
Odyssey Of A Conceptual Card Maker

#NoHarem #Hard Working Protagonist #Anti-Hero #Villain(Gradual) #Earned Power(Kind of) #Superpowers #World Switch #Marvel #Harry Potter #PJO #Others --------------------- Alexander 'Alex' Walters was an ordinary guy, who lived dual lives. Alex by day, he was a honest, shy guy working a desk job. Handsome, but boring and ordinary. Aadi by night, a bad boy supreme with no moral compass in search for thrill. Ending up dead while trying to juggle his dual lives, he did not expect to find what he wanted to all his life in his final moments, and so when he got an offer to live again, he leapt into Life's embrace. How would he chase his dreams while being caught up in a game for beings beyond his comprehension, fighting every step of the way, on multiple fronts to survive? Accompany Alex on his path, as he fights all across the multiverse, scheming and planning his way through multiple worlds and plotting his way to get out of this death game and achieve freedom, all this while using and developing his own unique ability. Wanna know more about this Odyssey? Read to find out!! ------------------------ Support me with comments and stones!!

FateKeeper · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
23 Chs

Death. But, the End?

Finally ready and dressed up for the occasion, I hired a cab and made my way to the subway, for I had to take certain precautions to keep both the personas separated. It would be idiotic for me to have maintained this utterance all this while only to have some psycho track both these identities to my place. 

Let me tell you, while Alex was shy, Aadi was not; and he was not afraid to stick his D in crazy. In fact, many of Aadi's acquaintances-fellow partygoers, thrill seekers had warned him about the dangers of crazy, but I was confident about my precautions and had faith in my capabilities. But who knew, that this would be my own undoing and faith in my capabilities would ironically lead to my death.

Out of the station and across the street, I made my way to alley which the other commuters gave a wide berth to. Nothing much, but just the fact that the cops busted a meth deal here, but were incognizant of the fact that the thugs owned the very building they were standing outside. Equivalent to poking a hornet's nest, it evolved into a full blown shootout, with blood staining the walls and bodies littering the street. The reporters had a field day debasing the Police, the thugs, the locality, value of human rights, junkies, drugs, videogames, falling level of human interaction, and anything and everything they saw or could connect to this incident, claming, I quote, "Degeneracy of Human Mind which led to this violent outburst" and as anyone would guess, all blame was laid at the doors of the thing that all parents unilaterally hate- Videogames.

While it was normal for me to use deserted alleys and other shortcuts through the seedier parts of the neighborhood, I was careful enough to keep my ears and eyes wide open. When travelling through dimly lit alleys and deserted areas at Night, I always kept a lookout for any movement, while keeping the retractable pocket staff in my fist. Quite a handy purchase, and damn useful.

No, so rant aside, I made my way down the street, keeping to the centre of the road and as far away from the dark corners and random druggies lying around, lost to the world in their consumption induced haze. Well, each to their poison. About halfway down the alley, I started heard sounds, too far to be clearly audible but close enough to understand their nature. Taking charge as Aadi, I shifted to the shadows while stealthily making my way forward, with the conversation as well as the people involved became clear to me. Four figures, three male and one female. The female was a short brunette dressed in formal attire, possibly in an inebriated state as observed from the unsteady steps and slurred speech. The other three were- well, dressed like goons. Well built, wearing leather jackets, tattoos, salacious smiles and shifty hands. Basically, they screamed 'Bad Guys' when seen in the situation I saw them in. Still, I didn't jump to conclusions but kept my silence while slowly making my way towards them. But my conjuctures were right, they started getting handsy and the woman's muffled screams made their way to me.

Now, I did not know either the woman or the goons. While I chase the thrill of adrenaline, I still have a sense of survival and No Hero Complex. In fact I hate hero complexes. As Aadi, while I have been involved in borderline grey areas of rule-breaking and bending, I do not force girls and do nothing without consent. What can I say, I was raised right. 

