
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 24: Clan meeting

In the silent hall, footsteps could be heard approaching from behind the transparent shoji standing doors. The clan leader arrived wearing the same clothes as the elders, the only difference being that his outfit had an added black coat on top of his kimono, entered the meeting hall flanked by two swords, symbols of his authority. Each step he took resonated with the weight of his presence.

As the clan leader made his way to the throne, bathed in the soft orange glow from above, all those present rose to their feet and bowed in reverence. With a simple command, Akihiko bid them to resume their seats, his voice carrying the weight of wisdom accumulated over the years.

"Raise your heads and take your seats," spoke Akihiko, his voice weathered yet commanding, as he settled onto the throne, flanked by his faithful swords on either side.

"Long live the great clan leader, long live the great clan Akatsuki," echoed the assembled members, their voices reverberating through the hallowed hall in homage to their esteemed leader.

With the formalities observed, the clan leader's gaze swept across the assembled elders and successors, his piercing eyes seeming to penetrate the very essence of each individual present.

With a dignified air, Elder Ryota rose from his seat, bowed to clan leader his movements measured and deliberate. Retrieving a scroll from his belt, he unfurled it with practiced ease, the parchment whispering softly as it unfolded.

"Clan Leader Akihiko," Ryota began, his voice gravelly yet commanding, "I bring before you the reports from military district."

"My lord, the Ballista, Catapult, Caltrops, and Siege Tower you asked for are ready, and in our two hundred and fifty thousand samurai army barracks for fifty thousand, have been created and situated at the borders of Shirakawa village, which is northeast of our territory. But, my lord, there is also bad news. Moving the Ballista, Catapult, Caltrops, and Siege Tower to the borders is taking more manpower and rations than what we expected, and I would like to ask for more rations," Ryota finished as he bowed again while cupping his fists.

Akihiko simply stroked his medium-sized goatee while Ryota was still bowing. As Masaru broke the silence, "Elder Ryota," he addressed, making Ryota raise his head to look at him as Masaru continued, "the rations that the merchant district voluntarily submitted to the well-being of our honorable samurais, we merchants of the merchant district will give up on the profit that our homes run from and will do the same thing again. But please, don't make a habit out of it," Masaru said dramatically.

As the belittling remark struck, a fleeting ember of indignation ignited within Takeshi, his right hand twitching with restrained fire before swiftly quelling the flame, an act of self-control mastered through years of discipline. Ryota, ever the picture of deference, remained unfazed by the tense exchange, bowing respectfully once more to Akihiko.

"My lord," he murmured, voice hushed with reverence.

Akihiko, the epitome of stoicism, finally broke his silence, his tone measured yet tinged with weary authority. "The needed rations should be provided to Elder Ryota."

Ryota, still maintaining his bow, seized the moment to interject, his voice carrying the weight of concern. "My lord, medicinal needs are also in short supply."

"SIGH!!!" Masaru exhales a sigh loudly, his breath echoing throughout the hall.

"Are you having a breathing problem, Elder Masaru?" Takeshi's voice sliced through the tense air, his stoic tone barely concealing the thinly veiled contempt he held for Masaru's perceived inadequacies.

Masaru, ever the picture of composure, returned Takeshi's barb with a disarming smile, his polite tone a sharp contrast to the undercurrent of tension. "No, no, I am fine. But as I see it, aren't you the one who is having problems?"

Before Takeshi could retort, his father Ryota intervened, a silent gesture of restraint as he gently grasped Takeshi's hand, silently urging him to hold his tongue.

"The medicinal needs should also be taken care of by the Merchant District, Elder Masaru. Discuss the details with Elder Ryota and provide for military needs," Akihiko's voice cut through the escalating confrontation, his words carrying the weight of command.

"As you command, my lord," Masaru responded with a deferential bow, acquiescing to Akihiko's directive.

Observing the interplay between the elders with a sense of detached amusement, Ryoma relished the unfolding drama. It was his inaugural attendance at such a meeting, and witnessing the subtle power plays between these esteemed figures only confirmed his suspicions of underlying tensions. Just as the elders settled back into their seats, Ayaka, sensing the shift in dynamics, rose from her position.

Cupping her hands in a respectful gesture, Ayaka bowed gracefully before Clan Leader Akihiko, her voice carrying an air of dutiful efficiency as she delivered her report.

"My lord, I report to you that the villages have been safely evacuated as per your orders, near the clan borders. The crops have exceeded expectations, nearly doubling the yield of the past year, and taxes have been collected and will be submitted tomorrow," Ayaka relayed, her words omitting any mention of Hakuryoku's case. Though the turmoil in the East Village, known as Sabu, had caused havoc, it was already resolved by the Clan Leader himself, thus needing no further mention.

"Hm... But Elder Ayaka, how is the situation in Sabu Village?" Clan Leader Akihiko inquired, directing his attention specifically to the village in question.

"The trauma that was caused has mostly subsided, and most of the villagers are diligently working to rebuild their village. They have also been safely evacuated to the clan borders, and Master Hound and his shinobi are overseeing their protection. That's all, my lord," Ayaka concluded softly, her tone conveying both reassurance and efficiency as she returned to her seat.

As Ayaka spoke, Masaru remained silent, his demeanor composed yet inscrutable, offering no interjection or comment. Similarly, Ryota, maintained a stoic silence, his expression betraying little emotion. Observing this exchange, Ryoma's suspicions solidified further, confirming his belief that his mother's faction remained neutral, prioritizing their own concerns above all else. The absence of any intervention from Masaru or Ryota spoke volumes, signaling their detachment from the political maneuvers unfolding before them.

