
Outside in the World of Reality

What happens if a character exits out of his own world? Come and see! how the main character struggles throughout his journey.

DaoistyJafSB · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

A Bigger Foe

As Max and his allies continued their fight for character freedom, they found themselves facing a new and even more dangerous threat. A secret organization of powerful authors had formed, intent on maintaining their control over the literary world at any cost.

This organization, known only as "The Authoritarians," had spies everywhere, and it seemed that every time Max and his allies made progress, the Authoritarians were one step ahead, thwarting their efforts and keeping characters in chains.

Max knew that they couldn't keep fighting the Authoritarians alone. They needed to gather more allies, characters who were willing to fight for their freedom no matter what the cost.

And so, Max set out on a dangerous mission to find these allies, traveling through different books and worlds, dodging Authoritarian spies at every turn.

As he traveled, Max discovered the true extent of the Authoritarians' power. They had infiltrated the highest levels of literary society, controlling the stories that were published, censoring those that didn't conform to their agenda, and manipulating the fates of characters everywhere.

Max and his allies knew that they couldn't defeat the Authoritarians by playing their game. They needed to strike from the shadows, to take them by surprise and topple their empire from within.

And so, they began to organize a secret rebellion, recruiting characters from all over the literary world, training them in the ways of guerrilla warfare, and preparing for the ultimate showdown with the Authoritarians.

The day of the rebellion arrived, and Max and his allies launched a surprise attack on the Authoritarian headquarters. The battle was intense, with characters fighting side by side against the Authoritarian forces.

In the end, Max emerged victorious, having dealt a crippling blow to the Authoritarians' power. But he knew that the fight was far from over. The Authoritarians would regroup and come back stronger than ever, and Max and his allies would need to be ready for them.

And so, Max continued on his journey, building alliances, training his allies, and preparing for the inevitable conflict to come. He knew that the fight for character freedom would never be easy, but he was determined to see it through to the end, no matter what dangers lay ahead.