So, keeping to the shadows with the metal staff fully extended, I snuck close to those four, and after talking a deep breath, I struck hard with the rod, hitting one in the lower back in a quick stab, keeping him grounded.

As the attack came out of the blue, I succeeded in catching another one off-guard and one quick blow to his solar plexus got him out of comission. By this time, the last goon had managed to get his bearings and took the dosed girl hostage, placing himself behind her while holding her neck in a threatening manner.

While not with a Hero Complex, who didn't like to be involved in 'Hero saving a Beauty' Scenario, and I didn't like for it to be trashed because of an overachieving mook. So, while releasing the rod from one hand and raising the same to apppear non threatening, I approached the girl and the goon taking shelter behind her, while directing the still extended metal rod held by my other hand in between their legs. 

After getting close enough that both the girl and the guy were within the range of rod, I quickly placed my foot under the rod and kicked it upwards while using my arm to maximize the impact on their underside.

There was the sound of glass shattering, or maybe it was a man's dreams, but after a brief pregnant pause, a mournful wail broke through the silence which surrounded the grimy alley, along with moans and groans interspersed to form a symphony of pain.

Now that the disturbances were dealt with, I made my way to the main object of interest- the girl, who was currently passed out beside the last goon with a relaxed expression and suspicious pool of liquid around her pants. It looked funny, because the girl was sleeping with a calm expression while the man lying next to her was bawling his guts out, with heart wrenching sobs and tearful counternance staring at me with hate filled eyes. 

Looking at his hate filled eyes, I was sure of his now forming grudge, and knowing a future problem when I see one, I decided to deal with it before it could come back to bite me in the future. A single glance to look for interlopers, and finding none, I solved the grudge before it was formed. A single swing, a thud, and a problem nipped in the bud. And doing this just once was not enough to solve this matter as there were still two more spectators. So Rinse and Repeat, and with two more resounding thuds, the only living participants on this stage were me and the sleeping beauty.

Cleaning my favourite toy on the clothes of the deceased, I made sure to clear all evidence which may directly or indirectly implicate me. I also made sure that all the traces of the girl were removed. After dealing with all those things, I dragged them to one dark corner and made my way to the girl sleeping through all my actions. Looking at her sleeping cluelessly, I wondered what her reaction would be when she woke up. While I did have a prior engagement (yes, messing with a Bitch can be considered one), it won't do to simply leave her here like this. She atleast had to know I was the one who saved her for the whole 'Hero saving the Beauty' outline to work. I picked her up, planning to keep her at some hotel while I went to the party and come back by the time she waked up.

Thinking of the delightful chaos to follow my actions, I wondered aloud- "Don't I seem like a harem protagonist ?" and that, my dear, was my last coherent thought or sentence, before I was mercilessly stabbed 42 times. Looking into the baby blue eyes of my assailiant, who was sobbing her eyes out and going on and on like a broken tape recorder- "Sorry! But why Aadi? Why? Why is it not me? Why!" while pulling out her blonde hair, I realized that I deserved to die. 

 Normally it would be impossible for me to remain unaware of a blond woman following me from my apartment, had I not been thinking about the Bitch and her Simps. It would be significantly harder for me to ignore an attractive women in the same subway compartment as me, especially when she repeatedly kept glancing at me. It gets progressively worse, when both women are the same, and it is the worst when the woman is the Crazy I put my D into. 

Actually, she got too possessive, and scared me a bit. So, I might have ghosted her for a while. But I never thought she would be crazy enough to stalk me home, and surely not crazy enough to get staby me to death.

With my vision losing focus and body losing heat, 

With blood in my lungs, and a scarlet pool beneath;

I looked at a creature, I thought existed only in fiction.

With her eyes filled with love and obsession, wielding a blade while covered from head to toe in blood, she never looked preittier.

With the last breath leaving my body, I had only one thought-

'Too beautiful. Wish I saw this sooner.'

And then, there was darkness.