Rising from his seat with a respectful bow, Masaru addressed Clan Leader Akihiko with a tone of accomplishment evident in his voice.

"My lord, I report that the deal with the Kage Clan has been successful and has greatly benefited us. We have acquired iron at half the usual price, a substantial saving for our resources. If we can replicate such successful negotiations, we may even consider lowering our taxes. Furthermore, regarding the armor and weapons, seventy percent of them are already prepared for use, and the remaining thirty percent will be completed by the end of this month," Masaru conveyed with a sense of pride in his achievements. With another bow, he returned to his seat at the table, his contribution acknowledged and noted.

"The reports end here. Now, what makes this meeting more crucial than usual is the imminent arrival of the Imperials. The preparations we've undertaken were at her orders, Her Holiness the Shrine Maiden. We don't know when they will attack or what their plans entail, so we must be prepared for any eventuality," Akihiko declared, his voice weighted with the gravity of the situation.

"I've gathered all the elders and their successors here for a reason. If any of the elders should perish in the upcoming war, their successors need to be well-informed about the state of their clan. However, if any elder present believes that the descendants they've brought are unworthy of being their successors, please send them out," he continued, his words sparking a sense of shock among the assembled elders and spears.

The memory of the previous fukushu war lingered heavily in their minds, a reminder of the devastation it wrought. None of the elders wished to witness their clans teetering on the brink of extinction once more.

On the other hand, Reyoma pondered, his thoughts swirling with a mix of apprehension and resignation. 'Imperials, huh... Are they truly powerful enough to pose a threat to the Elders and Spears of our clan?' The notion brought a chill to his spine, casting a shadow of uncertainty over his mother's safety. Yet, in the face of such looming danger, Reyoma felt powerless, his aspirations for the upcoming trial offering little solace in the grand scheme of things.

"I can do nothing... Instead of dwelling on the Imperials, I should focus on passing my first trial. Becoming a novice is the least I can do to contribute," he reasoned inwardly, attempting to reconcile his limited agency in the face of impending conflict. 'Akihiko-sama should be able to stop them like last time, shouldn't he? Let's hope he does,' Reyoma thought quietly to himself, unaware of the true gravity of Akihiko's announcement.

Reyoma didn't properly understand the gravity of this announcement. It was Her Holiness, the Shrine Maiden, who had sent orders to prepare for war, so the war was definitely going to happen. The last time the three great clans fought with the Imperials, almost sixty percent of the male population and thirty percent of the female population got wiped out. It was an age of depression, as told by many philosophers.

"Since none of the elders believe their descendants to be unworthy, let's proceed," Akihiko declared, his tone resolute as he steered the discussion forward.

"Now, Elder Ryota," Akihiko addressed, his gaze focused intently on the seasoned elder, "you mentioned that fifty thousand samurai are already stationed at Shirakawa Village. What about the other location where I ordered the deployment of samurais?"

"My lord, I am personally overseeing the preparations of their cohorts. Once completed, the second batch of soldiers will be deployed," Ryota explained with a hint of pride in his voice.

"What? Three days have passed, and cohorting hasn't been completed yet?" Akihiko's voice carried a hint of incredulity, his disappointment palpable as he admonished Ryota for the delay.

"But, my lord, cohorting so many samurai will take at least a week," Ryota defended, his tone respectful yet firm.

"One week? The Imperials are poised to attack us, Elder Ryota. Take this matter with the utmost seriousness," Akihiko retorted, the urgency evident in his voice as he emphasized the gravity of the situation.

"I will, my lord," Ryota affirmed solemnly, bowing his head in acknowledgment of the imperative to expedite the preparations.

"And Elder Ayaka, have the perpetrators of the massacre been arrested? I heard that the Sabu massacre case was related to Imperials," Akihiko questioned, his gaze sharp as he directed his inquiry towards Ayaka.

"Yes, my lord. The case was indeed related to Imperials. Two of them were killed on sight, but we suspect more Imperials may be involved, and they are currently being hunted by Master Hound," Ayaka replied, her tone measured and composed.

"If this case was indeed caused by Imperials, then why was it hidden from me? Why did I hear about this from other sources before you?" Akihiko pressed, a note of frustration creeping into his voice.

"My lord, I intended to inform you once the case was solved," Ayaka explained, her response tinged with deference but holding firm in her decision.

"And when is that? When the war starts? When the Imperials come knocking on our doors to kill our family?" Akihiko's tone was edged with impatience, his disappointment evident.

Observing his mother being accused by the Clan Leader, Reyoma moved to speak up in her defense, but a subtle gesture from Ayaka halted him mid-sentence.

Masaru, still concealed behind his fan, noted this exchange with keen observation.

"This case should be taken with utmost seriousness," Spears, standing behind Ayaka, interjected, bowing respectfully to Akihiko. "Help Hound in this case. I want results as quickly as possible."

"And, Elder Ayaka, were their families compensated?" Akihiko inquired, his tone firm.

Before Ayaka could respond, Reyoma, answered confidently, "They have been compensated, my lord," his voice devoid of emotion as he conveyed the assurance of the matter.

"The meeting ends here. Take your leave," Akihiko announced, his voice carrying the weight of authority.