
One piece: Dominion


Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

New ship new members.

John was impressed with the ship that Edward had built. It was not the biggest ship, but it was sturdy and well-crafted. The ship was around the same size as the Going Merry, but it was built with better materials and had a more modern design. John thanked Edward for his hard work and asked him how he managed to build such a great ship at such a young age.

Edward replied, "Well, I have been studying shipbuilding for years now. It's a passion of mine. I want to build the best ships in the world one day."

John smiled and patted him on the back. "Well, you're well on your way, Edward. This ship is amazing. I'm glad we found you."

Edward blushed a little at the compliment. "Thanks, John. It was a pleasure to work on this ship for you and your crew. I hope it serves you well."

John" To be frank Edward I want you on my ship as my Shipwright."

Edward" Hmm! Is that so? I have two conditions. one let my brother Alphonse Join he will be helpful he ate the armor-armor fruit and two I haven't built my dream ship yet so you will help me with that."

John" I accept."

John agrees to let Alphonse join the crew and welcomes him aboard the ship. Alphonse introduces himself and explains his ability to transform his body into a suit of armor due to eating the Armor fruit. John and the rest of the crew are impressed by Alphonse's ability and gladly accept him as their new member.

As they set sail on their new ship, John takes the time to get to know Alphonse better and learns about his past and his experiences in his world. Alphonse is amazed by the vastness of the new world he is now in and the different cultures and creatures they encounter on their journey.


As John and the crew arrived at the Culinary Island, they were immediately taken aback by the sight of several cooking competitions happening all around them. The smells of different cuisines wafted through the air, and the bustling energy of the island was palpable.

As they made their way through the crowds, they came across a fierce-looking woman clad in a white chef's coat, who was engaged in a cooking battle with another contestant. Her name was Erina Nakiri, and it was evident that she was a force to be reckoned with in the culinary world.

John watched in awe as Erina whipped up an intricate dish with effortless precision, and her opponent seemed to crumble under the pressure. When she was declared the winner, John knew he had to recruit her for his crew.

Approaching her with a confident stride, John introduced himself and his team, explaining that he was looking for a skilled chef to join his crew.

Erina raised an eyebrow at the proposition, looking John up and down with a critical eye. "And why would I want to join your crew?" she asked, a hint of challenge in her voice.

John was ready for this. "Because we're going to be the greatest pirate crew to ever sail the seas, and we need a chef as talented as you to help us achieve that goal."

Erina seemed to consider his words for a moment before nodding. "I'll join you on one condition," she said. "I won't settle for anything less than perfection when it comes to ingredients. You'll need to be able to find the best ingredients for me, no matter where we are."

John agreed, knowing that he and his crew would do whatever it took to support their new chef. With Erina on board, the crew set sail for their next adventure, their spirits high and their stomachs growling with anticipation.

As they sailed, John took the opportunity to get to know Erina better, asking her about her background and her experiences as a chef. She revealed that she came from a long line of culinary experts and had been trained from a young age to be the best.

John was impressed, but also sensed a hint of loneliness in Erina's words. He knew that his crew could offer her the companionship she was missing, and he made a mental note to make sure she felt welcomed and included among them.

A few days later, the crew arrived at an island known for its rare and exotic ingredients. John and the others scoured the island for the best ingredients they could find, working together to gather everything on Erina's list.

When they returned to the ship with their bounty, Erina was delighted, examining each item with a critical eye and nodding in approval. "You've done well," she said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "I think I'm going to enjoy cooking with you."

From that day on, Erina became an integral part of the crew, using her culinary skills to whip up delicious meals that kept the crew fueled and energized for their adventures. And John knew that he had made the right decision in recruiting her, as her talents would no doubt help propel them to greatness.

As they set sail once more, John couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what lay ahead. With his talented crew by his side, he knew that anything was possible.

Now they decided to go to the west blue.


As the crew of the pirate ship set sail towards the Reverse Mountain, they were filled with a mix of excitement and trepidation. For all of them, this was their first time sailing across such treacherous waters.

The journey towards the Reverse Mountain was rough and choppy, and the crew had to face numerous obstacles on their way. The weather was unpredictable, and they had to navigate their way through fierce storms and powerful waves.

As they approached the Reverse Mountain, they could see the towering mountain looming ahead of them. The sea around it was violent and unpredictable, with massive whirlpools and strong currents that could easily sink any ship.

John looked on in amazement as they approached the mountain. The sheer size and scale of it were unlike anything he had ever seen before. He had heard many stories about the Reverse Mountain, but seeing it up close was an entirely different experience.

Muichiro, the combatant, seemed unfazed by the rough waters and the mountain ahead. He was used to facing dangerous situations, and this was just another challenge to overcome. Gabimaru, the ninja, was equally calm, using his skills to keep the ship steady and safe from the rough waters.

Erina Nakiri, the cook, was a bit anxious at first, but she soon found her sea legs and began to appreciate the beauty of the sea around them. Alphonse, the combatant, was fascinated by the ocean, and he spent hours staring out into the horizon, lost in thought.

Edward, the shipwright, was focused on making sure that the ship was safe and secure. He inspected every inch of the ship and made any necessary repairs to ensure that they could make it through the treacherous waters unscathed. Grace, the navigator, was busy plotting their course and making sure that they stayed on track.

As they sailed through the Reverse Mountain, the crew was amazed by the incredible sight of the water flowing upwards. The currents were so strong that they pushed the ship upwards towards the mountain, and the crew felt as if they were sailing uphill.

Despite the danger, the crew successfully navigated their way through the Reverse Mountain and emerged on the other side, unscathed. They were relieved and proud to have made it through such a treacherous journey, and they looked forward to the adventures that awaited them in the West Blue.