
Phagocytic evolution

In the end times, when people complain about not being awakened. Ethan has created a devouring power for himself. It was at that moment that every Power became an option on Ethan's shopping list. Zombies, vicious dogs, powerful beasts of different dimensions. Weird towns, broken towns, mysterious worlds of different latitudes. In the footsteps of legend, starting with Death Town.

Wen_Liu_0168 · Horror
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


Since hearing the orders from Baytown Base, Ethan has stopped where he is, squatting in a small tin house southwest of Death Town, near the edge.

About 100 meters away is the so-called forbidden area, which is the place where all participants are not allowed to set foot, and belongs to the boundary line of the competition venue. And in this tin house, Ethan with good eyesight can even faintly see the soldiers patrolling in the jungle.

Ethan secretly observed the distant jungle, slightly wondering in his heart, why so long this time?

After all, after each stoppage, military vehicles would roll into town, pick up the competitors within minutes, and the race would resume.

But it's been almost 20 minutes since the game stopped? What's going on here?

Thinking, Ethan heard the sound of a helicopter propeller.

The plane circled the town, dropped three boxes and flew away from the town of Death.

Drop boxes during the day? What is this routine? Haven't the Baytown Rejections fought hard enough?

And what surprised Ethan most was that the three boxes were placed in different positions, one of which was right on top of his head.

Airdrop in the face?

Ethan doesn't think the drop was random, that it was on purpose, right? Deliberately luring the warband to yourself?

Ethan looked at the slowly dropping supply box in the sky, and a timely command came from the invisible headset: "The game continues!"

No sooner had the command in his headphones dropped than Ethan heard the earth-shattering roar of a building in the distance behind him.

Looks like those two Powers are back at it, and that's a 300-round tie, huh? The bright purple and blue energy mingled again, rumbling and shaking the earth.

Regardless of the two Powers 100 meters behind him, Ethan turns his attention to the drop box. Is this a face drop or not?

Truth be told, Ethan is hungry, and although his body healing powers have made him energetic and strong, it is not a good feeling to be hungry in the stomach, and although Ethan's lips are not dry, Ethan is really thirsty.

The beer, fried chicken and juice steak in the airdrop box are really strong temptations.

Fortunately, Ethan was determined enough to resist temptation.

Unfortunately, the drop box is slowly falling over the slope of the tin house, and Ethan is in the middle of the dangerous vortex.

Without another word, Ethan jumped out of the small tin house and wiped eastward along the edge of the town's forbidden area. Before he had gone a few steps, he saw a sneaky figure.

A young white girl's steps stopped abruptly, fighting panic and catching Ethan's burning eyes in the distance.

This girl's not before number 30, is she? Any contestant who has experienced the last death game should know what kind of results will be picked up the airdrop, the last wave of 003 strong brush screen, a short number of seconds directly super God but Ethan left a deep impression.

If this girl is not a novice, then it is the heart of the bottom, the skill is strong!

The girl's heart beat violently, of course she knows who Ethan is, in the pre-war "oath meeting", the game master Dougs named Ethan, and said that Ethan is worth 2 points.

Girls this IQ is still some, 2 points of power is definitely the danger of danger!

If it hadn't been for the drop box, the girl would have thought Ethan had finished picking things up.

Ethan certainly wasn't going to tell the girl to get out of this mess. But Ethan had a big plan in mind, so he didn't want anything to happen, so Ethan bowed his head slightly, veered off, and walked away quickly.

The girl was stunned, in such a life-and-death battle, no one will pity the opponent, at this time the girl's state is very bad,

It wasn't just that she was so hungry that she couldn't walk, and it was impossible for Ethan to miss that Dawgs made it clear that Ethan was an experienced, tough soldier.

The girl nervously wrung her fingers, looking at Ethan who let go of her own life, and looked at the drop box falling slowly in the sky, the girl gritted her teeth and ran away quickly.

She was really hungry, and if there was no more food, she wouldn't need the Powers to kill her, because she felt like she was going to pass out from exhaustion.

"Ah... Oh... Gasping for breath, the girl clasped her hands to her chest and looked up at the airdrop supply box, her tired face showing a hint of anticipation and longing.

Closer. Closer. It was said to contain food and perhaps even an "exemption card" to leave Death Town.

Closer, closer...

Nahhh. The next moment, the girl only felt a touch of cold from his throat across, the blood flowing outward, the color of the eyes full of hope is still looking at the slowly falling drop box, but why feel out of breath?

God, why is it dark all of a sudden?

"Number 003, one point."

"Number 003, one point."

Ethan's swift figure stopped abruptly as he heard the familiar Power number, Ethan pressed against the wall, poked his head out, and looked far into the distance.

I saw the girl who had just brushed past me, the girl with an anxious and eager face, at this time had been lying in a pool of blood, and the color of hope on her face had become the color of shock, until the moment of death, she did not know what had happened.

Ethan's heart sank as he saw the outline of a human figure, like a wall of air, next to the girl's body, which he could still see if he looked at it carefully.

As if sensing Ethan's gaze, the near-transparent silhouette of the human figure suddenly appeared.

This is a strong yellow male, the limbs are extremely slender, as if into the breeze, the body of a small range of shaking, very rhythmic sense. He was about 5 '7 "tall, with his head tied back in braids, and his piercing eyes were fixed on Ethan.

This is the 003 from the last big swipe?

It doesn't make sense!

According to the reason, a player with such powers will not be exposed in broad daylight, this is an assassin, and through his number, this is a battle-hardened assassin, he can not make such a low-level mistake, standing in front of the airdrop supply box, swagman exposed body? What does he want?

Stunned, Ethan suddenly saw the Asian male with a small pigtail reached out his right hand, clenched into a fist, thumb out, slowly sliding across the throat, and did a "cut throat" action against Ethan! There was ridicule and defiance in those bright little eyes.

Ethan carefully looked at the pigtail 003, a cold hum in his heart, turned away.

003 saw Ethan "run away" appearance, his face showed a proud smile, seems to be very satisfied with Ethan's soft behavior, only 003 body a flash, disappeared in the air.