
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
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60 Chs

Burst open

"Ha ha, great, great! At last the catcher in the rye has met his match!" Douges was very excited to look at the big screen in front of him, with the camera on the head of the 002 burst fighter, watching the battle of the two explosive players.

"Oh, my poor catcher in the rye, my poor scarecrow, stand up, stand up for me, the audience is waiting for more exciting pictures of your battles." Dougs felt strongly, as if he was in the scene, and his pompous personality coupled with his high status allowed him to do whatever he wanted in the control room, vigorously beating the table, like a crazy football fan.

In the picture, Cynthia fell to her knees, wiped her nose with one hand, and saw a trace of blood on her finger. It seems that the fist was not light.

Cynthia turned her head sharply, and tiny snakes emerged from her arms, wrapped around her arms, and the military uniform that had just come was burned to ashes under the snake's climb.

No. 002 burst boxer frowned, slowly clenched his fists, his arms were also lit up with a flame circle, different from the small fire snake on Cynthia's arm, the black man's strong arm was wrapped with a thick flame circle.

Boom! Boom!

Rabbit up and down, two people in the palm of the fire, two nearly the same color of the flame intertwined, let a person can not tell exactly which piece of flame produced by which power.

The only thing that can be sure is that this floor of the corridor is rendered by the flames of the explosion, and the two people seem to be in a sea of fire.

Cynthia turned slightly to her side, and a large, dark fist almost brushed Cynthia's nose. Although the fist did not hit Cynthia's face, the hot fire burned Cynthia's skin, and the black and beautiful braid was also caught in the heat.

"HMMM! Cynthia snorted in exasperation, her eyes flickered, and she was enveloped in a layer of flame, and her long black hair was lit with layers of flame, not burning her hair, but clinging to it.

One bounce, two touch and split.

"You have good abilities." The afro man stroked his afro in one hand, his head lit up with a raging fire, and the flame circle wrapped around him was more hot, and on the fierce face, a pair of extremely fierce eyes seemed to stab Cynthia's heart, "Many people are not even qualified to fight with me, and when I approached them, they had been burned by me. At least you can stand in front of me. You're immune to fire, aren't you, like me?"

The black man wrapped in the circle of fire pulled his chest in, his knees slightly bent, his left hand in front, his right hand in back, his jaw protected, and he slowly pushed forward in a very standard boxing position, swaying his slightly bent body gently, his eyes fierce, staring at Cynthia.

Cynthia's eyes set, when she saw such a standard fighting posture, Cynthia did not back forward, head down with chest, fists set up, the body is extremely flexible, constantly adjusting the center of gravity in high speed, quickly forced to 002 burst fighter.

"Huh?" The black man froze for a moment. The woman's posture? A little professional, huh?

Why did Douges, the game's master, name 002 Burst Fighter? Because his power is very "explosive", but also because this black man used to be a professional boxer.

An expert can tell when he's done it.

When the burst fighter saw Cynthia's approach, he realized that the woman was not a young man who was rambling with powerful powers, and it seemed that the woman still had some fighting skills.

'Very good! The burst fighter's eyes gleamed with excitement. When he got this power, it was hard to find an equal opponent. Finally, he found a competitor on the right path!

002 has great contempt for retarded powers who only know how to bombard and rampage with their powers,

In his eyes, those bastards are like children with AK47s in their hands, they do have the ability to shoot, and can wantonly kill others with the guns in their hands, but they are extremely vulnerable, after all, they are essentially "children".

But people with powers and strong fighting skills, that's different, and that's enough to get into the eye of 002.

After a few hands, let's try!

Cynthia, whose hot, seductive figure is incredibly flexible and already rocking from side to side, suddenly tilts to the left, which is no doubt a little bigger than the previous swing, and in less than a second pulls her body back, shifts her weight and tilts to the right.

For a short second, the burst fighter's eyes stared at Cynthia's figure, and his brain turned quickly: take the side attack route? No, no, no. What is she doing? Where? What's her focus?

The burst fighter's eyes move around with Cynthia's figure, his eyes move back and forth, in Cynthia's strong offensive momentum, the burst fighter is very rare not to attack.

Which way? Where... Huh?

