
One piece: Dominion


Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

The Dungeon

the year 1510.

The crew has finally finished their training under the leadership of John they can now easily defeat all three admirals together.

As they were training on the island they found a cave that has monsters rivaling the strength of high-level vice admirals and their level kept increasing.

As the crew entered the cave, they could feel the air getting colder and heavier. They could hear the echoes of their footsteps reverberating throughout the cavern. The further they went, the more powerful the beasts they encountered became. The crew members were excited to finally put their newly acquired skills to the test.

The first few levels of the dungeon were relatively easy for the crew. The beasts were strong, but they were no match for the crew's combined strength and abilities. As they went deeper, they encountered stronger beasts, and the battles became more intense. They had to rely on their teamwork and coordination to overcome the challenges they faced.

The crew's battles became even more intense when they encountered the Admiral-level beasts. Their power was tremendous, and their attacks were devastating. The crew had to use everything they learned during their training to even stand a chance against them. John's Haki-infused attacks were especially effective against the Admiral-level beasts, and he led the crew through their battles.

Finally, the crew reached the deepest level of the dungeon. There they faced the Yonko high-level Commander-level beasts. These beasts were the strongest they had ever encountered, and the crew knew that they had to be cautious. The battles were long and grueling, but the crew's training paid off, and they emerged victorious.

As they killed the beasts, the crew felt exhausted but also proud of what they had accomplished. They had cleared a dungeon, faced incredibly powerful beasts, and emerged victorious. They knew that they had become even stronger and were ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

John turned to his crew, "Great job everyone. We did it! This experience has made us stronger, and we are ready to face whatever challenges come our way."

The crew cheered in agreement, feeling confident and proud of their accomplishments. They knew that they had become a formidable force, and they were excited to see where their adventures would take them next.

As they go deeper into the cave they see a huge hall with a throne and a statue sitting on it and they see many soldiers on the opposite sides of the room. suddenly the soldier beasts' statues start breaking and they attack the crew.

As the battle continued, John watched as his crewmates fought with all their might. He had chosen not to consume a Devil Fruit, preferring to rely solely on his mastery of Haki.

Erina, on the other hand, had consumed the Blaze-Blaze Fruit and was using her ability to create and control flames to devastating effect. Her flames burned hot enough to melt even seastone, and she was quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Meanwhile, Kidd was using the Jiki-Jiki no mi to control the magnetic fields around him, sending metal objects hurtling toward their foes with incredible force. Muzan, with the Sound-Sound Fruit, was using his mastery of sound waves to shatter their enemies' defenses and leave them vulnerable to attack.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, the sound of steel clashing against steel and explosions rocking the cavernous hall. John stood at the center of the fray, his Haki allowing him to sense the movements of his enemies and anticipate their attacks.

At one point, a group of Yonko commander-level beasts charged toward John, their massive bodies shaking the ground with each step. John braced himself, ready to face them head-on.

With a roar, the beasts lunged forward, their massive claws slashing through the air. John sidestepped their attacks with ease, his movements fluid and graceful. He darted in and out of their range, striking with precision and speed.

As he fought, John could feel his Haki growing stronger with each passing moment. He could sense the emotions of his enemies, their intentions, and their weaknesses. He felt as though he were one with the battlefield, every movement a part of a grand, intricate dance.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last of their foes fell to the ground, defeated. John looked around at his crewmates, all of them battered and bruised, but still standing.

"Good work, everyone," he said, a smile spreading across his face. "We make a damn fine crew."

The crew let out a cheer, their spirits lifted by their hard-fought victory. They had come a long way from their days as rookie pirates, and they knew that they still had a long journey ahead of them. But for now, they could bask in the glow of their success.

As they were celebrating.

John felt a sudden surge of overwhelming power that seemed to emanate from the throne. It was as if an invisible force had wrapped around his entire body, making him feel like he was drowning in a sea of pressure. He could sense his crew members struggling to keep their footing as well, their faces twisted in pain and sweat pouring down their foreheads.

As the pressure increased, John's knees started to buckle, and he felt like he was about to collapse. His vision began to blur, and he struggled to take in a breath. It was then that a voice inside his head screamed at him to kneel and submit to the power of the throne. But John was determined to fight it.

With every ounce of his strength, John fought against the pressure, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. He could feel his haki rising to the surface, surging through his body like a tidal wave. It was as if he was awakening a power he never knew existed within him.

Finally, with a scream of defiance, John unleashed his own conqueror's haki, breaking free from the invisible force that had held him down. The burst of haki was so intense that it sent shockwaves throughout the entire hall, shattering statues and toppling columns.

But as John regained his footing and looked up, he realized that the source of the power was still there, undiminished. It was then that he understood that the true power behind the throne was not the statue itself but whoever was controlling it. And he knew that they were facing a formidable opponent.

The monster on the throne stood up, towering over the crew, its eyes shining a bright red. Its body was made of a dark, swirling mist, and it held a massive scythe in its hand. The crew was ready for battle, with their weapons drawn and their devil fruit powers at the ready.

The monster let out a deafening roar, causing the ground to shake and the air to vibrate. John could feel the pressure of its power, but he stood firm. He knew that he had to protect his crew at all costs.

Erina stepped forward, her body engulfed in flames. She unleashed a stream of fire at the monster, but it simply walked through the flames as if they were nothing.

Muzan then stepped forward, and a powerful sound wave burst forth from his body, hitting the monster head-on. But the monster simply shrugged it off, its scythe glinting menacingly in the light.

Kidd then stepped forward, using his magnetic powers to try and control the monster's movements. But the monster simply laughed, and with a wave of its scythe, it sent Kidd flying backward.

The crew was in trouble, and John knew that they needed to come up with a plan fast. He closed his eyes and focused, drawing on his haki powers.

He could sense the monster's movements and attacks before they even happened, giving him an edge in battle. He stepped forward, his body glowing with a powerful aura.

The monster charged forward, swinging its scythe at John. But John was ready, and with a burst of haki, he knocked the scythe out of the monster's hand.

The monster roared in anger, its misty body twisting and turning in fury. But John was relentless, using his haki to strike blow after blow at the monster.

Erina and Muzan joined in, their powers combining with John's to create a fierce onslaught of fire, sound, and haki. The monster staggered back, but it wasn't defeated yet.

With a mighty roar, it summoned a legion of soldier statues to its aid. The crew was surrounded, and it seemed as though there was no way out.

But John knew that they couldn't give up. They had come too far and fought too hard to let this monster defeat them.

With a surge of haki, he let out a powerful shout that shook the very ground beneath them. The soldier statues shattered and crumbled, their bodies disintegrating into dust.

The monster itself seemed to shrink and wither, its misty form dissipating into the air. The crew had won for now.

John could feel the strain on his body from using his haki powers so much. He knew that they needed to get out of the dungeon and rest before they could face any more challenges.

The crew quickly made their way out of the dungeon, their bodies battered and bruised but their spirits unbroken. They knew that they had a long journey ahead of them, but they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

The crew then proceeded to faint.