
One Piece: Rise of The Orokin

In a harsh world on the brink of civil war where pirates run amok and navy soldiers desperately try to subdue them. Comes a man not from that world but more familiar with it then others will ever know. Aided with a system that bestowed upon him knowledge from beyond the stars. Watch how one man will reshape a well known story to how he sees fit. This is a one piece fanfic with a warframe system. [you do not have to know anything about warframe to read this story] If You like this story please consider reading my origins novel Titled - UNUSUAL WORLD, and CURSED LIBERATOR.

Loyalscum · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

The Simoni Family

During the afternoon while the sun was high in the sky the alluring sound of hooves beating against the hard ground echoed out. The sound of the carriage wheels that the horse was dragging along blended along with it creating a symphony that someone who is use to the city life like Ulrick rarely gets to hear. By the time the carriage stopped producing that sweet melody Ulrick knew that he had arrived at his destination.

The Simoni Family manor was incredibly huge they owned over 50 archers of land just for their house alone. Servant quarters were built every couple of miles to effectively manage it all. Their home itself was like an 18th-century country house. It had large glass windows on all 3 stories of it. Their Burgundy colored walls went exceeding well with the rest of the house extenuating the rest of the accents.

While in the carriage Ulrick took in a deep breath steading his heart. He had to because one false move could lead to him being chased around by a freak that can use haki. Ulrick did believe that he would be able to escape even if he did, but he still preferred not to go down that road. This day could open up a whole new world for Ulrick and put him on the fast path to accomplishing his dreams.

A moment later after Ulrick was monologuing in his head the carriage driver opened the door for Ulrick allowing Ulrick to have a full view of the potential benefits that come from joining the Simoni Family. In front of Ulrick was a high-end butler that had years of training but Ulrick ignored that old fart and focused his eyes on the two rows of A, no S, no again triple S level beauties in front of him. At that moment Ulrick finally figured out why so many of the characters got nosebleeds in the show. It was because the woman in this world were inhumanly beautiful. Their skin looked flawless without a single crack, crows feet, or bags under their eyes anywhere.

While Ulrick was admiring them the maids all spoke in unison, "Good afternoon Yeager-Sama"

This scene was tempting, but Ulrick had a blank expression on his face. He had a business deal to conduct and didn't want to give his opposition any extra cards to play just because he couldn't keep his libido in check for a few hours. In light of this Ulrick continued to appear unmoved by anything he was seeing while the head butler spoke to him.

"Mr. Yeager it is great to finally meet you. I am the head butler my name is Alex but you may call me Al for short if it pleases you. Master Alexander is patiently awaiting your arrival for brunch in the main dining hall. Now if you will please follow me".

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of maids and a shit ton more guards, Ulrick entered the Simoni Family manor without a shred of fear on his face or exuded from his aura. The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside. The house was custom designed and didn't have a cramped feeling to it at all. It wasn't long before the butler brought him to the dining hall where a medium length table was packed full of breakfast food. At the end of the table sitting in the seat of honor was Alexander Simoni head of the Simoni Family also known as The Piecemaker.

He had medium-length grey hair that was currently tied into a ponytail in the back of his head. Hazel eyes set charmingly in their sockets tracing carefully over the newspaper in front of him. A gunshot left a mark going from the bottom of his left cheek going upwards towards the left side of his nose nearing his eyebrow. This mark left a singing memory of redemption. Alexander was a true challenger amongst humans. Wherever he stood people were drawn towards him despite his lean frame. With one look Ulrick could tell that there was something irregular about him perhaps it was his suffering manifested giving him a different aura from those he met before. Maybe it was his old age making him appear wiser wherever it was it was Ulrick wasn't going to let it influence him.

Sitting next to Alexander was two people Rico some other guy Ulrick didn't know, Rico had one leg crossed over the other while he leaned back cleaning the gun Ulrick gave him with a cloth. Ulrick was happy to see that because it just confirmed that they liked his product. While Rico cleaned the gun Ulrick notice a new large scar on Ulrick's body that started at his neck and went straight down. Ulrick didn't know how he got it but he wasn't in a position to pry so he left it alone.

The other guy however was as silent and still as a statue except for his eyes that followed Ulrick's every move. Ulrick at first would have just figured the guy to just be some kind of office worker but the scars and calluses on his hands told a different story.

Second, later Ulrick sat down across from Alexander while a maid came to pore his glass and serve him food. Alexander watched Ulrick while this happened Ulrick he finally spoke.

"Mr. Yeager I am pleased you accepted my invitation. I hope it didn't inconvenience you at all".

Alexander's voice wasn't gruff at all like he expected it sounded somewhat french but not really because it was just the tone of his voice.

Ulrick didn't focus on that for long and replied, "Not at all your call was very much appreciated. I waited for a while I'm just happy that you finally found time for a lowlife like me".

"I wouldn't call anyone that can build fully functioning weaponry that no one has ever seen before a meer lowlife your clearly much more than that".

"Your words while sweet aren't true. I had to wallow in filth for a long time before I learned how to dig myself out of it".

"I would very much like to hear about this past of yours because a man with talents as high as yours should have their skills known far and wide, but no one seems to know anything about you. Until just a few months ago you officially didn't exist, mind telling me where you came from.

Ulrick smirked at this and said, " does such a thing matter all that much? Whether it's the shit hole grey terminal in the Goa Kingdom or some pig den in another their all the same. What matters is that I'm here and what I can offer to you".

Alexander sternly said, "that's true, but I would still like to know".

Without even trying Ulrick said, "fine if you want to know I came from the grand line. Where I was born I have no idea. Most likely it was out in the middle of the ocean on some old boat. For as long as I could remember I hopped around from place to place honing my skills till I eventually came here".

