
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 23: Awaiting the greatest

Days passed like a gentle breeze, each one blending seamlessly into the next as Reyoma attended his classes diligently, soaking in the knowledge of seekers and honing his weapon mastery skills. Two uneventful days slipped by unnoticed, until finally, the day of the clan meeting arrived.

Anticipation hung heavy in the air, weighing upon Reyoma's mind like a looming shadow. Dropping the soul stone from his sleeve clutching it tightly in his hand, he felt a surge of nervous energy coursing through him. This meeting marked his first encounter with the esteemed clan leader of Akatsuki, Akihiko Akatsuki himself. Reyoma had read countless praises of Akihiko in Haruka's book; she was, after all, his physician. Akihiko Akatsuki was revered as the great leader who had led Clan Akatsuki to victory in the Fukushu War, When did he fight that battle? In his prime? In his middle age? No this feat was achieved in his old age.

Reyoma couldn't help but wonder about the significance of such a leader, one who had battled in his twilight years, defying the limitations of age with his unwavering resolve and unparalleled skill.

And now, such a person wanted to meet all of the elders' successors. Even though Ayaka told him that she would take him to the clan meeting this time, he wouldn't have been this nervous if these were the circumstances. But Clan Leader Akihiko Akatsuki himself wanted the elders' meeting to be attended by successors. That means he will be watching them, that means he wants something from this youths.

'But what does the Clan Leader want from us? Does he want to see if we are capable of being elders' successors? Maybe. Does he want to see who is capable of becoming the future clan leader? Since the clan leader doesn't have any heir, that is definitely possible. But why now?' Shrugging off the stressful thoughts from his mind, Reyoma exhales from his nostrils, coming to his senses.

Reyoma stood in the Elder Meeting Hall of the Clan Akatsuki, a space steeped in tradition and significance. The hall occupied the second floor of the clan's central building, directly beneath the private quarters of the clan leader. At its heart stood the imposing throne of the clan leader, a grand and ornate seat adorned with intricate engravings and meticulous detailing. Despite its opulence, the throne emanated a sense of simplicity and symmetry, its clean lines and balanced design adding to its magnificence.

Attached to the throne's back, extending from right to left but not touching the walls, was a long shoji partition standing semi-transparent, only leaving a little bit of space to enter and exit the semi-circular table.

In front of the throne, a semi-circular table extended outward, creating a small stage-like platform. Behind it, a second, similarly shaped table stood at the same height, forming a tiered arrangement that commanded attention. The windows of the hall were open, allowing a gentle breeze to waft through and mingle with the warm light that flooded the space from above.

High above them, the crest of Clan Akatsuki adorned the ceiling, its calligraphy illuminated by the soft glow of light filtering through its intricate design. The crest served as a reminder of the clan's heritage and values, casting a reverent atmosphere over the proceedings.

The air was filled with the rich scent of incense, its musky fragrance adding a layer of solemnity to the proceedings. Despite the uncertainty that lingered in the air, Reyoma found himself drawn to the solemn beauty of the hall

Reyoma stood at the first semi-circle, positioned directly in the middle of the table, while his mother sat beside him. It was a position of significance, he was standing beside her. No one except elders was allowed to sit on this table, not even their successors as it was reserved for only Elders, and Reyoma felt the weight of responsibility as he awaited the commencement of the meeting. His mother's presence beside him offered a sense of reassurance, her wisdom and guidance serving as a constant source of strength.

To Reyoma's right sat Elder Masaru Akatsuki, the esteemed elder of the merchant district. Masaru exuded an air of elegance and refinement, his slender frame moving with a graceful poise that commanded attention. His features were handsome yet sharp, with piercing eyes that seemed to hold a wealth of knowledge and experience. Clad in the traditional attire of elders, Masaru wore a white kimono with red borders, cinched at the waist with a matching red belt adorned with the clan crest, with was the dress code for Elders in clan meeting. With a dragon hairpin secured his long, obsidian-black hair, adding a touch of sophistication to his appearance.

As Reyoma glanced at Masaru, he noticed the elder holding a folding fan, its delicate design covering the lower half of his face. Behind the fan, Masaru's sharp jawline remained hidden, adding an air of mystery to his demeanor. Etched onto the fan was the name "Masaru," a subtle yet distinct marker of the elder's identity.

Besides Masaru stood two of the most captivating figures he had ever encountered, Ayame and Sakura, the twin prodigies of the clan. Their ethereal beauty surpassed even that of his own mother, a feat that spoke volumes about their allure. Known as the "two wings of one butterfly," they were the daughters of Masaru Akatsuki, and their reputation for beauty and talent preceded them wherever they went.

Ayame and Sakura stood tall and graceful, their identical features a testament to their shared lineage. With delicate, porcelain-like features, their flawless skin seemed to glow in the soft light of the meeting hall. Cascades of raven-black hair framed their faces, but their insignia differed; Ayame had a purple insignia indicating poison, and Sakura had a gray insignia indicating sharpness , they were after all one year older than Reyoma, falling in silky waves that accentuated their ethereal beauty. Their eyes, dark pools of enchantment, held a hint of mischief and allure, drawing others in with their mesmerizing gaze, Both of them wore plain black kimonos with red borders, which was the dress code for successors of elders in clan meetings.

Despite their identical appearance, subtle nuances in their mannerisms and style allowed those close to them to distinguish between the two.

