
One Piece : The Strongest Vice Admiral

Adams Dylan is a peaceful person who has a sense of justice inside his heart. So, when he found out he was transported into the world of One Piece, he didn't find the appeal of the so-called adventure and freedom just like any normal transmigrator. Instead, he found out how disgusting this world is, and how could he live in the middle of it. That's why he decided to join the Marines. Not only it allowed him to fulfill his sense of justice, but it also led him to reveal the deepest secret in this world. What is that? WARNING! A lot of characters death here! If you are a fanatic of the original story and didn't want to see a lot of the main character's death here, especially the straw hat, please, leave peacefully. Thank you! :)

Space_Debris · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Chapter 11 - The Eve of the Conflict

"Rear Admiral Dylan, the formalities still need to be done." Although Magellan doesn't like Shiryu, he can't let him go without evidence.

"Oh, got it." Dylan pulled out the Den Den Mushi inside his pocket. "Fleet Admiral? I'm Dylan."

Sengoku's voice came from the Den Den Mushi in the form of glasses, "What's wrong? You can't call so soon, right?"

"Am I such a guy?" Dylan teased a bit and then directly said the subject, "I need to transfer Shiryu, the warden of Impel down, to the G5 base, and I have already communicated with him and Director Magellan. "

"Shiryu... Dylan, Shiryu is not an ordinary swordsman, I hope you can suppress him and not let him be controlled by the desire to kill." Sengoku bluntly pointed out the problem and didn't care if Shiryu himself was around.

"Of course, Fleet Admiral. Unless he is stronger than me one day. Otherwise, he will always be the sword of Marine."

"Mark your words, Dylan."

As the Den Den Mushi went off, Dylan looked up at Magellan, nodded silently, and then looked at Shiryu who was much taller than him.

"You have a chance to challenge me once a year. If you win, I will set you free. You can even take my life. If you lose, you must obey all my orders unconditionally for the next year. Is there a problem?"

"It's really direct... Huh..." Shiryu spit out a puff of smoke, "But... I accept! Following a strong man like you, my sword will not be lonely."

Walking outside the gate of Impel down, Dylan glanced at the sky and said to Shiryu, "You go to the G5 base for the time being, and I have to go out for a while."


Dylan glanced back at the bottomless prison Impel down and then disappeared into a thunderbolt. Shiryu grinned at Magellan and boarded the leaving warship.

Looking at the two people leaving, Magellan frowned, but didn't say anything else.



Training grounds.

Bellmere is sparring with a middle-aged Marine, and both sides have their arms covered with armament haki. Dylan sat on the bench outside the court, watching them play.

"You've been in East Blue for so many years, why are you only thinking about training her now? To be honest, after adolescence, no matter how much you train, her achievements may be limited."

Aokiji walked over to Dylan with a recliner under his arm. Dylan looked at Aokiji who was already slumped on the recliner, and couldn't help complaining in his heart. Sure enough, except for Akainu, everyone in Marine fished monsters.

"Not necessarily, after all, the most indispensable thing in this sea is miracles, isn't it?"

"A miracle?" Aokiji muttered for a while and didn't refute Dylan, and pulled down the blindfold to block the sun.

"By the way, there's a case over there in Water Seven... You go and look at it on my behalf, so there won't be any trouble."

"Water Seven!?" Dylan frowned and thought for a moment, "Tom's trial?"

"Ah! Do you know all of this? I'm going out for a while, and I'll leave the affairs of the Water Seven to you."

Aokiji has become lazy and decadent since the Ohara incident. In the early years, he believed in "hot-blooded justice", but after witnessing Akainu attacking Marines and civilians for his mission, he doubted the Marine's "justice". Hell, he even doesn't care about many things anymore, except for the whereabouts of Nico Robin.

"Okay, I also want to meet the guy who built Roger's ship...but Kuzan, if I encounter something that goes against 'justice', how should I deal with it?" Dylan stared at Bellmere who was fighting on the field and asked casually.

Aokiji's originally limp body froze, "Against our 'justice'? This question has troubled me for many years, why don't you show me your answer!"


Dylan stood up and shook the cape around him.

In the training ground, Bellmere saw Dylan get up, and she stopped the sparring. Her figure turned into a phantom as she came to Dylan.

"The 'shaved' is well mastered," Dylan looked at Bellmere, who looked like a bad girl, "The coverage of armament has also improved. You still have two months, and you will report to the G5 base in two months."

