
One Piece : The Strongest Vice Admiral

Adams Dylan is a peaceful person who has a sense of justice inside his heart. So, when he found out he was transported into the world of One Piece, he didn't find the appeal of the so-called adventure and freedom just like any normal transmigrator. Instead, he found out how disgusting this world is, and how could he live in the middle of it. That's why he decided to join the Marines. Not only it allowed him to fulfill his sense of justice, but it also led him to reveal the deepest secret in this world. What is that? WARNING! A lot of characters death here! If you are a fanatic of the original story and didn't want to see a lot of the main character's death here, especially the straw hat, please, leave peacefully. Thank you! :)

Space_Debris · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
23 Chs

Chapter 06 : Conflict with Big Mom Pirates

"What!?" Daifuku stared quickly at the vivre card that was slowly burning, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"This guy... can someone in Paradise kill him? Or did he provoke those World government lackeys?"

The task-oriented Daifuku couldn't tolerate his own failure, so he puffed up his chest and shouted, "Full speed ahead! Mama's task cannot be failed!"




Dylan stepped on the unconscious "Blood hook" Rhodes and dialed his Den Den Mushi. A pair of blindfolds popped out of Den Den Mushi's tentacles, and the round eyes turned into dead fish eyes.

"Ah, it's over so soon?"

"It is very hard, okay? By the way, I don't need to send this guy back in person, right? I have to go back to East Blue."

In Marineford, Aokiji scratched his head helplessly. "It can be sent to the nearest Marine Base, but this guy's background is not simple, I heard that Big Mom is looking for him, you know, Big Mom's intelligence network is very powerful, how about... ··"

"Is there anyone to take over? If not, I'll cut off his head. Anyway, this guy is not that strong." Rhodes, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but his body remained motionless.

Is this guy really a Marine?

Cutting off people's heads casually?

"Wait a little bit... If you cut off his head, Big Mom would come personally and make a lot of trouble for us marine.."

"So, you are worried about that?" Dylan froze for a moment, shaking his head in disbelief. Kuzan is really a loyal marine dog.


Shura's red light flashed, and Rhode's astonished expression vanished as his head was separated instantly.

"Bastard!? How dare you!" A roar came from a distance, and Charlotte Daifuku's lower body was steaming with steam and approached quickly.

The Vivre card in his hand has completely disappeared, and he just saw the scene where the young man chopped off the head of "Blood Hook" Rhodes with a sword. As Charlotte Daifuku approached, an Aladdin-like genie emerged from his belt.

"Just use your head to atone for your sins! - Demon Slash!" The huge demon brandished a long sword and sent a huge slash toward Dylan.

"Hey... Didn't I tell you to calm down? Do you need me to go over?"

"No, remember to count this guy's merits for me. It should be the third son of Linlin, Charlotte Daifuku."

Dylan held the Den Den Mushi in one hand and raised Shura up in the other.


The moment the huge slash hit his sword, it stopped, and then no matter how much strength Charlotte Daifuku and the demon poured into, the slash didn't move any further.

"Minister Bean of the Toto Land? Ah la la, he's really going to cause trouble. Are you sure you don't need me to go there?"

Dylan nodded a little. "It would be easy. But I'm going to take a month off after killing him, and you take the blame for it, okay?"

"Ah la..." Dylan hung up the phone before Aokiji could say anything.

"It's very impolite to disturb others on the phone, hasn't Linlin taught you?"

"You guy..." Charlotte Daifuku looked at the young man in front of him who had resisted the demon's slash in an understatement, and his heart froze, and he didn't rush to strike again.

Dylan smiled at Daifuku's sour look.

"People from Charlotte's family? What? Linlin told you to follow the guy and go back to have a baby? Doesn't it mean that I killed your stepfather?"


Daifuku who was originally very calm and cautious, was furious when she heard Dylan's words. "How dare you disrespect your mother!"


Countless tiny slashes flew out, surrounding Dylan from all directions.


Dylan snorted, grabbed Shura's handle and twisted it in a circle. The crimson sword energy spread like a gust of wind, more violent and finer than Daifuku's slash. The slashes of the two sides collided violently in the air, raising the surrounding gravel, and the air was filled with thick dust for a while.

"Got you! Superheated steam!"

Daifuku wrapped his attack in Armament Haki, sprang out of the dust, a threatening heat wave emerged from his pitch-black fist, and the demon next to him also held his sword high.


Seeing that Dylan didn't dodge, Daifuku's eyes flashed with joy and anger at the same time. How dare this guy stay calm in front of him! However, his thought was snapped by the sudden on his ear.

