

A guy from earth transmigrates into the world of One Piece as Luffy's elder brother under mysterious circumstances. Follow him on his journey as he navigates through the treacherous seas of Grandline. Which companions will join him on his journey? Who would he have to face to continue sailing? will he be able to prevail and achieve his dreams or will he fall victim to the unforgiving seas where strong tramples on the weak? Disclaimer: I do not own anything except original characters #No overpowered system! *MC and Straw Hats will occasionally meet, they will not travel together.

shshsh01 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs


Mid night, while Mori was in deep sleep, he heard a booming mechanical voice that seemed to originate from his head.


He hurriedly opened his eyes and sat back on the bed. He rubbed his sleepy eyes and slowly opened it. "What the...".In front of him was a transparent screen where the following words were written.

[Synchronisation complete. Welcome host, to the system]

[The system will now begin. Please confirm- yes/no]

He looked around the room and saw Luffy was still sleeping peacefully like nothing had happened.

He was in a bewildered state for few moments.

"What's happening???!"

"Is this the so-called system that every transmigrator gets? Interesting!"

He was lost in his thoughts when he heard the sound again.

[Please confirm host. Otherwise the system will disappear within 10 seconds. 10....9...8.....7....]

He came out of his stupor and hurriedly said yes in his head.

[Confirmation complete. Welcome to the system]

[Host: Monkey D Mori

Age: 7

Height: 4 feet(122cm)

Weight: 25 kg

Devil fruits: none


Strength: 9

Speed: 10

Stamina: 8

Endurance: 6

Iq: 100

Health: 100/100

Techniques: none

Haki: locked]

[Note: you can see your stats by simply choosing the stats panel on the system]

"Wait, why did it take so many years for the system to appear."

[*Cough* there were some minor technical issues]

"So, shouldn't there be a compensation for the delay" Mori said cheekily.

[*Cough*cough* you will get that when you turn seventeen.

"So, after all this delay I have to wait another 10 years to get the compensation. What bullshit. Whoever made this useless system, tell me his name. I will give him 1 star in review."

[*Cough* sorry host, I cannot share any information regarding the creator. That is strictly forbidden.]

"Forbidden my ass, he is probably ashamed of himself for being so useless. That's why he is hiding his name. I bet, because of his error, I also lost the memories of my previous life."

[*Cough* we shouldn't waste our time with trivial matters. I will now explain the first quest to you]

"Yeah, whatever."

[Quest: beginners quest- hard work is the only way to success]

[Quest details....

Duration: 1 year

Type: Daily quest

Tasks: 5 km run, 100 push ups, 100 squats every day ]

[Daily reward: 1 free stat point]

[Reward after quest duration: unlock Rokushiki guide]

[Note: you can get access to quest details and progression by simply choosing the quest panel from the system]

[That will be the end of the Introduction]

[Please call me if you need further explanation]

Then the screen suddenly disappeared.

"Damn! There goes my peaceful life. I shouted in my head with frustration. I also got such a useless system. Doesn't all the other system users get a beginner's package or something"

"But I wouldn't have wanted that kind of cheat anyway, it wouldn't have been fun that way. But now I have a clear path on how to get stronger. In this world strong tramples on the weak and I am not naive enough to think these peaceful days will last forever. As someone who knows the plot very well, I knew I had to set out to sea one day or another. I would have to face Pirates, Marines and World Government.And to face all of them I need strength! unimaginable strength!"

"Either Way Grandpa would've started our hellish training anyway. I am just getting a head start and getting extra benefits on the way."

"After I came into the world I had only one goal. To stand at the top of the world, where no one can take what belongs to me, no one can order me around. No one can threaten someone close to me.I will become the strongest existence in this world."

"As for my dream I haven't realised what it is. What I truly want besides getting stronger. But I guess I will find out when I set out to sea. No need to think this hard. It wouldn't do me any good. I should get some sleep now."


The next day, after eating breakfast Mori told Makino that he is going out to play. Luffy also started shouting that he wants to play too. Reluctantly, he had to let him come with him.

Suddenly, He thought "why not let this idiot join in the training as well. At least he will be stronger than canon Luffy at the start of the journey. Maybe he will learn Rokushiki and some basic Haki techniques as well."

"Imagine Luffy going out to see, at the age of 17, mastering Rokushiki and basic Haki techniques as well! That will be interesting to see." A cheeky smile formed on his face.

End of chapter
