

A guy from earth transmigrates into the world of One Piece as Luffy's elder brother under mysterious circumstances. Follow him on his journey as he navigates through the treacherous seas of Grandline. Which companions will join him on his journey? Who would he have to face to continue sailing? will he be able to prevail and achieve his dreams or will he fall victim to the unforgiving seas where strong tramples on the weak? Disclaimer: I do not own anything except original characters #No overpowered system! *MC and Straw Hats will occasionally meet, they will not travel together.

shshsh01 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


1510, East Blue, Dawn Island, in a beach near Foosha Village

First Person P.O.V

"SHISHISHISHI! Mori, what are we going to play?" Luffy asked while grinning ear to ear.

"Hmmm! Let me think."

"This idiot wouldn't listen if I simply told him to train. I have to approach this some other way."

"Why don't we play catch catch"

"Catch catch! What is that?" Luffy asked while tilting his head.

"Let me explain to you then. It's a game where one person runs after another. If you catch the other person, you win but if you can't, they will win."

"Sounds like fun! Let's play!" Luffy replied while shouting in joy.

"Sigh! Fooling this idiot is so simple."

Thus we started playing. Cough cough! I mean our training. I started running in front while Luffy ran behind me.



After running for 2 km Luffy started to slow down. I looked behind me and taunted Luffy, " Is that all you got Luffy?"

" What do you mean, I can even run ten times more! I will catch you no matter what." Luffy shouted in anger.

" Baka! In your dreams!" I taunted him more.

Luffy started running faster, seeing that I also increased my speed.



After 3 km Luffy got exhausted, so I decided to rest for a while.

" Looks like it's my win this time" I said cheekily, trying to enrage Luffy.

"What do you mean! I am not done yet!" Luffy shouted in frustration.

"Ok! Ok! Calm down. Take some rest, after some time we will start again." I said to Luffy while patting his head.

After some time we started running again.


But around 5 km Luffy couldn't run anymore.

" Looks like it's my win this time around. Better luck next time." I said to Luffy while grinning ear to ear.

"Next time, I will beat you!" Luffy said, puffing his cheeks in anger.

" We will see."


"Why don't we play another game. Let's see who can do more Push ups and squats."

"Sure" Luffy replied, not so enthusiastic this time around.

So we started doing push ups and squats.



After some time I completed 100 rounds for each of them while Luffy could do only 20 push ups and 30 squats. After the training Luffy was Fully exhausted. so I had to carry him back on piggyback.


After reaching Makino's bar we took some rest. After some time, I started to check my system.

"System open status window"

[ Host: Monkey D Mori

Age: 7

Height: 4 feet

Weight: 25 kg

Devil fruits: None


Strength: 9

Speed: 10

Stamina: 8>9

Endurance: 6

Iq: 100

Health: 100/100

Techniques: none

Haki: Locked]

"Hmm. Looks like my stamina increased on its own. So apart from using stats points, my stats can also increase through training."

System open quest progression.


[Checking quest progression....

Daily quest

Running: 5/5 km completed

Push ups: 100/100 completed

Squats: 100/ 100 completed]

[ Quest completion reward: 1 free stats points.]

I decided to save the free stats points for now. It can come in handy in emergency situations.


A month later

After completing daily training for the day, I checked I had a total of 30 free points in stock. So I decided to use 20 points and save 10 points for emergencies.

"System add 4 points each to strength, speed, stamina, endurance and Iq."

Side note: Hp cannot be increased. 100 Hp represents a character in full health.


[Host: Monkey D Mori

Age: 7

Height: 4 feet 2 inches

Weight: 27 kg

Devil fruits: none


Strength: 10>14

Speed: 11>15

Stamina: 10>14

Endurance: 7>11

Iq: 100>104

Hp: 100/100]

In two months I had an increase in the height and weight department. I looked almost the same as Luffy except I had spiky hair and deep blue eyes.


While we were on our way back to Makino's bar we saw a giant battle ship with a dog head docked near the port of Foosha Village.Both of us brothers knew whom this ship belonged to. Instantly cold sweat started to form on our foreheads.

"Hey, Luffy! Let's go to the Partys bar quietly. I don't want to get spotted by Grandpa so early." I said to Luffy.

Surprisingly Luffy also nodded quietly. It was my first time seeing Luffy so obedient.

"Sigh! That old man is truly terrifying. Even Luffy is cautious of him."


End of chapter


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