
One Piece : The Strongest Vice Admiral

Adams Dylan is a peaceful person who has a sense of justice inside his heart. So, when he found out he was transported into the world of One Piece, he didn't find the appeal of the so-called adventure and freedom just like any normal transmigrator. Instead, he found out how disgusting this world is, and how could he live in the middle of it. That's why he decided to join the Marines. Not only it allowed him to fulfill his sense of justice, but it also led him to reveal the deepest secret in this world. What is that? WARNING! A lot of characters death here! If you are a fanatic of the original story and didn't want to see a lot of the main character's death here, especially the straw hat, please, leave peacefully. Thank you! :)

Space_Debris · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Chapter 12 - Tom the Shipbuilder

Dylan stood on tiptoe, looking at Spandam with purple curly hair, "I get upset whenever I see your ugly face."


Spandam screamed, "Who authorized you to board my ship? You Marines are nothing more than lackeys of the World government!" Spandam pointed at Dylan, "You bastard, Rear Admiral, what do you want?"

"Can you guess?"

Dylan tapped on the ship's side lightly, countless thunderlights entwined around, and the fine lightning filled the air, wrapping the judicial ship in the middle.

"Rear Admiral Dylan, are you planning to attack CP and Enies Lobby's ship?"

"Ho? I have been recognized?" Dylan looked at the talking CP5 member.

The huge intelligence network organized by CP is always monitoring His every move. When Dylan defeated "Blood hook" Rhodes and was promoted to Rear Admiral, CP also reorganized his past.

A very strong man with the strength of a Vice Admiral. This is the judgment of the CP organization on him.

"Mr. Spandam is appointed by the World government to be the CP5 chief, and..."

Dylan walked towards Spandam as if he didn't hear that.

"Continue to record... What? Is the Den Den Mushi broken?"

The face of the CP5 member that spoke before suddenly sank, the small Den Den Mushi that he hides in his arms and the video bug hidden in the hat that was used in case they need to expose Dylan suddenly have a malfunction.

"Rear Admiral Dylan, please think carefully about the consequences of attacking judicial officers and CP as a Marine."

"Then I'll think about it," Dylan glanced at Spandam's purple nose, "Now, I am done thinking. I will kill you all here."


The faces of CP5 members sank, and the figures standing on both sides of Spandam flashed at the same time.

"Finger Pistol!"

"Tempest Kick!"


Seeing his subordinate rushing up, Spandam turned around without hesitation and ran towards the cabin. Dylan who saw him running away led the two dead fish-like CP5 members and threw them into the cabin.

"You bastard, you bastard!" Spandam picked up the golden Den Den Mushi from the bedside of the room, "Although I don't know what method you used, as long as I press this button..."

"Buster Call? How about you try?" Dylan leaned against the door frame and looked at the sweaty Spandam nonchalantly. Spandam's hand trembled as the golden Den Den Mushi woke up.


"Should I press it? Damn you marine!"

Seeing the confidence that reeks from Dylan, Spandam hesitated for a moment. However, it didn't last for two seconds before it turned into a smirk, "Hey, I know what you are thinking about. You want to bluff, right? Your confidence is a fake, I know it! You are afraid, hahahaha! if that's the case, then you bastard is going to die in the sea, because you dare to attack Lord Spandam here!"

Dylan leaned against the door frame nonchalantly and dug his ears, "If you really want to press that damn button, just do that quick, please. But I have to remind you, we are at sea. If the signal is sent out, you will also become the victim of marine artillery fire, are you really fine with that?"

"Eh!!?? What the hell are you talking about!?"

"Stupid...." Dylan muttered under his breath while flicking his fingers, "Don't worry though. Within my ability, the signal cannot be sent out, don't worry."

Hearing that, Spandam's face paled like a dead man. "You bastard!" He screamed crazily. "You want to trap us here, kill me, and report it as one of those pirates' accidents, right? You bastard!"

"That's right... Isn't it your favorite method?" Dylan licked his lips, he is only two steps shy from Spandam. "I understand Shiryu's hobby now..."

Spandam retreated to the edge of the cabin, while his legs trembled in fear. "What are you doing?"

"Just letting you meet mother earth soon," Dylan said, as he slowly pulled out Shura from his wrist, "You scum."


The crimson sword light erupted from Dylan's body, piercing through the bodies of the justice ship and Spandam like cutting paper.


Shura returned to the sheath, and the entire judicial ship disintegrated like a building block whose base was removed. Dylan who was floating in the air looked at the debris floating on the sea with a chuckle before he flew towards the water capital.


"Flame! Are you randomly adding weapons to the ship again!? You bastard!"

"What kind of ship is it without weapons!? Iceberg, you idiot, you really aren't cool at all!"

"Muahahaha, a man should face the boat he built with a loud voice."

"Shut up, old man! This is my Franky Combat Ship!"

Dylan descended slowly to the Water Capital and looked around. Can sea trains be built out of this garbage dump? Sure enough, the guy named Tom should not be underestimated.

Especially when this guy is in this cat form.. Even though he looks harmless, Dylan knows that in this state Tom could utilize his fishman karate at its best.

