
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · สยองขวัญ
60 Chs

I need her.

"No! Cynthia!" A woman's scream came from the wall, and she put her hands over her eyes, as if she wanted to look but dared not, but her eyes saw everything through the cracks in her fingers.

As early as 3 minutes ago, the promise heard the rumbling sound, and then the temperature of the whole building began to rise, and the promise was frightened and exposed his head from the wall to see what was going on.

After all, this is where the promise was made with Cynthia and Ethan, and if it's Cynthia, it's okay, and if it's Ethan, Promise's gonna do everything he can to get Ethan away from Blowout 002.

She was indeed timid, but for the sake of life and freedom, Promise had to do so, just as she had summoned up courage and risked her life to steal the crystal nucleus of 010's brain, Promise's desire to escape the town of death was extremely strong.

Well, this looks good. It's a real acquaintance, and it's Cynthia.

Promise is hesitant to save Cynthia, after all, in her heart, Cynthia did not rise to the level of "vital", but the change in momentum makes promise extremely happy, burst the evil demon, and finally match the more powerful player?

That's great! That's it! Get him! Shoot him!

Promise in the heart cheering, the actual action is hands excitedly cover the mouth and nose, for fear of sending out a little sound, such a picture is very strange, promise half the body is still in the wall, half the body outside the wall, covering the mouth and nose war.

When the promise saw Cynthia a perfectly perfect flying knee to turn over the fierce No. 002 dry, Promise almost jumped up and cheered loudly.

However, the instantaneous change on the battlefield is the promise can not be foreseen, the next moment, the promise saw the Cynthia who took advantage of the victory pursuit, but also saw the change shape, wrapped around the flame aperture, the body completely turned into the lava form of 002!

"No! Cynthia!" Promise screamed no longer and watched Cynthia plunge into the lava.

Is she... Is she dead? That hot lava will burn everything to ashes, right?

Three seconds later, Promise suddenly saw a woman covered with fire snakes sitting up, kneeling on the lava man's body, her hands hard to squeeze the flowing lava head, the mouth made a frightening neighing sound.

'Ah! Promise let out a panicked cry, and the figure hurried into the wall. For the woman, evidently attracted by the sound of promise, turned, and two flaming eyes plunged straight into Promise's fragile heart.

Hiss... Seeing the face on the surface of the wall disappear, Cynthia turned her head again to look at the lava man below her, at this time Cynthia seemed to be in a completely transformed form, the mouth unconsciously hissing, spraying hot flames, a pair of hands to grasp the head of the burst fighter, and constantly force, as if to completely crush the "lava ball" in front of her.

The flame aperture of the burst fighter's body was wildly swept over Cynthia's body, the body flowing with dazzling magma was boiling, hot and burning, but his last struggle was so powerless, under the raging flame and the boiling magma, Cynthia's hands had been soaked with magma and flame, but did not suffer any damage.

The head, it seemed, was being crushed and crushed in an irreversible manner.

"Ahhh! Ahhh!

"Hoarse... Heh heh..." The screams of the burst fighter and Cynthia's eerie, spooky laughter are intertwined, and in this fiery corridor, a scary picture called Purgatory unfolds slowly.

All the people in the control room were speechless by the shock of the scene, so was Dougs, but the question of his life forced him to muster up his courage and report: "Damn it, number two, what? Mr. Dale, number two looks like it's dying! He is you..."

"It doesn't matter.

I want that girl! Number 33!" Lord Dale's voice did not fluctuate, 002 is also his choice, but the appearance of No. 33 has been the Lord Dale's eyes completely attracted away.

The death of 002 is a shame, but Baytown is rich enough to withstand such a loss.

"But Nucleus, with their power, we can't be sure that Nucleus number two still exists, my God, number 33 doesn't have invisible headphones, she can't hear me!" Dawgs looked very embarrassed. He had hosted the game of death many times, but on this day, there were too many things beyond his control.

At this moment, Doug's mental activity is: You are the strongest class of contestants I have ever led!

