
Chapter 17

Meanwhile, Cassidy couldn't help but think of him, she held her cheeks which were hot.

"Is this what people call falling in love?"she asked herself then shook her head.

"Of course not, it's because he's a pervert"she kept conversing with herself.

She hardly fell asleep but she later slept well.


Early the next morning, Janelle had woken up and got ready for her job interview.

She had recieved a call from Cassidy telling her to come early.

Janelle wore a knee length pencil skirt with a white shirt and an high heeled shoe.

It has been a long while since she had worn high heeled so she kept on swaying slightly.

Just as Janelle was heading out, she met Alex, she bit her lips and wanted to speak but he just walked past her without a word.

Janelle walked after him making him pause"What?"she bit her lips again making him frown.

"I'm heading out now, would you please give me a ride?"maybe she could use this chance to get closer to him.

"James take her to whenever she wants to go to"The butler came almost immediately.

"This way Young Miss".

Janelle waved her hand"No need, i'll hail a cab"Alex scoffed but didn't disagree with her either.

She brushed past him and hailed a cab, she turned and waved her hand Alex before boarding the taxi.

Alex: ..

James: ..

He had purposely spoke rudely to her thinking that she might get mad or something but this reaction was way different than he imagined.

His lips curled up as he watched the taxi drive off.

He walked to his car"I'll drive today"he said to the driver.

In fear, the driver came down and handed him a key, Alex collected the key, inserted it and drove off.

Janelle called Cassidy who gave her the address and promised to wait outside for her. Janelle disconnected the call and told the driver her destination.

Reaching there, she alighted and paid the cab driver.

Cassidy rushed towards her in an inanely manner"Cassie, what's wrong?"Janelle asked in an utmost worried voice.

Cassidy bit her lips,then changed the topic"You're really early. Let's go, the interview is almost starting"Janelle hand was pulled inside the medium large skyscraper.

Almost immediately, the latest BMW parked by the parking lot, the man saw a familiar figure but didn't want to believe it.

He squinted his eyes a bit but the little figure had disappeared into the building,he inserted his hands into his pants pockets and walked unhastily into the building.

*Two hours later*

Janelle came out of the manager's office with a flushed cheeks.

"Elle,how was it?"Cassidy asked, she had been waiting outside the lounge for two hours now, she couldn't hear any words in the office and could only hope that Janelle comes out victorious.

"I got the job"Both Janelle and Cassidy squealed jumping like little girls not minding the looks darted towards them.

"We meet again".


Janelle could hear her heartbeat accelerate, she stopped jumping and looked up.

Cassidy noticed that and looked up, she frowned at the man in disdain"You dare show your face in front of her again"Cassidy said standing in front of Janelle like a guard.

Rohan chuckled,then guffawed with an amused look.

"What's so funny?"Obviously Cassidy wasn't happy that he was laughing at her.

"Get out of the way, Janelle come with me"He ordered with an authoritative voice.

Janelle the bully of many had actually turned weak when she was standing in front of her,her heart still hurt when he called her a murderer's daughter.

She loathes him so much that right now she felt like strangling him to death.

However, she just got a job here and had to make a first good impression and getting into a fight isn't exactly first good impression material.

When Janelle had heard him, she stood rooted to the ground not taking a move.

"Janelle,if you don't come to meet this instance... You know what i can do"His eyes flickered a bit and Janelle could have sworn that she saw a sorry gaze in them.

She meekly walked towards him with a glare"Cassie, I'll be back okay"Although, Cassidy wasn't happy with what she had said, she still nodded and turned to the direction of the office.

"Let's go"his voice was soft,his stare on her gave her goosebumps, she nods and followed him to the parking lot missing a pair of eyes that had just seen the whole show.

"Mr Thomas, the boss is in his office"Alex looked at the lady who had talked to him,he stood up and walked to the opposite direction.

"Mr Thomas, that's not the way"The lady yelled but Alex didn't stop and continued taking long strides to the parking lot.

The lady had no choice but to follow him.