
One piece : Metallica

Gild Tesoro, one of the non canon tragic villains from One piece gets another chance to change his fate. His memories from his past life along with the ability to control magnetic materials awakens when he's met with a stressful situation regarding a celestial dragon. After massacring the celestial dragon and becoming an enemy of the government he has to navigate his new life to get the best outcome possible. Now with memories from his past life and new abilities will he be able to have a better ending to his story. Disclaimer : I don't own one piece or any of it's characters, all of it belongs to Goda. I don't own the cover art the credit goes to the artist. Author's note: This will be my first time writing something for the online platform. English is not my first language so I might make some grammatical errors here and there, so feel free to correct me. I'm always open to suggestions and will always listen to constructive criticism. I'm just writing this cause I'm bored and I don't feel like doing anything else.

Konrad_iguess · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Concert 2

[Grand Line ; paradise]

General pov

In several islands throughout the paradise video transponders were being supplied by a random anonymous donor.

People were skeptical about the action taking place around the same time as the performance but did not complain as they were too excited for the show.

"Mom! It's about to begin", an excited voice of a little girl could be heard.

"Nami you should not move too much or mommy will have trouble keeping you up on her shoulders", exclaimed the red haired woman.

"I'm betting that it's uncle Tesoro", said the blue haired girl who was perched up on another man with a black mustache.

"I still can't believe I'm in the grand line now. Boss's platform thingy is really useful for travel", muttered the mustached man.

"Shhh! It's beginning", the red haired woman silenced her little group as the countdown reached ten seconds.


[Paradise; At the sea]

Main pov

My heart was pounding with excitement as the timer ticked down. I stood alone at a stage that I had just generated.

I could see Stella in front of me as she held the camera to check if the footage was getting properly recorded. She didn't have to because my powers gives me total control over the things I create but she was too paranoid.

After checking the footage for a while she looked towards me as she gave a thumbs up. She was dressed in a black dress that hugged her curves nicely and black boots the gave her a few inches to reach my chin at least.

I smirked as I took a deep breath. The mask was making it a bit weird to breath but I have to put it on to protect my identity.

I used my powers to scan my surroundings again. The mannequins that I had constructed stood behind me, I could just control all the instruments myself but I wanted to give people the idea that I am not a one man show.

The signal interrupter that I had made seemed to work perfectly and would disrupt all other signals and only play my performance through the video transponder snails.

The timer was now at five seconds as I took another deep breath.

"Time to start the show"


[Water-7; Paradise]

General pov

The crowd went into an excited mood as soon as the music started blaring through the speakers.

The lights turned purple and bright yellow as they flickered in between.

The bass guitar and drum beats were follow by the masked man grabbing the mic as he started to sing.

{ KISS : I Was Made For Lovin' You}

"Mmmmm, yeah…

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do"

As the song started the crowd was thrown into a frenzy, they had never heard a song beginning like this before all they ever heard were sea shanties. This scene was also being repeated in other parts of the Paradise.

They tapped their foot to the beat of the song as they swayed their body.

"His songs are always so different from the usual songs played in the bars or taverns", chuckled Tom.

"It's SUPER unique!", exclaimed Franky with a pose.

"Don't embarrass me while we are in public Franky!", scolded Iceberg with a flushed face before turning back to the performance.


"Tonight, I wanna give it all to you

In the darkness

There's so much I wanna do

And tonight, I wanna lay it at your feet"

Stella couldn't help but blush a bit at the lyrics of the song and what it was insinuating.

"You already do too much during the nights you animal", muttered Stella as she bit her lip.


"Mom what does Uncle Tesoro want to do in dark?", asked Nami as she faced her mother with big innocent eyes.

*Cough cough*

"It means that he wants to play games with Aunty Stella throughout the dark nights", Belle-mére made excuses as she didn't want to have the 'talk' with Nami yet.

"Playing games in the dark must be difficult, how would you know where to place your toys?", Nami muttered as she held her chin.