Seeing Dylan falling from the sky, Tom's chubby face showed a trace of solemnity, and Franky and Iceberg, who were spraying each other, also fell silent. Although Dylan didn't speak, the aura emanating from him made the master and apprentice feel uneasy instinctively.

"World government..."

Looking at Dylan's cape, Tom subconsciously thought that the World government was about to break the contract.

Dylan threw the dicta Den Den Mushi in his hand, and Tom pressed the switch suspiciously after taking it.


"Yes, it's the 'Lost Ancient Weapon'. It should still be in the hands of the people in the Water Capital, most likely Tom. After all, he built the 'Oro Jackson' for Roger. After this task is completed, you can be promoted to CP0 in advance."


"Hey...hey...Since the crime of building the "Oro Jackson" is going to be set off, then... I can add another crime to him!"


Tom fell silent after listening to the recording, staring at Dylan for a moment before asking, "What are they going to do?"

"Their original plan was to steal that idiot's "Franky Combat" and attack their ship, so that idiot will be sentenced to death, leaving you with few options. Building a sea train can only offset your crime, how do you offset another? 'Pluton blueprints'? Or your life?"

"Is that so..." Tom was a little depressed, "It seems that I, who is famous, will always be unable to escape my fate."

Besides Tom, Franky and Iceberg, who were still arguing, showed serious expressions on their faces. They lived in the water capital and were close to Enies Lobby, and they knew how easy it would be for the World Government to blame them.

"Due to some personal reasons, this guy has been killed by me, but..." Dylan stretched out his finger and shook, "This does not solve the problem, the World government's search for 'Pluton' will not be stopped because CP5 ended in failure."

"Damn it...whether it's 'Pluton'...or it's 'Oro Jackson', we're just a shipbuilder, how can we control whether the person who sails the ship is a god or a devil? Is it because of this that we should be convicted !?"

"Sah... who knows, this is not for a small person like me to decide. I have made a lot of determination just to kill CP5 who is going to frame you. Or you can choose to run away now. If you don't want to be threatened by the World government, it's not bad to go to New World to be a pirate."

Dylan sat down against a huge rudder, and he was telling the truth. With Tom's high recognition, it was almost impossible to hide. The only way to stay safe temporarily is to go to New World and join the Four Emperors group. After all, the World government still does not have the ability to aggressively attack New World.

"Is it a pirate? Damn...Can I do it..."


It was rare for Tom to bow his head very seriously and stop Franky. This man gave him a stronger sense of oppression than Roger gave him back then, not to mention that this man was wearing the cape of General Marine.

"Since you helped me out, it must be that my body can still be used by you? I don't know what you want. Is it also the design of Pluton?"

Tom is outspoken and doesn't have the same attitude towards Spandam as in the original book.

"Pluton?" Dylan shook his head. "Maybe it will be useful in the future, but not now."

Tom's huge palms were clenched together, "Then what do you want?"

"My Marine Base and my future ship is still missing a shipbuilder. Join Marine, and the matter of 'Pluton' will be borne by me and Marine for you, and..." Dylan turned his head to take a glance at the young and mature iceberg.

"Let me tell you another way to not be threatened by the world government so that the water capital has enough autonomy and the right to speak. In this way, you can build your ideal ship with peace of mind, how about it?"

"What method!?" The green-haired Franky immediately showed excitement when he heard Dylan's words. Iceberg and Tom looked at Dylan solemnly.

Joining Marine...for them, it's like sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

"If I refuse, the World government should send people here again soon." Tom looked at the abandoned ships around him, feeling a burst of sadness and despair in his heart.

"Probably, it's 'Pluton' after all, and the next time it will definitely not be something like CP5."

After being silent for a while, Tom suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Muahahaha, it seems that I really can't escape my fate, if that's the case, let's face it. Roger... I have already built a ship for a man like him. But now, to build a ship for a man like you, I believe it will not be bad!"

"Old man!" Franky stared at Tom with wide eyes, "Are you really going to join Marine?"

"Marine!? What's wrong? There are good guys and heroes among pirates, like Roger, but there are more bad guys. There are also bad guys in World Government, like Spandam, but there are more good guys around them."

Tom stood up and grinned, "I chose you because I saw in you the same hope as Roger... no... it's a completely different hope from Roger."

"Prophecy? Be careful with that." Dylan teased.

"No, it's not a prophecy..." Tom shook his head, "It's the voice of the 'heart'."

Dylan looked at the serious Tom, nodded slightly, and then looked at the iceberg, "If you want to have enough right to speak, you should integrate the entire water capital, and then make him the best shipbuilding base on the Grand Line and even in the world. In this way, the World government can only cooperate with you instead of threatening force."

"If you encounter resistance, I can provide you with some military support, of course, in secret." Dylan looked at the iceberg with a slightly disturbed expression, "Moreover, it is better to conquer here by yourself, otherwise, even if it is unified, it will be very fragile."

"Yeah, it's really a good idea." Tom gave a rare kind smile and looked at the iceberg, "Iceberg, the future of the city of water is in your hands."

"Hey! Old man, why not me?"

"Muahaha, as for Fram..." Tom put his palm on his shoulder, "You will not be able to do that, because I know you want to build the coolest and loudest ship in the world!"