
Origins of Olympus: reborn

All credit goes to the origins crew and its creators.

Mr_wolf_strange · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
26 Chs

The chamber of twilights.

2 years later. Location Tartarus The Chamber of Twilights.

I was currently in this new prison that my father specifically made for me, father most have really wanted me locked up. The security here is two times more stronger than the prison that Mors was at, not to mention the enchanted chains that are wrapped around me and a face guard so I couldn't cast any spells. The room that I am in is a pentagon shaped room, it had one pillar in each corner. Each pillar had a chain wrap around them these chains were holding me still in the middle of the room on a chair that had straps on each limb of my body.

I mentally sighed, I will have to leave this place soon if I don't I'll miss the cannon. The Cannon starts in a month and I need define shadow as well which backed up my schedule even more so but luckily I've already have a way of getting out which was somewhat lucky find. Before coming here into this prison they held me in a holding cell that had a lot of enchantments in it, it was also Bright just as this room so I couldn't just shadow step my way out. I was in my cell I thought about just knocking the guard out with a spell of mine but it was still risky and hades was just in another room right beside me so I couldn't just cast it so I went with another method a one that was long-term and would benefit me if I was ever in a situation that I am right now in.

So I used a spell from my book, they can't take the book from inside my body so I used this to my Advantage and casted one of my newest spells at the time |shadow magic bank| it's a spell that takes shape of a tattoo on my body and absorbs magic from my surroundings but there is a catch to the spell one would have to suffer immense pain from it you can uncase it whenever you feel like it, it also feeds itself so I can keep it on as long as I want, luckily I cast the spell before I was wrapped up in these stupid chains if not I wouldn't be able to get out of here.

The tattoo took form of a wolf the reason this being was because in my last life I'd like the creatures they were one of my favorite animals so why not. There was another feature that this spell did apparently the reason for the pain was is because it separates half if it's reserves and puts the other half in inside of my body which slowly gets stronger overtime it was also the reason why I felt like my bones were slowly

Cracking and reforming.

Other half goes into the tattoo and stocks up so that I can use it for later, at this moment I've been stocking up tons of magic power so that I can overload the chains so I can break new like they were nothing. This will cost me all the magic that I have saved up for over the past two years. The good thing is is my growth rate became higher and I was able to surpass season 3 Xylo and the seductive rose in One year in terms of strength and magic. Reason for that was because of the tattoo itself, not only did it increase my magic it also increased my physical strength because of the pain and bone cracking that I had to endure for two years straight. once I'm out of this prison I am disabling that spell it hurts like a motherfucker.

The only problem there is getting out of this room if I break out of the chains the alarms will go off and I will alert the guards but this is a good thing because they will have to open the doors so that they can attain me but I doubt they would do anything really that much because there not strong enough to catch me specially now let's not even talk about book boy form, that form surpasses even that of the final form of the seductive rose and i don't even have my magic nature yet.

As I was thinking I heard the gates chains start to go down, I look at the entrance of the chamber and see the gate falling. The gate acted as a bridge like one of those medieval castles what is revealed behind the gate was Delphyne. She is the caretaker or warden of the prison for some reason. I don't know why Hades decided to make her the warden, nor do I care for the reason why he did it but it makes my job a little bit more easier to escape even though she's a good fighter and well experience she's definitely not on the level of Hades or Thanatos. As the bridge hit the platform she started to walk across it until she arrives on the Pentagon platform.

Xylo: what do you want Delphyne.

I said as my echoed throughout the room sounding a little bit like bane because of the mask that was covering my lips. She stared at me for a couple of minutes before moving her lips.

Delphyne: you have not been cooperative towards us you know if you don't cooperate with us after today we will start find a way to break you into separate pieces like the other books of the dead before you.

Said Delphyne with a expressionless face.

Xylo: Delphyne I have told you and my father many times that I will not operate with you because I do not like being controlled. Trapping me in here is not going to help you even separating me to pieces I doubt that will even work.

I said, she just sighed.

