

Author's ramblings

I'll be taking a break for a week or two since my exams are coming up. I'll still upload if I get a chance since I like to procrastinate a lot but don't count on it.

I like where the story is going so far and I have some events planned in mind but the things that will happen on the way to the destination still hasn't been decided. I just hope it doesn't get too messy.

I'm still a bit stuck on how much of the canon should I change and if I want to eliminate some characters before the canon begins.

Should I just kill luffy and take his devil fruit….. I'm just kidding of course…. Yeah totally…..

Fck it, I'll just write whatever I want and makes me happy and if I don't like it I can just remove the chapter and try again.

If you have any questions about this fanfic just leave a comment and I'll answer... perhaps.

But once again, I thank you for reading this fanfic and supporting this fanfic that I started just cause I was bored.

Author's rambling over

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