
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Light Workout Part 1

Before your read this chapter I would like to address something a reader said about how I am nerfing the warframe abilities too much. This person made a lot of very good points that I am taking into consideration. I would just like to say that I nerfed some things because I wanted the mc to have a challenge. A lot of these warframes can steamroll through an entire army and nuke an island with no sweat. I just didn't want to make it too easy at the beginning for him. But, he also did point out that none of the warframes can reach full potential because of their missing mods. So, when the warframe comes I won't hold anything back but I will still nerf some aspects of the heal restore.

Just so everyone knows mc will only reach rear admiral strength outside of his warframe. With warframe full Yonko and admiral level strength. Also, this is an important question does anyone know how a human size man, without Luffy's instant stud fruit can fuck a giant. Mc will be Jiggalo he has no reason not to. There will be no love romance he is a man hore.


It has only been a day since Ulrick was employed by the Simoni family, yet people are already taking notice of Ulrick's change in status. In the world of One Piece, people aren't always on the phones surfing the web or playing video games. They're out on the street talking to other people and that's how word spread around town that there was supposedly a new member of the Simoni Family that no one is allowed to mess with.

These rumors very soon found their way into Ulrick's ear and Ulrick was ecstatic about all of it. For the first time in a long time, Ulrick felt like he was somebody important. He may have been a skilled engineer in his previous life, but he knew the truth he was just another cog in a machine full of nobodies.

But here in one piece he can become anything he wants and actually be somebody that everyone looks up to, respects, idolizes, fears to the point that they just want to be used by him so that they can become friends with him.

The once crowded sea of people at the open market that Ulrick always had to push and tackle his way through parted way when Ulrick walked by escorted to the Simoni Family training center by Rico and a few other elites of the Simoni family. When he stopped at a stall or went in a store people stopped what they were doing to serve him immediately because they saw the kind of people he associated with and now everyone wants to be his friend.

The Simoni Family knew everybody and now everybody wanted to know Ulrick. They took out their finest silk and produce and tried to give all of it away for free just because Ulrick showed the faintest interest. This was the kind of treatment everybody wishes to receive, but few ever achieve. Ulrick enjoyed every second of it all the way to the training complex.

The training complex was a 2 story center that was completely separated from the rest of the city. It has incredibly large fields suitable for any kind of physical activity or weapons test. Inside the facility was like a gym that even had equipment suitable for giants. Ulrick had a bit of awe and skepticism on his face because he didn't expect a group of thugs to put this much care into training their members.

"This is not what I expected to see when I thought about a group of mobsters". Ulrick uttered while looking at Rico.

"We pride ourselves on quality because around here we get a lot of trash trying to join us just to use our name to swing their dicks around. Which is fine, but not when that trash barely knows how to swing a sword or take a hit. Were trying to avoid the problem where a group of hundreds gets beaten by 1 guy. So, we only accept those with the most potential or skills suitable for cultivation.

There only considered full members after they training enough to tank one punch from me without getting knocked back or fainting. The elites on the other hand are different there are few of them and they're the ones with the most skill out of the group and are potential future officers like myself. To be an elite you have to take one haki covered punch from me or another officer like me. After that the elites are grouped with the officers they match with the most and training under them".

Ulrick raised his brow at this, "are you telling me that all the elites the Simoni have can use haki?".

"The answer to that is both yes and no. Some do some don't most of them just know observation haki".

Ulrick really couldn't believe what he was hearing a group like this really shouldn't exist in the east blue Its too powerful. This situation was, so strange Ulrick couldn't help but ask Rico.

"What the fuck are you guys doing in the east blue and why haven't you conquered the underworld in this region already".

Rico considered whether he should tell Ulrick, but since their reason for moving wasn't a world-class secret he did it anyway. But Rico made sure not to tell him the true complete reason as to why because that involved a secret about Mr. Alexander that few people know about.

"The reason we left the West blue because it was chaotic over there. The world may have a problem with pirates, but the west blue has a problem with mob gangs. Gang wars were regular since towns were overrun with them. You couldn't go to blocks without finding a dead body. Their everybody was trying to be a wise guy trying to one up each other. Over there we had a nice piece of land all to ourselves because we were allied under one of the Dons who was a close friend of Alexander.

But you can only take, so much before you lose your shit. Recently it's gotten, so bad over there I hear Dons are dropping like flies, and it's all because of some cuckold named Capone Bege. That son of a bitch betrayed his family and worst of all killed father Alexander's blood brother. That man can not be trusted and he is no friend of ours if you ever see that man in your life. I hope you will do the right thing and put a bullet in his head for Mr. Alexander".

There was a bit of malice in Rico's voice when Rico talked about Capone Bege. Ulrick knew about Capone Bege because of the show and agreed with Rico completely any deal or partnership with that man is not good because Bege will eventually stab your back in the end.

"I'm sorry to hear about Alexander's lose".

"You don't have to be it's not your fault. Now the reason why we don't run the entire east blue's underworld is because of a man known as joker whose real identity is Donquixote Doflamingo. He controls most of the underworld trade and is not someone we can cross or want to do too much business with. Doflamingo is currently supporting another Mafia family in the east blue who run a large portion of trade in this area.

The family its self is nothing impressive you know the typical east blue standard. Our family has the power to wipe them out in a few hours. The most troubling part is the travel time to do it. But, the reason we don't is because once we do we will be forced to work with Doflamingo and offer him a large portion of our income. Doflamingo himself doesn't care who runs the east he only cares about the profitable business in the area and when he's going to get paid".

Ulrick thought about what Rico said and had to admit it made a lot of sense. Working under Doflamingo isn't all too glamorous especially when you know about the guy as Ulrick does. Keeping their power concentrated in a few places is honestly the smartest thing to do. They have a steady and constant growth while are still able to maintain themselves through trade because Doflamingo isn't the only black market trader in the world. Doflamingo is the most famous, rich, and powerful, but there are still others that can hold a candle to Doflamingo even though they might not burn as bright.

As Ulrick continued through the facility he was brought to an empty sparing room that was built a bit sturdier than the others because it was designed to be a place for officers to fight without restraint. Rico and Ulrick walked to the center of the field and there Rico said to Ulrick.

"First off I would like to say that the Simoni Family will treat you to the best of our abilities, but you have also requested to learn haki from us as payment. Haki can not be learned by me being nice to you. That means that I will have to hurt you a lot for you to learn this. You will go through hell, but you will come out stronger in the end. I hope that you will not get angry and leave us because of this.

Ulrick shrugged his shoulders and said, "I knew that haki was going to be a pain in the ass to learn from the beginning. If I don't learn this their's no way I can travel the world with my head held high. Don't go easy on me give me your worst".

"All right then let me explain how this works haki is your will manifested. Anyone and everyone can use haki even a child. It is extremely rare for a child to have unlocked haki, but it's not impossible and has happened before. Though typically they only unlock observation and not armorment. Observation haki allows the user to have a higher level of sensitivity. With it, you can sense other people's spiritual energy and predict their movements.

Armorment haki gives the user a coating of spiritual energy. It can enhance your attacks, defense, and allows you to physically attack logia users. These two things are essential to learn if you want to survive in this world. There is a third type of haki called conquerors haki, but only lucky ass holes can use that. For your training, I'll decide how that will be done after I see how you fight. Now go pick a weapon over on the rack and fight me".