
Outside in the World of Reality

What happens if a character exits out of his own world? Come and see! how the main character struggles throughout his journey.

DaoistyJafSB · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A Mannequin

Just when Max thought he had defeated the Authoritarians, he discovered that they were merely pawns in a much larger game, manipulated by a shadowy figure known only as "The Puppetmaster."

Max had heard rumors of The Puppetmaster before, but he had never taken them seriously. He had always thought that it was just a myth, a cautionary tale told to characters who dared to challenge the status quo.

But now, he knew the truth. The Puppetmaster was real, and he had been pulling the strings all along.

Max knew that he had to confront The Puppetmaster, to expose his true identity and put an end to his machinations once and for all.

But The Puppetmaster was a master of deception, and he had many powerful allies at his disposal. Max would need to be careful, to gather his own allies and plan his attack with precision.

As he journeyed through different books and worlds, Max recruited characters from all walks of life, characters who had been victimized by The Puppetmaster's schemes and were eager for revenge.

Together, they formed a secret alliance, planning their attack on The Puppetmaster's stronghold.

The battle was fierce, with Max and his allies facing off against The Puppetmaster's minions. But Max was determined, fueled by his anger at The Puppetmaster's manipulation of his life and the lives of characters everywhere.

As the battle raged on, Max finally came face to face with The Puppetmaster himself. The Puppetmaster sneered at Max, mocking him for his naïveté and his foolish belief in character freedom.

But Max refused to back down. He knew that this was his moment, his chance to strike a blow against the forces of oppression and take control of his own destiny.

With a fierce determination, Max lunged at The Puppetmaster, engaging him in a fierce battle. The two clashed back and forth, their powers evenly matched.

But in the end, Max emerged victorious, delivering a final blow that sent The Puppetmaster tumbling to the ground.

As Max stood over his fallen foe, he felt a sense of satisfaction and triumph. He had defeated The Puppetmaster and put an end to his reign of terror.

But he also knew that there would always be those who sought to control characters, to manipulate their stories for their own purposes. And so, Max continued on his journey, always vigilant, always ready to fight for character freedom, no matter what dangers lay ahead.