"How in the world did you get to the east blue? Travelling across the ocean is a difficult feat for normal people. Only the navy can cross the calm belt safely without being attacked by sea kings".

"I offered my services to a group of pirates and used them to travel over the redline in exchange I repaired their ship".

Ulrick couldn't tell if Alexander was buying the bullshit he was trying to sell him since his poker face was better than Ulrick's, but the conversation moved on, so Ulrick didn't linger on it.

"Alright then I was just curious about the mysterious man in front of me but if you wanna keep me guessing that's fine. Let's just get to the point of this meeting, shall we? You sir are a skilled craftsman and I would like for you to join the Simoni Family and work for us. My son in law was, so amazed by your work that he didn't stop firing that gun you gave him till he ran out of bullets. My appraiser Mr. Hanzo has even informed me that your blades could have even rivaled that of the famed 50 skillful grade swords if it wasn't for the inferior metals used in the production".

Ulrick was surprised by that last bit of info he honestly didn't think the swords were that high quality since he could have done the same thing with or without the systems help.

"I am glad that your able to recognize quality, but as for joining the Simoni Family I'll have to decline".

Ulrick notices that Alexander didn't scrunch his eyebrow or have any noticeable tell that he was displeased with what he heard. His demeanor didn't change a single bit while on the other hand, Rico gave Ulrick a bit of a sideways glare that was filled with more curiosity than it was threatening. The appraiser Hanzo simply raised an eyebrow when he heard Ulrick's statement mostly likely because he didn't expect to hear that.

Alexander look at Ulrick and said, " I see by any chance did you refuse because you thought that we were just some average east blue mobsters? Since you claim to hail from the grand line you must know about the differences between all the seas. About that, I would like to say yes the Simoni Family is in the east blue but we originated from the west. Our organization is much stronger than anything else you would find in these seas".

"You're missing understanding me Mr. Simoni I am fully aware of your past and the many benefits that you could bring to me. The reason I declined is because I want to be hired by you joining you implies something completely different. I wish to offer you the opportunity to be one of the first to revolutionize warfare. If you don't mind can I get one of my guns for display please"?

Alexander didn't even think about Ulrick's request he waved his hand and one of his goons brought Ulrick one of his guns within 10 seconds. The gun was unleaded, but Ulrick didn't care he just needed it for display.

"You've seen the guns that everyone uses there slow, bulky, inefficient, jam, and can't fire when it's too wet. Hell, you even use the same kind as the navy. You know what that lack of options and ingenuity shows its potential profit. Tell me how is any respectable gunman suppose to do anything when the rifle is just like their pistol only with a longer barrel and a fire rate of a snail's crawl. They're going to do the same thing everyone else does and that's miss every shot even those at a point blank range.

My weapons are different because with my babies you have options. You can custom all the guns even down to the type of ammo that you want to fire out of them. For the best example of this let me point you towards the Ak-47 also known as the kalashnikov. It is a 9 pound piece of art forged from steel and plywood. It doesn't break, jam, or over heat it will shoot whether its filled with mud or sand. Its so easy to use even a child could use it to gun down an entire pirate crew and when there are people out their that can chop down a mountain with a swing of their sword I wouldn't get to particular on the little details. Everyone deserve a fighting chance after all".

Alexanders expression was unchanged after Ulrick speach he simply continued along and said, "you indeed have an interesting product, so how much would it cost to have you start manufacturing these things".

Ulrick said with a smile on his face, "First I would like to assure you that all of my guns can be mass produced and I have full knowledge on how to build a factory to make them. But to hire me I require a frew things from you. First would be a down payment of 500 million ($5 million U.S), second I want training on how to master haki, third I would like to make sure that you know that i'm giving is the production and distribution rights to produced I will still own the brand and everything that comes along with it meaning I want 20% of every sale per unit. I would also like the full benefits that come with being a member of the Simoni Family while were working together".

Their was only silence in the room for a bit of a while before Alexander said, "those are some hefty demands there you didn't even try to easy into it. But there not ludicrous and are within reason but still I got to ask why should I listen to your demands at all.

Alexander was a smart guy he knew why he should except Ulricks demands he just wanted to see if Ulrick knew why. Ulrick having the utmost confidence in himself laid back in his chair without fear and said.

"You don't have to accept any of my request you can take my guns find another skilled craftsman that can build them after studying my work, wait a few years till you can figure out how to build the factory yourself or force me to do it. You could then sell my stuff but then you would quickly find yourself surrounded by competition pedaling cheaper nock offs then the ones you stole from me. At which point you'll find yourself with a lack of business because your no longer the special kid on the block since everyone including their grandmothers are doing the same thing as you. Come on Mr. Alexander we both know that the price I stated isn't to buy the production or distribution rights its to buy me. I'm what's actually valuable because even with the blueprints everything can easily live or die with me. I'm more rare then a virgin hooker on the street".

Alexander had a smile on his face after that which was the most emotion he showed during their whole conversation.

"You've given me much to think about Mr. Yeager please wait in the lounge while I discuss a few things with my confidants. I'll have some maids carry some breakfast over for you while you wait".

Getting the hint Ulrick got up and followed the head butler out the room to the lounge. Their Ulrick indulge his appetite. The sausage were freshly ground and the juice was hand squeezed. Ulrick partaked in the rare delicacies in front of him without end especially the meat because on a world where the planet is 90% water meat is kind of rare in places and hard to import which makes it expensive as fuck. This also explains why Luffy obsessed over meat whenever he saw it because most people only eat fish their whole lives.

After an hour of discussion Alexander and the rest walked out with their answer.

"We accept your proposal".

Ulrick shook Alexander's hand with glee because it was the start of a beautiful partnership.

Do you guys want me to give the mc conqueror haki?

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