
One Piece: Curse of Immortality

Humanity dreams of living forever, so they try to achieve immortality, but not for 'Arashi,' who is already immortal. He always thinks that this immortality is a curse and will bring eternal loneliness. But like all living things, he also has a dream, so join 'Arashi' in his journey to change his curse into a blessing. Disclaimer: This is a Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:COI NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 22: Max Level Conqueror Haki

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Arashi shouted as he pressed his feet against the deck and instantly vanished from sight. 

He reappeared before a pirate, clenching his fist and delivering a powerful punch.

"Bang!" The pirate's face caved in and twisted, his body slamming into the deck below as blood sprayed everywhere. 

At the same time, a gust of wind blew from behind, and three long swords slashed at him simultaneously. Arashi's eyes narrowed, and his muscles tensed up.

"Iron Body!"

"Clang, clang, clang!" The swords struck his back, but instead of cutting through, they made the sound of metal clashing, leaving the pirates in shock.

"This guy is a Devil Fruit user!"

"He's immortal! You can't kill him!"

"Even Mitas was taken down by him!"

Arashi let out a sigh of relief. The Iron Body technique wasn't as useless as he'd feared; at least, it was pretty effective against these low-level opponents. 

He quickly spun around, lifting his right leg high before violently bringing it down.

"Tempest Kick!"

An arc-shaped slash cut through the three pirates, sending blood spraying as their bodies were flung backwards. 

But in the next second, the sound of gunfire echoed again.

"Bang!" A bullet hit the back of Arashi's head, causing his body to flicker for a moment before he steadied himself. 

He disappeared instantly and reappeared before a trembling pirate holding a rifle.

"I hate it when people point guns at my head!" His cold voice sent shivers down the pirate's spine. 

To him, this guy was a monster—a bullet had hit him directly, yet he remained unharmed, without even a scratch. It was impossible!

Arashi threw a punch, smashing the pirate's face and sending him flying off the ship.

"Boom!" Lightning snaked down from the sky, illuminating the people's expressions on the ship—some were crazed, others terrified, and some were vicious.

"Kill!" Arashi turned to face another opponent, letting out a low growl. This was a frenzied battle. 

He was fighting alone against every pirate on the ship, relying solely on his fists, abandoning even his Conqueror's Haki.

Death hovered over him like a storm, but his achievements were impressive. This was a pirate crew under the Golden Lion, all elite fighters. 

Four were proficient in Armament Haki, while others were skilled marksmen or swordmasters. 

But in the end, Arashi defeated them all. He died five times in this battle, but his physical abilities improved each time. 

The points he earned were all invested in his Conqueror's Haki, bringing it to level 91.

He clenched his fists experimentally. With a thought, black and red lightning crackled around his arms, creating a terrifying explosive force. 

At level 91, his Conqueror's Haki was nearing its maximum power, and its strength was immense.

"This is both a trial and a moment to gather points," Arashi muttered, looking up at the remaining pirate ships ahead.

In full combat, fighting with all his might, death would not be considered suicide. He leapt forward and, with a thunderous explosion, landed on the next pirate ship. 

At the same time, the ship beside him began to crack and split in two.

Arashi glanced over and saw Bogart, who, amidst the pirates' screams, also turned to look at him. Neither spoke, but amid the storm, Bogart gave him a thumbs-up.

"This guy is a Devil Fruit user!"

"Use Armament Haki against him!" The pirates' shouts echoed in Arashi's ears.

He grinned, watching a pirate wielding a long sword rush towards him at high speed. 

Arashi tightened his right fist, and black and red lightning crackled and coiled around his arm. The next moment, he swung his fist to meet the incoming blade.

"Clang!" The sound of metal striking metal rang out, black and red lightning bursting and spreading around them, cracking the deck beneath their feet and distorting the air. 

The pirate's face twisted in terror, and without any hesitation, he was sent flying backwards, crashing through the mast and the ship's cabin before disappearing into the pouring rain.

"Even the force of Conqueror's Haki can be controlled with such precision now?"

Arashi whispered to himself. As his Conqueror's Haki levelled up, his control over it rapidly improved. 

What had once been a wild, full-force power was now something he could confine within limits. 

This was undoubtedly good news; power that couldn't be controlled was like a wild horse, causing unpredictable effects on himself and others. 

Additionally, it drained his stamina and mental strength. He swiftly took action, taking even less time to take down another pirate ship, dying only thrice. 

"Level 94!" Arashi mentally noted the level of his Conqueror's Haki, and a slight smile formed on his lips. 

He could focus on levelling up another skill once he maxed out his Conqueror's Haki. 

Conqueror's Haki would become his ultimate trump card and the most powerful weapon.

With a slight bend in his legs, Arashi leapt high into the air, momentarily hovering above the pirate ship. 

His right fist clenched tightly, black and red lightning crackling around it. Suddenly, he punched downward.

"Galaxy Impact!"

Black and red lightning shot out like countless serpents, slamming into the centre of the pirate ship. 


The sound of breaking echoed as the massive pirate ship split in half. The crack quickly spread across the entire vessel, reducing it to fragments.

Not far away, Sakazuki, Kuzan, and Bogart looked up, astonished at the young man who remained suspended in the air, fist still clenched.

"This guy!!" Sakazuki gritted his teeth.

"As expected of Arashi, he's already far ahead of us?" Kuzan grinned.

Bogart's eyes flickered as he sliced down a pirate before him, lost in thought.

At the same time, Garp, standing on the deck of the Marine warship amid the pouring rain, burst into hearty laughter.

"This brat, he's starting to show a bit of my style!"

An officer standing behind him, watching Arashi tread on thin air and swiftly land on another pirate ship, remarked in amazement, 

"He's practically a younger version of you!"

Garp laughed even louder, "No, you're wrong! When I was his age, I didn't have this kind of strength!" The officer was stunned. 

Then his expression turned to shock as he looked at Arashi's figure, constantly darting through the storm, taking down one pirate after another with terrifying strength. 

Would the future see another Garp? Arashi, amid the battle, grew stronger with every death. 

His raw strength was now so powerful that their strength was beyond calculation, but he estimated that his power level wouldn't be far off from the top agents of CP9.

"Tempest Kick!" 

He slashed downward with his right foot, the massive force leaving a deep gash in the pirate ship, causing the pirates to scream in agony. 

A pirate wielding a long sword charged at him, only to be struck down by Arashi instantly.

"Finger Pistol!"

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" 

The pirate's body trembled as multiple holes were punctured in him, and as Arashi moved on, the pirate fell to the ground with a look of terror, his body riddled with wounds.

A few minutes later, the pirate ship erupted with black and red lightning, and with a loud explosion, it shattered and sank. 

Arashi grew stronger with each battle, rapidly improving and advancing.

When he returned to the Marine warship and stood before Garp, his Conqueror's Haki had reached level 100, the system's highest level. 

His Conqueror's Haki was maxed out!

At the same time, Garp assessed his strength.

"Kid, you're truly a monster. After just one battle, your power level has probably surpassed 4000!"

"Keep fighting! Life and death will make you even stronger!"

Arashi was momentarily stunned by Garp's words. 4000 power level?

<End Chapter>

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