Delphyne: and what makes you think that.

She said, I just change the topic.

Xylo: I think of myself very cooperative it's just you have it in your own way that I am not I talk to you I don't even do anything in this prison I not even trying to escape from here, it actually feels like home kinda.

Said with a smile underneath my mask. Delphyne squinted her eyes trying to figure me out.

Delphyne: One stop trying to change the subject, two yes you have been good boy in here but we still don't trust you.

She said with a hint of amusement, I just rolled my eyes at this comment.

Xylo: what because I'm some book of the dead.

I said while staring daggers at her.

Delphyne: that's part of the reason the other reason is because you are another person who is from another world which is very unique in a way there's been reincarnated as such as yourself but none of them have ever been good.

She said, I just looked at her while thinking.

Xylo: maybe I'll be the first.

She just rolled her eyes at this.

Delphyne: maybe but right now we don't trust you and we can't take the risk unless you cooperate.

She said with a sigh. Went back to thinking, maybe I can use this to Negotiate with Hades I think I can work with this.

Xylo: I want to Cooperate with Hades but it will be in my own way kinda like a deal.

She raised both of her eyebrows and looked at me strangely and curiously.

Delpyne: a deal?

Xylo: yes a deal, not with just Hades but also with you.

I said while grinning underneath my mask. She widen her eyes while putting her palm on her chin.

Delphyne: What deal do you offer.

Xylo: you know the prophecies better than anyone in the world you've been with Oracle for most of your life when you were in the overworld, so you know that I am very important piece to the future events you also know that I'll be the one that will take down the Titans and send them to Tartarus you and Hades have been planning this for a long long time haven't you.

I said bluntly, she widen her eyes and stared at me strangely.

Delphyne: How do you know this?

She mumbled in shock.

Xylo: like you said I'm full of mysteries and I am a reborn soul, I'm not supposed to be here and you know it if I'm here then the Titans from Rome free and destroy everything.

She looked down and thought knowing that I was right but she then had a idea.

Delphyne: it seems like you know bits of the future, am I right?

Xylo: the more in important things that's all.

Delphyne: so you want me to tell Hades to let you out so you can defeat the Titans and bring them back into Tartarus so it they can destroy everything.

Delphyne said with a sigh.

Xylo: yes and no, I'm not gonna let the Titans destroy Tartarus I'm gonna help you guys push them back because I know father can't do it on his own so here's the deal father let's me out I go to camp oasis reform the sword of Hades defeat the titans give the sword to my brother which you probably already know he's going to stab me with it and destroy all my stuff. I'll come back to the underworld and help father with the titans. Here is where you come in to play you would tell me some other prophecies of mine I'll let you out of the underworld knowing father he's gonna put me through a lot of trials inside of a arena try to make me fight to the death with somebody so I can earn my escape that's only after we defeat the Titans.

She widen her eyes with her mouth wide open.

Delphyne: you want to keep fates in check.

Xylo: for now, also I want another thing I want you to tell your daughter about her father.

Delphyne: Why?

She question with a hint of anger.

Xylo: because she is a very important piece in the future you may not like your daughter but she will be a good friend of mine I need her and I don't want her being depressed over some daddy issues.

She sighed.

Delphyne: if Hades does agree I will agree on my part and you better agree on your part as well.

She said with a hopeful look.

Xylo: I don't backstab people on deals specially a deal like this that can earn my freedom as well as yours we have everything to benefit from each other.

I said with a joyful smile underneath my mask.

Delphyne: OK that seems to be it I will report everything to Hades but our deal. I will report back to you if he does agree.

She said as she leaves.

Xylo: oh, he will.

I chuckled like a evil villain.


You already know what to do.

Y'all have 2 options.

1 Xylo escapes from prison.

2 Hades agrees to the deal.

I personally want to do the deal route because it's more simple and easy to do while the prison idea is still good as well.

I will be taking a little brake and comeback in a couple of days and right more.

Leave what you wanna do in the comments down below.