
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a boy named david aztlan who was once a human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the fullest by going on many fun adventures and quests with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization call the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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819 Chs

Chapter 42

Too see through his memory from his past sin as this happens he is kill from within leaving the once strong gang leader rascal is dead his eyeballs are burnt to a crisp before seeing his whole body dissapear from the earlier attack burning his body gone plus his soul was destroyed from his vengeance stare now no more rascal he fall's off the sky crashing back to the earth he tries to get back up to see where rascal personal weapon written in blue satanic language will crash at pinpointing it's location he sees that someone grabs it midair noticing someone familiar he sees it's robert who stole the weapon from him trying to get up he is suddenly hit by a water attack that robert firing at him falling back he passes out from loss of energy and stamina he isn't able to stop robert who smiles saying he has two satanic weapon revealing two bloody weapon resembling the same pistols from gang leader lista written in color red that he stole from the sewer base that niel was using to hide from his enemies robert looks at his final comrade machete fighting against adam who are evenly match in power but he is loosing steam from his last battle against ton seeing this he hides within the shadow.

Receiving a mind call from the demon aquiel revealing himself in a black silloute surrounded in red skies asking how much longer does he have to wait for his freedom when is he going to start the ritual to set him free robert turns around staring at the demon silloute unable to see his real face just his body shape and his red eye's staring at him with a smile revealing his sharp teeth and having two horns on the side of his head but one horn is cut in half while the other one is the same he speaks to robert in a deep scary voice telling him he has until midnight to begin the ritual if not then his body and soul will no longer belong in this realm so he has to hurry it up little child robert talks back to the aquiel telling him he has been busting his ass off for his chance to changed the city he cares about for the better he has no love one's to tied him to the other part of the world so he better appreciate what he is doing for him giving him his own body to rule the other parts of the world but he better not touch locos cholos city got it aquiel who says to robert fine he will keep his word making a cross over his heart in middle of his chest saying so how is the hunting for the three necessary object's.

For the release of his imprisonment trap inside the crystal ball robert explains that he has two of the three objects he just waiting for the third person who has it to be defeated by the young boy they saw last time name adam he believes aquiel laughs at this saying he has done we'll knowing about there meet up so he could take the weapons from their weaken body will be like stealing candy from a baby robert tell aquiel that he will leave the mind call now he has to get back to work leaving the call aquiel tells himself soon he will have his freedom and a good host to possessed then the world as they know it will belong to the demon kind before dissapering from the call also with robert now who watches the fight from the tallest tree he makes sure to hide his own energy signature from being spotted by the two warrior's left adam punches machete on the face hard slamming him onto the ground before he drags machete all over the dirt making him eat it but he kicks adam on the stomach before cutting him all over his body leaving him bloodied falling on his back machete charges straight for him about to delivered the final blow but he blocks it with his haki.

But the knife blade still manages to cut through his skin making him bleed but he punches machete across the face making him drop his weapon on the ground adam grabs it saying this knife belongs to him now but before he can strike machete with his own knife the hilt starts to heat up making adam hand get burn at the progress before dropping the knife back at the ground machete uses his mind to switch places with the grass so he could be closer to his knife grabbing it again he tell adam to not touch his weapon unless he wants to die adam charges towards machete kicking him on the chin so he can stop his assault before he elbows him on the stomach making him spew out blood using the pain all over his body to make his firepower even stronger firing a full power fire roar attack at his direction hitting him head on blowing up the area around him he land's back at the ground walking in circle to see if he managed to survive the attack as machete comes out the smokescreen he kicks adam across the face before he stands on top of him by his backside crushing his bone telling adam he is weaker than before can he even stand up to fight him at his best what a joke show him his fighting spirit.

So he give him a honorable death and go back to ruling the city he was destined to rule adam gets up slowly bloody and wounds all over his body telling machete don't count him out just yet he can still keep on fighting covering both his fist with dark red fire so he can show him he's willing to do anything to win this fight against him surrounding himself with the awaken fire he burns machete foot destroying his shoes and half his pants reaching to his knees punching him all over his body leaving burn mark and bruises whenever he attack but machete put his hand forward pushing adam back he stands back up to see his enemy fire his attack at him dodging and weaving he puts his fingers together saying crossfire attack flying towards machete hitting his chest leaving his shirt burn with a cross mark but he rips the shirt off his body cracking his neck and kicking adam on the stomach after he teleports in front of him thanks to his knife as he throws the knife behind adam who is unable to see it because of how fast it's moving machete grab it teleporting behind him getting even faster he cuts adam all over before he punches him on the back crashing back to the ground hard.

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