At the point where they were less than three steps apart, Cynthia finally stepped to the left.

And sure enough! Burst fighter eyes light up, draw a straight line as an arc.

How come, the burst fighter's habitual thinking got him into trouble, although the other side is very fraudulent, but the girl is not a boxer.

Cynthia suddenly bent over, her right hand on the ground, a back turn, a long leg slanted from the bottom to the top, drawing a strange arc in midair, hanging directly to the left side of the boxer's jaw.

So should not appear in the ring of the action of the burst boxer slightly surprised, this is to blame his habit, under the surprise, the boxer's left arm subconscious to protect the face, the next moment, even the burst boxer such as the tower man, also could not help but a grin, he felt his arm bones are about to be kicked by the other side to break!

In an instant, Cynthia's left foot was already on the ground, her right hand had already been pulled back with a turning motion, and without half a moment's hesitation, Cynthia made a quick spring, opening the bow left and right, wrapping the arms of the salamander in a fierce wind, and the front thrust of the burning fist was intensified, each punch was directed at the other's head.

Bounce riding face how to lose! ?

Explosive fighter experience is not not rich, arms stand dead, Cynthia's offensive again fast, also was resisted down.

Cynthia took advantage of him shielding his face, suddenly switched to a hook, punching him in the ribs.

One hook! Another hook! Another hook! The heavy guns, painted in beautiful curves, were each more vicious than the last, which made people amazed.

The burst fighter pulls back fast, blocks left and right, a little strapped. In the eyes behind those iron arms, there was a raging fire.

Cynthia watched the other side in their own momentum of defeat, looking at the arms down to protect the side of the black head exposed, Cynthia did not say a word, the right foot of the small jump, the sole of the foot on the cement ground, with the cement ground was trampled out of the crack, the fire wave is raging, Cynthia left leg jerked up the knee, the body quickly flew out.

This is a very standard Muay Thai knee move! The damage is amazing!


Move it! It's too fast!

Heavy! It's too heavy!

The Crack fighter is one step behind, one step behind. The brain suffered a heavy blow to the other side's knee, the burst fighter's airtight defense was finally defeated, the limbs were open, the whole person flew backward in a "big" shape, the heavy body flew 5 or 6 meters away, and fell heavily.

A sea of fire rolled out on both sides because of the heavy body's landing, and the picture was very shocking.

Bay City central control room.


Douges clapped his hands on the operating table and stared dumbfounded at the scene on the screen. Obviously, such a picture is beyond his recognition, this is not supposed to be a battle between powers! Such body and fighting skills belong in the octagon cage.

Is this a cross between a UFC fighter and a boxer?

Are you strong? Strong! They're weird and complicated enough to make an ordinary person enshrine a god, but when a power has enough powers, www.uukanshu.com, and some amazing skills, the combination is no problem chemistry!

At that moment, Dawgs' communicator came over Dale's command: "I want the girl."

Dawgs did not immediately reply to his Lord, but muttered to himself, "Isn't she an ordinary girl from the village?" I can admit that she beat number Two with her powers, overwhelmed number two with her sheer energy, but I can't believe she beat number two with her skill! It's impossible, damn it, my information was wrong!"

In the picture, the girl did not stop, here is not the octagonal cage, not to lose combat effectiveness as the outcome of the judgment criteria, but to judge the outcome of life and death!

Cynthia was striding, each step landing in the churning sea of fire, long legs showing the advantage, three steps two steps had come to the burst fighter's "body."

Cynthia raised her right elbow and leaned down, as if she were going to dive into the arms of the man lying on the ground, but the right elbow of the flaming salamar fell in the direction of the explosive boxer's deadly jaw!

"Ahhh! Ahhh!

The burst boxer who should have fainted in the past, but because of the body after being transformed and showed a physical quality beyond the limit of human beings, he did not coma, in the unexamined, burst boxer crazy roar, and then, the whole person instantly changed.

The flame aperture on the body is more fierce and hot, and the dark skin has completely turned into a hot semi-lava form.

The body, dark as charcoal, had cracked patches and was dripping with a dazzling bright red liquid. Was that magma?

The next moment, Cynthia's right elbow arrives as expected, and in the image, it's as if the defiant girl is plunging into the hot lava...