"Yes, Sir." Bell saluted very seriously at first, and then said with a smile, "It's really serious, Rear Admiral Dylan, but... When will the salary be paid? I almost have no money to smoke~"


Dylan turned his head and looked at Aokiji on the recliner, "Hey! Kuzan! We are all your subordinates. It should be fine to pay a little salary in advance, right?"

"Ah...you don't have any money? I know it. Although you distributed most of the spoils of killing pirates to the poor in East Blue, the rest is absolutely astronomical, right!?"

Dylan spread his hands. "That's right, but... it's not on me, and I have to send someone back to pick it up after G5 is built. So you bastard, are you going to pay your lovely subordinates?"

Looking at Bellmere who was full of expectation, he didn't react for a while. "It's not like that...it's just..."

"Go to Internal Affairs and get 100,000 Baileys," Dylan said to Bellmere. "Tell them that Admiral Aokiji pays your salary in advance!"

"Yes!" Bellmere's figure appeared in the distance in a flash, three points faster than before.

"Hey, hey!" Aokiji scratched his head. "That's it...ah... Forget it, I don't have too much money here anyway... Do whatever you want."

After saying that, Aokiji lay down again. A smile rose from the corner of Dylan's mouth, "Then I'm going, Kuzan, if I encounter any troubles on the way to pursue 'justice', you can help me share some of it."

"Got it, got it." Aokiji waved his hand towards the air, seeming very impatient.

After Dylan's breath disappeared, Aokiji started talking to himself, "If there is something against your justice, what would you do?"


Water capital.

The famous shipbuilding holy land. Dylan is here for Tom the fishman, an infamous shipbuilder among the higher-up. Besides having the blueprint of Pluton, one of the three ancient weapons, he also built the Oro Jackson, the ship of the pirate king Gol D Roger.

In the sky, Dylan looked down at the "Sea Train" whizzing past the sea and couldn't help but praise it.

"Remarkable invention."

On the sea not far away, a judicial ship was parked on the sea. One with purple hair. The ugly, odd-looking guy was holding a Den Den Mushi in his hand.

Contemporary CP5 captain - Spandam.


"Yes, it is the 'Lost Ancient Weapon'. The blueprint should still be in the hands of the people in the water capital, most likely Tom. After all, he built the Oro Jackson for Roger. After this task is completed, you can advance to CP0."


Spandam was shaking with excitement, holding the Den Den Mushi.

"That's CP0!! Damn it, that old man, his crime will be canceled in three days! Damn it! Damn it! I cannot miss such an opportunity!!"

Dylan was suspended in mid-air 'watching' Spandam's every move.

The unique practice method from Sky Island, Observation Haki's "heart network" allows him to perceive the opponent's every move and even the inner thoughts without hindrance when facing creatures weaker than him.

"His agreement with the 'World Government' cannot be broken, but...he must not be allowed to return to his free status just like that..."

Spandam rolled his eyes, thinking of the two children beside Tom.

"Hey...hey...Since the crime of building the Oro Jackson is going to be set off, then... I can add another crime to him!"

Dylan looked at Spandam in the cabin with a smirk on his face, took out the Den Den Mushi from his arms, and passed the recording to Aokiji. After receiving the recording, the Den Den Mushi fell silent and then shut down without a sound.

"Still running away? Kuzan..."

The Ohara Buster Call was initiated by Spandam's father, Spandain, and it has something to do with Aokiji. So, of course, seeing the child of the one who was responsible for the genocide he committed leaves a sore spot in the Admiral's heart. Dylan put the Den Den Mushi back into his arms, and he slowly rose towards the high clouds.

"Spandam...you can also be regarded as one of the few top sluts in this world."

Dylan's eyes narrowed slightly, then snapped open. Countless thunderlights emerged from around his body, and the already cloudy weather instantly became more oppressive.


Spandam pushed open the hatch and looked at the thunderclouds billowing overhead.

"Is there such a weather in Paradise?"

"Sir, the situation is not right." A CP5 member walked to the door of the cabin, "It is not an ordinary weather change."

"What's the meaning!?"

Spandam looked around for a while, "What is an unusual weather change?"

"Maybe... some kind of creature is manipulating the weather. I think we should leave this sea area as soon as possible."

"Leave!???" Spandam screamed, thinking how is that possible for him to waste this chance. But before he could utter more words, someone beats him first.

"Leave?" A voice appeared on the deck, "Where are you going?"