
One Piece: Curse of Immortality

Humanity dreams of living forever, so they try to achieve immortality, but not for 'Arashi,' who is already immortal. He always thinks that this immortality is a curse and will bring eternal loneliness. But like all living things, he also has a dream, so join 'Arashi' in his journey to change his curse into a blessing. Disclaimer: This is a Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:COI NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 23: Rainbow

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As one of the top Marines, Garp could estimate a person's power level. 

Though his assessments might not be precise and could have some margin of error, they were a reliable reference. 

What surprised Arashi was that his current power level had already approached 4000. 

From what he remembered, this value was on par with Rob Lucci, who was hailed as the strongest agent in the World Government's history of CP9.

A question arose in Arashi's mind—he wondered what Garp's power level might be. 

At the same time, he couldn't help but marvel at the fact that death had made him even stronger, and the speed of his progress was incredibly exaggerated. 

"I just wonder if this growth rate will eventually hit a limit!" he mused. 

"Otherwise, if I could continue to grow indefinitely, it wouldn't be long before I'd surpass the limits of this world and reach the level where I could shatter stars with a single punch, like Saitama."

"Arashi, great job!" Kuzan gave him a thumbs up, smiling in his usual cheerful and enthusiastic manner. 

Sakazuki, on the other hand, returned with a cold expression, staring intently at Arashi's face, deep in thought. 

But there was no doubt that, deep down, he had already acknowledged Arashi's strength.

Bogart nodded at him, maintaining his cool demeanour.

"Hahaha, let's keep moving!" Garp laughed, his fists colliding with a deep thud. 

"Otherwise, Roger and his crew will slip away!" 

The warship sliced through the debris on the sea's surface, moving at full speed as the storm showed no signs of abating. 

Arashi walked over to Saul to check on his condition. 

The gentle giant, with bandages wrapped around his hands, tried moving his legs but immediately winced in pain.

"I'm sorry, Arashi," Saul said painedly. 

"It looks like it'll be a while before I can help you all again."

Patting him on the shoulder, Arashi reassured him, "Take your time to recover!" He then nodded in greeting to Shinp and the other officers. 

The storm was of a scale and duration that defied description. The entire sea was shrouded in dark clouds, with thunder booming and roaring. 

The people on the ship could barely distinguish between night and day. 

But Arashi noticed that neither Garp, Kuzan, Sakazuki, or Bogart seemed worried. 

Bogart steered the ship in the direction Garp pointed out without any hesitation.

"That's the direction!" Garp said with a laugh. "I have a feeling Roger is just ahead!"

Along the way, they encountered more shipwrecks and bodies floating on the sea, quickly swallowed by the waves. 

The skull flags of the Flying Pirate Crew were frequently seen drifting with the water.

The next day, the storm continued, but it had lessened considerably compared to the day before.

"What awful weather!" Kuzan remarked, stripping off his soaked shirt to reveal his muscular torso with clearly defined abs. 

He wrung out the shirt, water pouring out in a stream. 

"If I stay soaked like this any longer, I'll start to stink!" He turned to the black-haired boy beside him. 

"You're surprisingly calm about all this!"

Arashi, already shirtless, displayed a similarly strong physique, like a leopard full of power and energy. 

He wore only shorts. In this storm, resting wasn't an option. Clearing the water from the ship and monitoring their surroundings were crucial tasks.

"Worrying and rushing won't help," he replied calmly.

"Who knows when this rain will stop!" Kuzan sighed. Nearby, Sakazuki frowned, also shirtless. 

The feeling of wet clothes clinging to his body was uncomfortable, and he had always had an aversion to such weather.


By evening, the rain abruptly ceased. 

The clouds parted, and warm, orange sunlight streamed through, illuminating a rainbow in the sky—a seven-coloured arch that appeared like a magical bridge of light. 

The halo of light shone behind it, and the scene looked sacred and otherworldly.

Arashi leaned over the ship's railing, gazing at the sea ahead. The dark clouds were quickly dispersing, revealing a clear and pristine sky. 

Another rainbow appeared, its beauty dreamlike and enchanting. "It's so beautiful!" Kuzan exclaimed, grabbing Arashi excitedly. 

"Look, there's a school of fish! Wow, they're golden!" Despite Kuzan's enthusiasm, Arashi couldn't help but smile and accept it. 

He was equally mesmerized, lost in the beauty that emerged after the storm. 

In the distance, the orange-red sun was setting, with one-third of it already touching the sea, painting the rippling waves in red.

"Hahahaha, Sengoku, I can't be bothered with all that!" Garp's boisterous laughter echoed from afar. 

"Roger, only I can handle him!" 

"You're worried about Arashi and those other two kids? Don't worry, I'll take good care of them!" 

Arashi could faintly hear Sengoku's furious voice shouting, "You idiot! Get back here right now!" 

"Those kids are the future of the Marines!"

The bickering between Garp and Sengoku brought a slight smile to Arashi's face. 

He slowly closed his eyes, letting the gentle evening breeze wash over him. 

It seemed that, gradually, he was beginning to appreciate the beauty of this world.

Meanwhile, Sengoku frowned as he looked at the pile of reports on his desk. 

With Admiral Kong overseeing Marine Headquarters, the responsibility for the second half of the Grand Line naturally fell to him. 

Reports from various sectors of the Edd War were pouring in. 

The sudden storm disrupted the Golden Lion's plans and forced the Marines into a fierce battle with the Flying Pirate Crew. 

Fortunately, the losses were minimal, and they had managed to eliminate many enemies.

"Damn you, Garp!" Sengoku suddenly remembered his old friend, slamming his fist on the table. 

"He had the nerve to lead a bunch of rookies in pursuit of Roger!" But despite his anger, Sengoku knew there was nothing he could do. 

They had known each other for too long, and he understood Garp all too well. 

Garp was always a reckless maverick, especially regarding Roger—his obsession was nearly insane.

"Let's hope nothing happens to them," Sengoku sighed, resigned. 

This wasn't the first time such a thing had happened in history, and Sengoku had great confidence in Garp's strength.

On the other side, aboard the dog-headed warship that had weathered the storm, the night was filled with loud snoring. 

Everyone was deeply asleep, and Arashi was no exception—he fell into a deep slumber the moment his head hit the pillow. 

When he opened his eyes again, it was already the next morning. No one on board had the habit of sleeping in. 

Some were mopping the deck, others were washing clothes, and some were working out. 

Except for the figure standing at the ship's bow, wearing a dog-headed hat.

"I've always admired people who can sleep standing up," Arashi muttered softly.

"It's not polite to talk behind your teacher's back, Arashi!" Kuzan teased with a chuckle.

"This isn't bad-mouthing; it's admiration," Arashi replied. He then hung his soaked clothes on a rack and began his training. 

There was still one technique from the Rokushiki that he hadn't mastered. 

Additionally, he was deeply interested in the "Life Return" technique, which was beyond the standard Rokushiki skills.

<End Chapter>

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