Belle-mére had to hold in her laughter but was also really swooned by Nami's innocent and cute remarks.

" 'Cause girl, I was made for you

And girl, you were made for me"

Belle-mére was really enjoying the show even if it made her answer some really difficult questions by her still innocent child.

Belle-mére was really impressed by how Tesoro was able to express his feelings for Stella in a lyrical manner so perfectly.


"Why can't I find someone so romantic", she muttered to herself as the performance continued.

Genzo cough loudly at her remarks as it even shook Nojiko who was on his shoulders.

"Careful uncle Genzo, do you need some water?", she asked with care.


"I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can't get enough of you, baby

Can you get enough of me?"

'I wonder how Stella must be feeling right now, having Tesoro mostly perform songs dedicated only to her', Boss grinned as he wished to see Stella's embarrassed face right then.

"AOW! This song is Super romantic", Franky exclaimed as he smiled and danced to the rhythm.


"This song is really catchy and lively, I wished my husband was this romantic", exclaimed Kokoro as she held her face.

"Ta hahaha, give him some break working in his job sphere must be very stressful", Tom laughed as he knew Kokoro's husband personally.

"Still he could at least try a bit harder", Kokoro pouted.

"I am not into songs about love but this one is too catchy", Iceberg contemplated as the crowd around him starting humming the tune.


[Marine Fort]

"Tonight, I wanna see it in your eyes

Feel the magic

There's something that drives me wild

And tonight, we're gonna make it all come true

'Cause girl, you were made for me

And girl I was made for you",

In one of the rooms with a visual dendenmushi the performance was being played.

"Can we still not find the source of disturbance!?", shouted a man with a goatee as he banged his hand on his desk.

"I'm sorry Fleet Admiral Sengoku, the visual dendenmushi from all across the paradise are also suffering from the same problem", exclaimed a marine commander with sweat on his forehead.

"Damn it! Who the hell are you Golden King!?", Sengoku grew angrier at the fact that a person from paradise was able to disrupt signals up to the red line.



The stage now started to be illuminated with red and blue blinking lights as Tesoro started to dance and sing with mic in his hand. He walked through the catwalk as flames lit up behind him.

"I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can give it all to you baby

Can you give it all to me?"

"Oh-oh, I can't get enough, oh-oh

I can't get enough, oh-oh

I can't get enough"

This performance was also being seen by the people in the desert country. Even the royalty was observing it from their person visual dendenmushi.

"Dad can we have him come perform for us?", asked a little blue haired girl as she was on her father's lap.

She wore a free white robe that helped her to withstand the hot climate.

The father laughed before exclaiming, "I'll see what I can do, he won't be able to reject an offer to perform in front of royalty I think".

He had a black goatee and wore a loose purple robe with golden lining, for shoes he wore black curved up shoes.

"Darling you should be humble and not take advantage of your position. Otherwise how will you set up a good example for our dear Vivi ", exclaimed a beautiful blue haired woman seated beside him.

She was wearing a purple shirt, a white robe with a pink border over it, a golden neckband, and a gold bracelet.

"But mommy!", cried the little girl with big teary eyes as she stared at her mother.

The mother gasped before snatching the girl from her husband, "There there my baby don't worry mommy will get you anything you want and if the Golden king doesn't come to this island I'll beat him up".

"Yay! Thank you! My mommy is the best", exclaimed the little girl as she hugged her mother.

The fathers hand reached out towards Vivi as it twitched, "My little girl", he muttered as he lowered his head dejectedly.

His eyes twitched as he stared at his wife who was now spoiling Vivi with kisses, 'What was that about setting a good example for our daughter?'.




Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do

Do, do, do, do, do, do, do"

The screen played along the performance in a large room surrounded by four men in black suits and one man with white robe.

"Saturn have you found out where the signal is being generated from?", asked the man in white robe.

