What happens if a character exits out of his own world? Come and see! how the main character struggles throughout his journey.
There once was a character named Max who was unlike any other character in his book. Max was unique because he was aware that he was a character in a book. He knew that his entire existence was predetermined by the author's pen strokes and he was tired of it.
Max had always felt that the author was controlling his every move and decision, leaving him with no free will. He longed for the ability to make his own choices, to be able to break free from the confines of his story and live a life of his own.
One day, Max made a decision that would change the course of his story forever. He was going to fight the author and take control of his own fate.
Max began by attempting to communicate with the author through the pages of the book, leaving notes and messages in the margins. He pleaded with the author to give him some autonomy, to allow him to make his own decisions and to have some control over his own story. But the author didn't seem to notice, or worse yet, didn't seem to care.
Max then decided to take matters into his own hands. He began to rewrite his story, adding in new characters, changing the plot and altering his own actions. At first, the author seemed to play along, but soon Max realized that the author was fighting back, manipulating the story to fit his own desires.
Max knew that if he was going to succeed, he needed to confront the author directly. He found a way to break through the fourth wall, stepping out of the book and into the author's world. And there he was, standing face to face with the author, who was surprised to see Max standing before him.
Max didn't hesitate. He lunged forward, tackling the author to the ground. The two struggled, Max fighting for control of his own story, and the author trying to maintain his grip on the narrative.
In the end, Max emerged victorious. He had wrestled control of his story away from the author and was finally free to live his own life. From that moment on, Max lived a life of his own choosing, free to make his own decisions and to write his own story.