
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · ไซไฟ
912 Chs

Chapter 41

All over the city he loves niel calls out his attack fire burning heart firing a orange fire beam attack at rascal attack both meet in the middle colliding sending tons of energy ripples to the area around them causing the air around them start to be harder to breath in niel pulls out his blade from his back pocket saying he has to end this here and now flying towards rascal who also pulls out his brass knucle with satanic writing on it cutting and hitting one another until the other person give up niel cuts deep across rascal on his chest leaving a permanent scar for everyone to see before rascal punches him on the face with all his might almost breaking his jaw right off his face if it wasn't for him learning how to harden his own energy to minimize damaged being sent flying back to the ground creating a crater around him spotting rascal say brass barrage niel stands seeing a million energy fist heading for his location running ahead start he dashes off dodging the first of many attack thinking to himself saying this attack is continuing like there's no end to it he flies up in the air to meet rascal face to face he surrounds himself in a ball of fire to see if he can burn fast the attack entering his bubble.

As the first round of the fist missile enter his fire ball they don't even go five second before dissolving into nothing only adding more firepower to his fire ball attack charging in even faster than before having more confident in himself he manages to close the big gap between them two telling rascal that this day will be his last getting angry at niel cocky word he creates even more powerful versions of his fist missiles that start heading straight for niel and even lasting longer than before better than the first version of the attack some dissolving while the majority hits niel head on trying to block off any attack with his energy barrier bit it's not strong enough to hold back most attack since he is focusing on using the fire ball for his final attack finishing him off for good he hope's getting closer to rascal who is still firing his same move at him while he prepares his last and final attack saying he has been dealing with this piece of shit for so long he has to end this now and here he has already loss his right hand man ton now he can't be next he has to win for his gang and himself powering up all his remaining energy in his tank he creates a barrier while making multiple tentacle arms.

To help him with his offensive attack and the barrier will defend him from any incoming attack towards him niel appears in front of rascal after having survived all his attack from before he then tackles him down grabbing onto him making him have a shock face expression that ask himself he thought his barrier was strong enough to take out anyone or anything why or how did this child just knock him out the air into the ground again getting angry at his many mistakes he tells niel that he should've burn his body or even cut it into little tiny pieces maybe he would've stay dead like his brother if it wasn't for him niel power's up his fire ball attack attacking rascal while the ball is around him burning rascal slowly he tries to run away but niel keeps on following him all over the park so he can get burn slowly and dissapears from this realm and go to hell telling him say hi to his buddy ton for him rascal has had enough powering up to his limit no longer worrying about his own body dying p or blowing up anymore he has had enough of this bullshit he wants him dead now pointing towards niel who just smiles to his face putting his two palm together.

He says a satanic word along with his attack creating a huge brass knucle that towers even the tallest building in the city he throws it a niel telling him to catch niel gets worry saying that enough energy power could level the whole planet into nothingness he has to stop this looking around he realizes what he can do with his fire ball attack that still surrounds him he stands up proud and still waiting for the attack to come straight for him as it get closer niel lift his single arm up in the air looking like he's trying to catch it the brass knucle touching ground level is suddenly stop by niel interfering with his dumb self rascal says what he thought the attack had enough force to blow the planet up what or who is stopping him from having his victory over the dumb luck child thinking about what he said he uses his super sight to see that niel has managed to hold back the attack from touching the planet earth he says fine this is how he wanna play it making the attack even bigger and heavier than before niel says no no no he can feel the pressure now being squish by the attack growing size his feet and leg start to go deep underground he says fuck.

If he goes any deeper the blast will touch the ground he can't let that happen his only family left is his older brother that he finally got to save and his newly made friends thinking about all of them he uses that emotions to fuel him up climbing out the ground he uses his fire ball own power to transfer to his body passing it through the attack and even rascal to end this saying his final word calling out to rascal saying eat this asshole transferring all the fire ball energy to his own body to his enemy as the burning heat leaves niel body going to the huge attack that covers it entirely before it dissolves it into nothing then it take that same energy from the brass knucle attack adding double the amount to niel attack reaching rascal who's up in the air watching this go down firing multiple shots before the attack enters his whole body burning hin from the inside body and soul leaving no more trace of his existence yelling in pain and agony saying no before niel appears before him calling out to him saying now to end him for good calling out his most powerful attack from the reaper form vengeance stare grabbing rascal by the face using his own empty eye's to stare at his enemy eye's.

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