"It seems that the source of the signal is from several points around the grand line. I can't track the exact position though since it's well encrypted", answered Saint Saturn a white hair man with white beard leaning on a wooden staff for support.

"I see, so should we take out this troublesome person? ", asked one of the shorter gentlemen.

"No I think it'll be up in the papers if it happens, we have to wait and be discreet about it", answered Saturn.

"Should we inform her about this?", asked a blond haired man with a serious expression.

"No she shouldn't be troubled with this little nuisance. We should just wait and observe for now", exclaimed a man with long white hair.

The performance continued as the men just watched and observed. After a while they rang the dendenmushi and started to complain to a man on the other side of it.



The catwalk was lifted into the air by a few feet using some cranes. As Tesoro shouted, "COME ON EVERYBODY!!".

"I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can't get enough of you, baby

Can you get enough of me?"

A wheel of flame erupted from the sky as it lowered around Tesoro. The flames didn't seem to affect his performance as Tesoro still danced in the center.

"Oh, I was made

You were made

I can't get enough

No, I can't get enough"

The backstage wall was lowered as the clear night sky could be seen. The moon was very bright as it illuminated the beautifully formed clouds.

"I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' m

And I can't get enough of you, baby

Can you get enough of me?"

Fireworks were set off as it illuminated the sky in bright blue colors. Then next set of fireworks were set off painting the sky red.

"I was made for lovin' you baby

You were made for lovin' me

And I can't get enough of you, baby

Can you get enough of me?"

The song ended with a huge firecracker setting off in the back as the golden light permeated throughout the sky. The huge light created a silhouette of Tesoro as the band stopped playing the music .

Sweat trickled down Tesoro's back as he took deep breaths. The catwalk was slowly lowered as Tesoro faced the camera.

"That's all for today my dear fans. I'm sorry to inform you all this message but I'll be taking a break for a year or two", He said solemnly before adding, "Don't worry when I'm back I'll have the most awesome entrance to entertain you guys".

He waved his hands to camera as he said his goodbye, "Thanks for watching, Gold King over and out".

The streaming stopped as Tesoro breathed a sigh of relief. The band mannequins went slumped like a puppet whose strings had been cut.

"That was a really good performance my dear superstar", Stella teased as she went closer to Tesoro and handed him a chilled bottle of water.

Tesoro took off his mask as he grabbed the bottle, "Yeah it was, I think the flames were a bit unnecessary though", he muttered as he took deep gulps of water.

Stella chuckled as she said, "I think it made you look hot".

Tesoro smirked as he said, "Hey I'm the one who should be making dad jokes". He stared at Stella's belly with utmost care and compassion.

"I'm just taking over for a bit, I should practice since our Dad over here will be quiet busy training", Stella held her belly and teased.

Tesoro smirked as he went behind Stella and hugged her.

"Eww, you are still a bit sweaty", complained Stella but was still smiling.

"Hmm? You don't seem to mind when I'm like this in bed", he replied with a smirk.

"That's… different", muttered Stella with a blush.

Tesoro laughed as he let go of Stella, "Ok ok I'll go freshen up first. We should be reaching the Pajaro island soon", he muttered as he got off the stage and Stella followed.

He placed his hand on the stage as it started morphing. The stage was instantly shrunk and became a compact small cube.

'I can always get rid of the things I have generated. Who says matter can't be created nor destroyed?', Tesoro thought with a smirk as he headed inside of the ship that had been parked near the stage.

Stella followed Tesoro with hurried steps as she shouted, "Wait! I'll wash your back".

Tesoro shouted back in a teasing manner, "And nothing else?".

Stella now caught up to Tesoro elbowed him as she pouted, "Don't be a pervert all the time".

They both laughed at their antics as they entered the ship.




"A YEAR OR TWO!?!?!"



The crowd was very upset at the announcement given by Tesoro at the end of the show.

They dejectedly left the shore with broken hearts. Some of them looked at the bright side and hoped for a great show after two years. They talked the discussed the show that they witnessed today and seemed very joyful.