Reyoma felt the weight of their gazes as Ayame and Sakura turned their attention towards him. Ayame's smile was warm and inviting, her subtle wave a gesture of friendliness. On the other hand, Sakura's arrogant smirk and dismissive snort hinted at a different demeanor, one that Reyoma found unsettling.

Refusing to engage with their antics, Reyoma simply turned his head, choosing to ignore their attempts at interaction. However, his lack of response only seemed to intrigue Ayame and Sakura further.

"Did you see that, sister?" Ayame's eyes widened with excitement as a mischievous smile played on her lips.

Sakura, with a hint of amusement in her voice, replied in a low tone, "Yes, he is indeed... interesting."

Masaru, sensing the exchange between his daughters and Reyoma, raised an eyebrow curiously. "Do you find him interesting?" he inquired.

Ayame nodded eagerly. "Yes, Father. He is the first person in the clan who didn't even care to reply to us or show any interest in us. Even Taka-chan greeted us," she explained.

Sakura, ever the pragmatist, pondered aloud, "Is he perhaps a eunuch?"

Masaru's gaze shifted to Ayaka, who remained impassive, lost in her meditation, as she had closed her eyes. She was also following the dress code, with the only difference being the veil that she always wore whenever she had to go out from home.

"Remember to keep your distance from him. You don't want to get entangled in that woman's plans, do you?" Masaru cautioned, his tone firm.

"Of course not, Father," Ayame assured.

"Not at all, Father," Sakura echoed obediently.

"I will see if I can do anything to make him yours."

Hearing this, 'two wings of one butterfly' threw excited glances at each other, their beautiful faces clamping in a mesmerizing expression.

Reyoma's gaze shifted to his left, where the formidable figure of Reyota Akatsuki and his son Takeshi Akatsuki sat. Reyota, with his arms folded and his posture straight, exuded an aura of experience and authority. Despite the signs of aging evident in the strands of white among his hair, his physique remained robust and muscular, his hair was cut short, with the hereditary color of hair of Akatsuki, which is an obsidian black shade. His short hair was well combed, showing the insignia of brown, indicating earth.

One of Reyota's most striking features was his well-groomed beard, which added to his rugged appearance. Reyoma couldn't help but admire the distinguished look it gave him, briefly entertaining the idea of growing a beard himself. However, he quickly dismissed the thought, reminded of his lack of facial hair.

Reyota bore two scars extending from above his left eye to his hairline, adding to his rugged charm. Despite knowing that Reyoma was observing him, Reyota remained unfazed, his attention fixed on the empty throne, awaiting the arrival of the clan leader.

Standing beside Reyota was the formidable figure of Takeshi Akatsuki, the most powerful youth in the clan. Takeshi possessed a commanding presence, his tall and imposing stature radiating authority inherited from his esteemed lineage. His sharp and defined features, coupled with intense obsidian-black eyes.

With shoulder-length sleek hair the color of obsidian, with a reddish-orange insignia indicating fire affinity. Takeshi exuded an aura of power and dominance, further amplified by his military prowess that labeled him as the most destructive force on the battlefield. Despite being a few years older than Reyoma, Takeshi's demeanor remained composed and unyielding.

Sensing Reyoma's gaze, Takeshi lightly nodded in acknowledgment, prompting Reyoma to reciprocate with a subtle nod of his own. Both understood that their interaction would be brief and devoid of unnecessary pleasantries. As for greeting Ayame and Sakura, whom he thought greeting would only make a mess of the situation. After all, he was the dark omen of the clan, while these two sisters were the most beautiful the clan had to offer and had many pursuers. Reyoma just didn't see any good reason to get involved with them, even if it was just a brief greeting, he just thought, 'Not worth the effort.'

The second table, positioned behind Reyoma, was indeed more occupied than the first. Sitting behind Reyoma were two spears, positioned with precision, clad in armor similar to the swords, the only difference being the tall spear with its bottom resting on the ground instead of a sword, while between them sat a figure draped in mystery – the Hound. Cloaked entirely in black armor, the Hound exuded an aura of enigma and intrigue. His armor, devoid of any color except for the occasional glint of silver chainmail, concealed his form completely.

Atop his head rested a sleek kabuto helmet, leaving only his eyes visible to the world. Embedded on the forehead of the helm was the emblem of his lineage, the clan crest, marking him as a formidable warrior of his clan. Beneath the kabuto, his torso was encased in a chest plate of overlapping iron plates, emblazoned with the crimson sun symbol, representing honor and duty.

Flexible yet durable shoulder guards adorned his frame, offering protection without compromising his fluid movements. Forearm guards and shin guards provided additional defense, ensuring he was well-prepared for any confrontation. His attire was completed by tabi and waraji footings, allowing for silent footsteps on any terrain, and a cloak of specialized fabric draped over his shoulders, shrouding him in darkness and adding to his air of mystery.

On Reyoma's right, behind Masaru the sly merchant, there were two spears. On his left, behind the war veteran, there were two spears, the only exception being the hound, the shinobi commanded by none other than his mother, who ruled over the clan's villages.

Seeing all these people who could crush him any moment they wanted to, silently awaiting only one person—the clan leader! The clan leader who ruled over all of them made Reyoma think of how insignificant he is, the only person in the room who hadn't even passed his first trial, the only person in the room who was labeled the dark omen but was still adopted by this clan because of his beloved mother, the only person in this world who mattered more than anything to him. With the mix of excitement and building anticipation, Reyoma waited.