Indeed, there are too many strong players in this life and death competition, too many people to pay attention to.


The molten head finally crumpled, and the hot lava spread all over Cynthia, but she did not respond, did not seem to feel any hot.

"Number 033, two points!"

"Number 033, two points!"

Finally, the burst fighter's halo of flame dissipated, and the headless body returned to flesh. Once incapacitated, the Burst fighter's body quickly scorched under Cynthia's serpential-covered body contact.

Slowly, Cynthia parted her hands. A dark, scorched mass of broken bones and flesh flowed on the floor. She saw no trace of the crystal nucleus.

No way. There's no way a power this powerful doesn't have a nucleus in its brain.

Cynthia frowned, the light in her eyes faded, and her consciousness seemed to return. Cynthia's face changed as she felt the flames burning in the hallway. She did not know what she was thinking.

When the soldiers rushed into the building with fire extinguishers and tried to pick up the body, the burst fighter was almost burned to ashes, not because the flames in the corridor were too fierce, but Cynthia sat on the body and thought for a long time, although she did not intend to burn 002, but her body was too overbearing.

"Lord, I want you to take a look at the offer for number 33. The Washingtonians made us an offer we couldn't refuse." In the control room of Bay City, Dougs looked at the girl in the flames from the camera in the corner of the only remaining corridor, Dougs forced down the fear in his heart, and reported to the Lord of the city with the communication facility.

"No, we lack nothing, we lack powers to protect our lives. With the right operation, she can be the guardian of Bay City." City Lord Dale did not pay any attention to the so-called chip offer, he directly gave Dougs a death order, "First test, now she does not need to participate in the game, take her out!"

'Yes! Douges greedily looked at the chips reported by the various forces on the electronic screen, and finally could only sigh helplessly and signal the soldiers to start Shouting.

"My God! My God!" Promise constantly whispered, his right hand quickly swung up and down, the action was very strange, "hot, hot to death, pain, good pain ah."

If you look carefully, you can find that there are burns on the finger belly of the index finger and thumb of the right hand of promise, such injuries are very interesting, Promise is intact, only the right thumb and index finger of the finger belly of the scar, what did she just go to?

"Fugitive." A languid voice suddenly appeared on the left, and Promise turned to see Cynthia's expressionless face.

"Ah." Promise panic to get up, even if you know this is with their team, but the scene has just left a strong psychological shadow in the heart of the promise.

Cynthia was about to say something when she was suddenly stunned by the promise.

Because, the promise of invisible earphones came from the soldier's voice:

"All eyes, this fight is over!"

"All eyes, UU read www.uukanshu.com Fight over!"

"Stand where you are and do not allow any movement, otherwise it will be considered a violation."

"Stand where you are and do not allow any movement, otherwise it will be considered a violation."

"Don't move! Don't come, don't move!" Promise hurried to call, do not know because of fear of their own safety, or worry about Cynthia's safety.

"Huh?" Cynthia looked thoughtfully at the promise.

"Bay City announced to stop all operations, or you will be detonated in the brain bomb, you don't, you... Come here! Blow you up!" Promise said in a panic, suddenly realized that he should not express his concern for Cynthia in front of the camera, so promise hurried to add a few words.

For a man who has been weak and fluttery for years, this is a tolerable response. Presumably the infamous promise of such a reaction would have been accepted, but if another person had such a reaction, the people of Baytown would have seen the signs.

Cynthia licked her lips, thinking about how to talk with promise, although she did not have a camera, but promise there are still, this is some trouble, how to behave normally and deliver the information it should to promise?

A minute later, the sound of military vehicles screeching to a halt was heard outside the building. Then the footsteps of a group of men came from far to near.

Two people slightly stunned, this is?

"Number 33! Come with us!" Several soldiers were heavily armed, but instead of carrying Cynthia away as they had done with the other Powers, they stood far away in the doorway, Shouting at Cynthia.

The culprit behind this pause is Cynthia.

Cynthia paused in her breath and said to herself, "Oh, no!

You're about to be bought before the plan is implemented?