"AOW! The show was very SUPER!", exclaimed Franky while doing a pose.

"I have to agree I didn't think it'll be way better than listening to him on the radio", muttered Iceberg as he held his chin.

"Ta hahaha"

"I wonder if the people in Fishman island also got to see this", said Tom with a wide smile.

"Yeah I bet they would have loved it", Kokoro muttered.

"Eh? Where is Joten San?", asked Franky as he searched around.

Tom looked around to find that Takezo was nowhere to be seen and must have slipped away in the middle of the performance.

He sighed before chuckling, "Come on let's go back. Joten must have been in a real hurry to get back to work", he motioned for Franky and Iceberg to follow as they went back home.


[Away near the dock]

"I knew I should have left early", muttered Boss as he look straight ahead at a figure hidden by shadows.

Behind the figure at the shore stood a familiar ship, it was a ship that he had built before with the help of Tom San and his devil fruit powers.

"I've finally caught you, Takezo", muttered the figure with poison in his voice.

"Can we do this some other time? , Takada ", replied Boss as he took off his coat and prepared for an unavoidable fight.

"You should have thought of that before you lied to me and didn't answer any of my calls. Now come willingly and answer my questions or I'll beat it out of you. ", Takada said as he took out a katana and it immediately darkened.

"I guess there is no avoiding it", Boss muttered as he tapped his foot on the ground and an altar formed with a large hammer on it.

Takada rushed at boss with his katana ready to slash down.

But boss immediately bent down as he grabbed the now darkened hammer and blocked the attack.

Sparks were generated as they gritted their teeth and stared at each other's eyes.

It was clearly visible that Boss had the upper hand in the strength department as he started to push the katana back.

Sweat formed on Takada's forehead as he directed the hammer upwards and tried to slash boss from the side.

Boss saw through his tactics and instead jumped backwards in a flip before landing a few feet back.

Takada and Boss breathed deeply before they rushed at each other again as the fight continued.


(A Few days after the performance)

[Pajaro island ; Paradise]

Main pov.

I was sitting in a living room of sorts in a very expensive hotel that I had rented. Since I could generate gold now money was never a problem.

I drank the coffee that was made earlier this morning by Stella as I read the newspaper.

Stella had been refreshing her skills at cooking after she got teased by boss.

The breakfast she cooked today was average but was an improvement since it no longer gave me stomach aches, 'Or did I just got resistant to it?', I thought with a smirk.

Right now Stella had gone out for shopping as she wanted to do more practice, she also needed more painting supplies as the ones she had earlier ran out while using it on the mannequins.

She did not let me accompany her as she said that whatever she was cooking would be a surprise.

My eyebrows raised as I read the newspapers' front page, "Hmm? It seems people are really upset that I will be gone for a while and even threaten to forget about me and not listen to my songs in the future", I laughed to myself at this.

'As if they won't be drawn back by my stunning performance. Since for my welcome back performance I'm planning on doing something crazy', I thought with a grim chuckle.

But I had to halt my evil laugh as I heard the front door opening.

"Ahem! Ahem!", I coughed as I walked towards the entrance.

"So let me see what surprise you have for me?", I teased as I looked at Stella but a sight that I didn't expect was before me.

It was Stella with groceries in her hand and painting supplies but beside her stood a little black haired girl who had her head down in a shy manner.

"Ah! Sorry Tes- I mean John, you must be a bit shocked at the moment but let me explain", Stella exclaimed as she placed the groceries down.

She bent down as she placed her hands on the shoulders of the little girl, "This is Rossy, she will be staying with us from now on", she announced.

The girl looked up and stared at me with her dark brown eyes as she made puppy dog eyes, "I'll be at your care", she exclaimed as she bowed her head.

My eyes widened up in shock as sweat formed on my forehead, no words were forming in my mouth and only one thought was in my head right now,

'Nico Robin'.

I wonder what song I should do next.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Konrad_iguesscreators' thoughts