
One piece: Dominion


Kaushik_15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

12 Years

John looked around, disoriented and confused. He saw that he was in some sort of a capsule, and he could feel a strange energy coursing through his body. He looked around and saw that his crewmates were also in similar capsules, still asleep.

Slowly, he pushed open the capsule door and stepped out. He felt stronger and more energized than ever before. He looked around and saw that they were still in Decim's shop, but everything had changed. The shop was now filled with strange and mysterious artifacts from all over the world.

John walked over to Decim, who was sitting in a corner, reading a book. "Decim, what happened? Why did you put us in these capsules?" he asked.

Decim looked up from his book and smiled. "Ah, John, you're awake. It's been a long time, my friend. I put you and your crewmates in those capsules to help you become stronger. You see, I've been researching ways to enhance human potential, and these capsules were one of my latest creations."

John looked at him, still trying to process everything. "How long have we been asleep?" he asked.

"12 years," Decim replied calmly. "During this time, I've been monitoring your progress and adjusting the capsules accordingly. You and your crewmates have become stronger, faster, and more powerful than ever before."

John looked down at his hands, and he could feel the power coursing through his veins. He had never felt so strong in his life. "What do we do now?" he asked.

Decim smiled. "Now, you and your crewmates are ready to take on the world. I have a feeling that many adventures are waiting for you out there."

John nodded, and he could feel the excitement building up inside him. He turned to his crewmates, who were still asleep in their capsules. "Let's wake them up," he said.

Together, John and Decim went around and opened each capsule, waking up the crew members one by one. They all looked around, disoriented at first, but then they started to realize what had happened.

Muichiro stretched his muscles and grinned. "I feel like I could take on the world," he said.

Gabimaru cracked his knuckles. "Let's go on some missions. I've been itching to try out my new ninja skills," he said.

Edward Elric looked down at his metal arm armor, amazed at how much stronger it had become. "This is incredible," he said.

Erina smiled. "I can't wait to cook up some new recipes for us to try," she said.

Tsunade looked at Decim. "Thank you for taking care of us all these years," she said.

Decim nodded. "It was my pleasure. I'm glad I could help you all become stronger."

As they all stepped out of the shop, John looked up at the sky, feeling the wind on his face. He knew that many adventures were waiting for them, and he was ready to face them all, with his newfound strength and his trusted crewmates by his side.


After John's crew wakes up from their 12-year-long hibernation, he instructs them to go back to their home islands and reunite with their friends and families. He tells them that they deserve some time to rest and rejuvenate after their grueling training.

John emphasizes the importance of maintaining strong relationships with their loved ones and urges them to spend quality time with their families. He knows that it can be difficult to balance a pirate's life with family obligations, but he believes that it is essential for their mental and emotional well-being.

Additionally, John wants his crew to take this opportunity to gather any supplies they may need for their next journey. He instructs them to stock up on food, water, and any necessary equipment before meeting him at Fusha Village in three weeks.

John's heart was racing as he stepped off the ship onto the sandy shores of Dawn Island. He had been away for so long, and he was eager to see his mother, Rouge, and his brothers Ace and Luffy. As he walked along the familiar streets of his childhood home, memories flooded his mind.

Finally, he arrived at the doorstep of his childhood home. He hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath before knocking on the door. The door creaked open, and there she was – his mother. Tears filled John's eyes as he embraced her tightly.

"Mom, it's been so long," John whispered, holding her close.

"I've missed you so much, John," Rouge replied, tears streaming down her own face.

For a few moments, they just held each other, lost in their emotions. John couldn't believe how much he had missed his mother's warm embrace.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come back sooner," John said, finally pulling away from her.

"Don't worry, John. You're here now, and that's all that matters," Rouge replied, wiping away her tears.

As they sat down and caught up, John couldn't help but feel grateful for his mother's unwavering support. He had always been determined to become a great pirate, and his mother had always believed in him, even when others doubted him.

In that moment, John knew that no matter where his journey took him, his mother's love and support would always be with him.

John felt a wave of mixed emotions wash over him as he heard the news about his brothers. On one hand, he was happy for them for following their dreams and setting sail as pirates, just like he did. But on the other hand, he couldn't help but worry about their safety and the dangers they might face out on the Grand Line.

As he hugged his mom tightly, he couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for not being there for his brothers when they needed him the most. "I should have been there for them," he thought to himself. "I should go see them."


After three weeks, John's crew gathered in Fusha Village, excited to see each other again.

"Hey guys, good to see you all again," John said, looking at each of his crewmates.

"John, it's been too long me and Gabimaru went to meet up with our old friends." Muichiro said, giving him a hug.

"We missed you, captain," Grace said, smiling.

John then shared with his crew the plan for their next journey. They were going to head to the Grand Line, the most dangerous and challenging sea in the world, where they would face powerful enemies, fight for treasure, and gain new experiences. They all knew it would be tough, but they were eager to take on the challenge.

"Are you guys ready for this?" John asked, looking at his crew.

"Absolutely," Edward Elric said, pounding his fist into his hand.

"I'm itching for a good fight," Killer said, grinning.

"I'll make sure you guys are in good health," Tsunade said, nodding.

John then led the way to their ship, where they all boarded and set sail towards the Grand Line. They all had their own reasons for joining John on this adventure, but they all shared one common goal - to become the greatest crew on the seas. And with their captain leading the way, they were ready for anything that came their way.