
Chapter 16



Phew,saved by the bell.

Cassidy phone rang, she glanced at the caller and blushed again.

She decided to ignore it but the caller was persistent and called again.

"Cassie, pick up,it maybe important"

Cassidy pouted before picking up"Hi"

"Hey"The person from the other end said.

"What do you want?, today is my day off"she immediately asked in a firm voice but her voice still came out soft.

Janelle was surprised when she heard her, Cassidy was known as a tomboy during college days, she was feared by many and had always refused any man that asked her out that people began to doubt if she was straight.

Seeing this side of Cassidy of course shocked Janelle.

"I definitely won't...noooo..you promised"Cassidy was responding while pouting then she grit her teeth turned around and whispered into the speaker incoherent.

Cassidy disconnected the call after a few more words,by this time,her whole was red like a tomato.

"Just work related matter"She shrugged nervously and saw Janelle off.

Janelle didn't ask her any questions, she thought just like herself, Cassidy surely have secrets of her own.

When the right time comes, maybe they could finally be opened to each other.

Janelle hailed a cab and told him the address of Alex's home.

The cab driver reached there around six p.m.

She paid him her fare and alighted, walking inside the house only to meet the maid who had wanted to bully her kneeling and crying her eyes out.

Immediately, the maid spotted her, her eyes lit up.

She hurriedly crawled over to Janelle with a tears-stricken face"Young Miss, please,i apologize. I shouldn't have bullied you for going into the Young master's room but because nobody had been there and i saw you trying to open the door and trying numerous passwords and had no choice but to stop you. Please Young Miss, forgive me"The maid was actually trying to put the blame on her, Just then,Alex walked in and had obviously listened to what the maid had said.

His frown deepened and the maid smiled slyly, she'll be paid double if Alex hits her.

Janelle was surprised and wanted to explain but Alex beats her to it"Is that why you had entered my room,to delete those pictures?"he said more like a statement than a question.

Janelle broke into cold sweats.

Why was he this smart?

She fondled with her fingers not looking at him.

Although she had deleted the pictures, the camera had actually been videoing them after she had tried it so many times.

He had watched the video and heard a particular sentence"Let's see who he'll chose,his wife's sister or a maid?".

With that,he immediately fired the maid.

He himself doesn't know why he had done that but he felt a sudden change when she had believed that he would trust her but what he heard right now....

She was so unbelievable...

"It's not like that..."he immediately turned"Make sure you pack all your bags within the span of two hours"Janelle paled when she heard him.

Was he chasing her out?.

She sniffed and head towards her room to start packing.

The maid smiled at what Alex had said.

She's definitely getting a bonus.

"Head maid is no longer Stella,pack your bags and leave"The smile on stella face vanished.

"But.. but..."she stammered trying to get the right words out.

"Leave now"he walked upstairs and shut his door.

Janelle was as surprised as Stella.

Getting over her shock, Janelle smiled mockingly.

"What did i tell you? but you didn't hear my heeding...Tch...tch..too bad"With those mocking words, Janelle walked to her room and locked it walking around her room while biting on her lips.

Is he angry with her?

She lied on the bed and tried her best to fall asleep since tommorow is her interview day.

She closed her eyes tightly but sleep was far away from her.

An hour later, she fell asleep and kept mumbling in her dream.