
One piece: Dominion


Kaushik_15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Alora island

As the crew disembarked from their ship onto the bustling island, they couldn't help but feel excited. Alora Island was known for its impressive shipbuilding industry, and they were eager to see what the island had to offer.

As they walked along the streets, they saw numerous shipyards and workshops with workers hammering, sawing, and welding pieces of wood and metal together. John led the group toward a large shipyard where a massive ship was being constructed.

Muichiro and Gabimaru were both fascinated by the sheer size of the ship, and Grace seemed impressed with the intricacy of the designs. The shipwrights were all busy at work, and the group could hear the sound of hammers and saws ringing through the air.

As they continued exploring the island, they came across a bustling market, where they saw vendors selling all sorts of goods, from exotic fruits to rare metals. John haggled with a few vendors and managed to score some good deals on supplies for their journey.

After wandering around for a while, they stumbled upon a small restaurant, where they decided to stop for lunch. The food was delicious, and they all enjoyed trying out new dishes they had never tasted before.

As they walked through the streets after their meal, they came across a group of children playing a game of catch. The kids were excited to see the newcomers and eagerly invited them to join in their game. Muichiro and Gabimaru happily obliged, and even John and Grace joined in on the fun.

Eventually, it started getting late, and the crew decided to head back to their ship. On their way back, they passed by a large mansion that seemed to be the residence of a wealthy merchant. Grace mentioned that she had heard rumors that the merchant was looking for a ship and crew to transport some valuable cargo, and John decided to investigate further.

After inquiring with some locals, John managed to arrange a meeting with the merchant, who turned out to be a friendly and wealthy man. He agreed to hire the crew to transport his cargo to the next island for a generous fee.

With the promise of a good payday, the crew headed back to their ship, feeling excited about the adventures to come. Alora Island had been an unforgettable stop on their journey, and they were grateful for the experiences and memories they had gained.


John and his crew were hired to escort a wealthy merchant from one island to another. The journey was relatively smooth until they were ambushed by a pirate crew worth 15 million berries. The merchant was petrified and pleaded for their safety, but John and his crew were ready for a fight.

Muichiro and Gabimaru stepped forward, eager for a battle.

As the pirates approached, Muichiro stepped forward, his body transforming into a dense, white mist. The pirates swung their swords and axes, but Muichiro easily dodged their attacks, his mist form making it impossible for them to land a hit.

Gabimaru, meanwhile, leaped into the air and charged toward the pirates with incredible speed. He landed a powerful kick on one of the pirates, sending him flying across the deck of the ship. The other pirates turned their attention to Gabimaru, but he was too fast for them to catch.

John watched the battle from the sidelines, his eyes trained on Muichiro's movements. He could see how the young boy was able to anticipate the pirates' attacks and dodge them effortlessly. John had never seen anyone with a such natural talent for combat.

The pirates were no match for Muichiro and Gabimaru. Within minutes, they had subdued the entire crew and secured the ship. John stepped forward to inspect the defeated pirates, but Muichiro interrupted him.

"Captain, let's just let them go. They're not worth the trouble," Muichiro said.

John nodded in agreement. "You're right. Let's just get back to the merchant and make sure he's safe."

The crew continued on their journey, the encounter with the pirates serving as a reminder of the dangers that lay ahead.


They had finished the Job the merchant paid 20 million berries as a thanks for protecting him.

they again began to walk around the island searching for a shipwright.

As they were passing through a small boat that was being built John saw a Familiar face.

Edward Elric looked up from his workbench, his golden eyes narrowing as he examined the group of strangers who had just entered his workshop. He had been focused on his latest project, a small wooden ship that he was painstakingly carving by hand, and the interruption was unwelcome.

John stepped forward, offering his hand in greeting. "Hi there, my name is John. My crew and I are looking for a shipwright to build us a new ship, and we've heard that you're the best on this island."

Edward eyed John warily, his hand still clutching his carving knife. "I don't know about being the best, but I am pretty good," he said, eyeing John's crew. "What kind of ship are you looking for?"

John explained the specifications of the ship he was looking for, and Edward listened intently, his eyes lighting up with excitement as John spoke. "That sounds easy, I think I can do it in a week," he said finally, grinning.

John smiled, impressed by the young shipwright's enthusiasm. "We'd be honored to have you build our ship," he said. "And we're happy to pay whatever you think is fair."

Edward nodded, looking pleased. "Sounds good to me. I'll start drawing up some plans tonight, and we can get started first thing in the morning."

As they were about to leave, a group of pirates burst into the workshop, looking for trouble. John and his crew were ready to fight, but to their surprise, Edward leapt into action as well. He used his alchemy to create an impromptu barrier between the crew and the pirates, keeping everyone safe from harm.

The fight was short but intense, and when it was over, John and his crew were grateful for Edward's help. "You're not just a great shipwright," John said, clapping Edward on the back. "You're a great fighter, too."

Edward grinned, looking pleased with himself. "Hey, what can I say? I'm a jack of all trades."

As they left the workshop, John couldn't help but feel grateful that they had found such a talented shipwright. With Edward on their side, they were one step closer to achieving their goals.