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Okay, it sound stupid (because it kinda is) but if Superman have heat vision, Cyclops is more like a punch vision. Is very strong and break stuff but it does not melt. It can pierce but just because is very powerful.
You should put this in the synopsis, this "review" explain the story much better than the current synopsis. By the way, can you just confirm to me if at some point the author admit that this story is a AU or if he will try to patch those holes in the plot?
I'm not saying that the original plot make a lot of sense, but to this fic make sense with the story we know from Naruto, all of what is happening should be be at the ending of the third ninja war (10-12 years ago), Madara is alive (barely), Zabuza just left the mist, but then Minato still alive and Itachi and Orochimaru would still be in Konoha so I don't know....
Hey hey hey, No, nope, mister authur sir, at least fix the part that Minato is dead, the time line is all wonky now, Minato died in the birthday of Naruto, who is the same age as Sasuke, both Madara and Sasuke are reincarnation of the same person, Indra, unless this is a AU Madara HAVE to be dead before Sasuke is born or the whole plot doesn't make sense.
Oh, so the author didn't forgot about Haku, he said the minato died 10 years ago, so they are 2 tears away from the plot, Zabuza should've rescue Haku from the streets years ago. Haku died at 15 and was way less than 10 when Zabuza pick him up.
Wait wait wait, if Minato died ten year ago that means that Naruto is 10, so this is happening 2 years away from the start of the story, at this point shouldn't Haku have being with Zabuza for years now? He was 15 (I guess) when he died and spend almost a decade with Zabuza,
That's a curious way of saying trained, Matt's enhanced body consist in working out a lot. And I still don't belief that Matt is ok in doing money laundering to this ramdom guy!
WHAT!? My guy, please explain to me how you intended to ask this without being suspicious? You are going to a lawyer, knowing he is a superhero may I add, to ask how can you legitimize a huge amount of money that you can't say how you got! You are basically came here to ask for tips in money laundering my dude!
Hey Matt, I kill some people and was wondering, can you help me do some money laundering?
Does he know that Matt is/become Dare Devil? If yes, does he really plan to go to a superhero and ask how can he legitimize his ilegal money? Not a good plan.