
Chapter 18

Janelle turned fierce when they reached the parking lot, she was no longer in the office so why pretend to be nice.

"Don't ever talk to me again"She turned to leave in anger, just as she walked,her heels broke and she was caught by Rohan.

This stupid heels.

"Erm...erm..."she didn't know what to say but she definitely won't say a thank you to this fiend.

She stood up abruptly"You didn't have to help me"she sneered at him.

"Don't flatter yourself,you think that I'll love to be called a murderer for standing while watching you die?..."Every word pierced her heart deep, she felt like she was suffocating.

She scoffed"Whatever"she turned around and walked even when her steps were uneven.

"Let me treat you to lunch,my treat"he softened his voice,the voice irritated Janelle to the point of puking.

"F**k you and your lunch"she said coldly and walked to the streets when a car stopped in her front, she walked further away but the car followed her.

In fury, she yelled"Who the hell are...."The remaining words got stuck in her throat immediately the person whined down.

"A...Alex"her voice wavered making Alex frown.

Was she scared of him? or wasn't happy to see him?.

"Get in"His voice was stern and emanate coldness.

She flinched a bit before entering the backseat and putting on her seatbelt"What were you doing there?"Janelle said trying to strike a conversation.

"Business meeting"he replied briefly.

She jabbed her fingers together not knowing what to say anymore"Who was that man with you?"It was Janelle turn to frown.

Why would he ask her such a question?.

They weren't that close to tell each other that,he also didn't explain who Mackenzie was to him so why should she answer him.

Or was he jealous?.

Alex noticed that his question came out wrong and calmly added"He looked familiar".

Janelle nods at his remark and found his question reasonable, Rohan was a man with high reputation.

He would surely be known to people like Alex"Just an old friend"She answered nonchalantly.

Alex gripped his steering wheel tightly,his eyes were dark but he didn't know why.

She was free with every man and doesn't have a say in her relationship,his face changed as he drove them to his villa.

"If you can't walk properly in heels,then don't wear them at all"She heard him say just as she wanted to alight.

Her heart was filled with warmth from that sentence, she nodded then walked into the villa.

She looked back,then ran towards him.

Alex was about to ask what happened when something warm touched his cheeks, then she fled out of sight.

Alex held his cheeks,then drove off.

Alex, this is your wife's sister, liking her means you're Janet.

Get yourself together.

He cautioned himself.