose to stay still while watching the events unfold in front of them.

Even Krats stopped still; he was, after all, astounded that he, a veteran from the New World who was competent in both Observation and Armament Haki, was unable to track Victor whenever he moved or vanished.

Victor strolled around Butcher while continuing his monologue.

"His tales were so exaggerated that some refused to believe the stories, and labeled him as a nobody.

However, to those who genuinely knew him, who had... Purchased... His services, you could say... To them, that fucking nobody... Was known as, the Baba Yaga."

*Cough* "The fuck are you talking abou-"


Another blow slammed him in the midsection. Butcher's eyeballs were on the verge of exploding, and this time, along with the vomit, a chunk of the food he had just eaten also came out.

While Butcher lay on all fours and coughed constantly, Victor resumed his narrative.

"However, there were those unlucky souls who had the misfortune of falling prey to... the Baba Yaga. They all call him the... Boogeyman. Which is funny, because, Baba Yaga and Boogeyman, they both mean the same thing..."



Ignoring the rant, Victor seized Butcher by the hair and lifted him up, and then, with the same indifference, smashed yet another punch, *BOOM!!! * in the same location, his core, before releasing him.

The latter, after collapsing this time, curled into a ball and choked his guts clear with his cough. He was incapable of even standing up by the time he was coated in his own vomit.

"But you see... There were also people who were directly associated with this, Boogeyman... Acquaintances, you could say... For them..." Victor crouched next to Butcher who resembled a terrified monkey by this point, "for them, he wasn't exactly the Boogeyman."

Once more, Victor hoisted Butcher off the ground by grabbing him by the hair and pulled him up to his full height.

Victor and Butcher were roughly the same height, and at this moment, Butcher was suspended one quarter of a foot above the ground by a single hand that was holding him by the hair.

Every subsequent blow that Victor had delivered had transferred small sums of internal destruction Haki to Butcher, which finally resulted in Butcher being crippled from the inside out. At this point, the latter had lost all control of motions to his body.

His other hand, which was holding the wooden spoon, inched closer and closer to the eyes that were filled with despair until it halted a centimeter away.

Throughout all that was going on, Victor never once relaxed his guard and was also keeping an eye on the others who had encircled him.

And much to his amusement, not one of them, not even Krats, moved one inch. So he did nothing except carry on with the show.

"Mr Butcher... Do you want to know why, his acquaintances don't think of him as the Boogeyman?" In a condescending tone, Victor asked the question while twirling the wooden spoon in front of Butcher's eyes only one centimeter away.

Butcher was unable to respond since he had lost his ability to speak. He appeared terrified beyond belief.

"For them..." Victor began, "he was a man of devotion, focus, and sheer fucking will. The man had it all... You see, for them... He was NOT... The Baba Yaga, or! The Boogeyman."


"He was the man who was sent to KILL the fucking Boogeyman!"