"Is that it?" A black arm passed through the smoke and grabbed Daifuku's fist.

"Ray Punishment!"


Accompanied by a huge roar, a thunderlight several meters in diameter descended from the sky, enveloping the two of them.

"Hey, is it true?" On the sand dunes in the distance, Crocodile looked at the huge thunder column with a cigar in his mouth.

Is there such a guy in the Marines...?

After the thunderlight dissipated, Daifuku, who was covered in blue smoke, panted heavily and supported his body with one hand, and the demon had long since disappeared.

"Not only powerful swordsmanship and Haki but also Logia Demon fruit power?"

No... It's not just that, this guy's fruit ability can easily penetrate his own Armament Haki, and the fruit ability has been developed to a very powerful level by him!

"Puru Puru~ Puru Puru~"

Charlotte Daifuku, who was grabbed by Dylan with one hand, couldn't break free, so Dylan reached into his arms and took out the Den Den Mushi.

"Answer it." Daifuku nodded slowly, grabbing the phone from Dylan's hand.

"Daifuku, what's going on? Why did Rhode's life card burn? Did you kill him??"

The moment the Den Den Mushi was connected, his entire face became round, and two piles of thick eyelashes appeared on his eyes.

"I'm sorry mama, the mission failed, Rhodes was killed by a Marine!"

"Marine~~~~~? Is there a Marine like that in paradise?"

"Yes..." Charlotte Daifuku raised his head and glanced at Dylan, "It's a Marine I've never seen before. I heard him talking to Aokiji."

"Well, Marine is still as strong as ever, hey, Marine guy. Do you want a deal?" Daifuku turned Den Den Mushi around, towards Dylan.

"Oh? It's Linlin, what are you going to give in exchange for your son's life?"

The emperor didn't seem to care that Dylan called her Linlin, but she laughed. "Well, well, funny boy, what do you want? Treasure? Famous sword? Or Devil Fruit? Or you can marry my favorite daughter if you want?"

"Devil fruit, I will go to Sabaody Archipelago to pick up the goods in two months, if the value does not match..." Dylan glanced at Daifuku's body, "I will take back the price difference."

Daifuku's body shivered while being watched by him.

This guy····

If he is not satisfied with the fruit at that time, he will definitely cut off a certain part of Daifuku's body, absolutely!

"Well, well, what a greedy brat, but well, the information network of the Charlotte family is all over the world, and the most indispensable thing is Devil Fruit. Don't worry, it will be equal in value to my son."

"I hope so," Dylan let go of Daifuku. The Den Den Mushi also went off as well. Dylan turned to look at the flanking dunes after Daifuku staggered away with two huge shoulder armors on.

"What? Want me to invite you too?"


A gust of wind and sand rolled by, and slowly condensed into a human figure in front of Dylan, wearing a black cloak, with a greasy backcomb, and an obvious scar in the middle of the face.

"Hmm, Crocodile, it's ridiculously weak."

"You bastard..." Crocodile's eyes darkened. "Desert Spada!" It is one of the most powerful attacks in Crocodile's arsenal. Basically, he would form four sharp blades of sand that would cut the opponent instantly. However, right before the sand could gather together, it slowly dissipated. Shura, glowing black and red, rested on Crocodile's shoulder.

"You want to die?" Dylan looked at him with cold eyes. "The you who fought Bullet are completely different from you who lost to Whitebeard. You are not on my level. I can cut your head in a blink now."

Cold sweat broke out from Crocodile's forehead. This guy, he was absolutely serious, he would die if he moved himself! A huge sense of oppression hit his face, although there was no Haki that was released outside, it made his heart palpitate even more.

This feeling was even stronger than it was against Whitebeard.

"What do you want me to do?"

Dylan put away Shura and looked into the distance, which was the direction of East Blue.

"I want you to remember one thing. If you did something malicious and used your Shicibukai status to hide, I don't care about the World Government's protection. I'll come personally and kill you with my own hands. So.. Better watch out, you arrogant little lizard."


Crocodile looked gloomy. He who challenged Whitebeard, getting beaten into submission? In Paradise? What a joke! But he dared not speak out to refute. The man in front of him looked at him like an ant, and he could feel that if he really entered the battle, he might be killed in an instant.

After throwing Rhode's head to Crocodile, Dylan's body turned into a dazzling thunder and disappeared in place. Crocodile clenched his fists and looked in the direction Dylan was leaving,

"Asshole...Just wait until I get Pluton in my hand..."