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"If you want to change the cultivation path of the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, it can be said to be harder than reaching the heavens.

The first two times, your success was a combination of wisdom, strength, and luck.

But the Seven Star Battle Armor is the turning point for the Nine-Star cultivation. Before reaching the Seven Star, there isn't much difference among all the Nine-Star descendants.

However, after unlocking the Seven Star, factors such as talent, aptitude, perseverance, willpower, wisdom, focus, and others will cause the gap between the Nine-Star successors to widen rapidly.

Although they all possess the Seven-Star Battle Body, have you noticed that during the tribulation, the Nine-Star descendants were dominated by tribulation, and only one of them was able to tear apart the tribulation clouds with his bare hands, shatter the Heavenly Dao's will, and prevent it from enslaving the Nine-Star descendants? This is the difference.

In the Sea of Blood, a billion beast Venerates besieged 3000 descendants, and both sides suffered losses. In reality, half of the billion beast Venerates were killed by that man.

And that man didn't die at the hands of those beasts, but at the hands of another terrifying foreigner— a Dragon.

"In whose hands did he die?" Long Chen clenched his teeth, a murderous intent swirling in his eyes.

Every Nine-Star descendant is a passionate individual, a true warrior. They seek revenge for their fallen comrades.

"The one who killed him also died. It's pointless to know who it was. The wars of those years were beyond your imagination.

All you need to know is that without great power, fame, status, dignity, and pride are meaningless.

The so-called civilization in the Divine Realm is merely a self-deceptive joke played by the human race. The world is inherently barbaric and always values strength over reason.

The most foolish thing about your people is wanting to use your goodness to influence evil creatures, but you don't realize that your people are the epitome of evil." The Dragon expert remarked.

Long Chen pondered for a while and finally spoke with a wry smile:

"Though it sounds harsh, I have to admit you're right."

"Your people embody the greatest contradiction. Good and evil, light and darkness are intertwined in your souls.

As a result, your character is the most unpredictable. Good and evil coexist in your minds. You are beings that walk between two extremes. No one in this world can truly comprehend you, not even yourselves.

I have witnessed the glory and the downfall of your people with my own eyes.

The most absurd thing is that your people don't know why it happened, and even as a bystander, I can't fathom the reasons behind those events," the dragon expert sighed with melancholy.

"Senior, please don't sigh. When I step onto the pinnacle and surpass all obstacles, such events will never happen again," Long Chen laughed.

"Are you so certain?" The Dragon expert expressed in dout.

"Well, I'm absolutely certain that as long as I don't die, I will reach the top. Once I do, the world will change because of me." Long Chen said with confidence.

The Dragon expert fell silent for a moment and then said, "Your people aren't trustworthy. However, I'm willing to believe in you. Your character greatly appeals to me."

"Hey, you can trust me, absolutely. Hehe, Master Long San has a bright future ahead," Long Chen said with a laugh.

"By the way, Senior, I've absorbed so much chaos energy. Why don't I feel any progress, while my brother, whose absorption was less than one percent of mine, has already condensed a prototype of the Heavenly Dao Crown?" Long Chen suddenly asked.

"That fellow is as weak as a chicken, unable to absorb much chaotic Qi. But, he has exceptional luck and is favored by heaven.

As the saying goes, heaven makes up for what is lacking. Among those at the same level, his aptitude is the weakest, so heaven naturally compensates him more. That's why he was able to form the Heavenly Dao Crown prototype faster."

Long Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he looked at Guo Ran, who had the appearance of a strong and powerful man. If he were to tell Guo Ran the truth, he would probably cry.

However, upon further consideration, Guo Ran's current strength was cultivated by Long Chen himself, but his talent and aptitude were innate and unchangeable.

So even though Guo Ran's strength was formidable now, in the eyes of heaven, he was a weakling who couldn't be any weaker. It was likely that heaven took pity on him and provide extra care.

"Senior, when can I obtain your dragon scales?" Long Chen asked.

"It's not the right time yet, and I'm still figuring things out. When the time comes, I will let you know. For now, focus on what you need to do," the Dragon expert replied.

"Can I break through the void again and gather the chaotic aura?" Long Chen inquired.

"The chaos energy is like a dragon vein, meandering and unreachable at any time or place.

Moreover, until it manifests, there is no rush to create your Heavenly Dao Crown. There's no need to worry about the closure of the Three Thousand Worlds. Without the emergence of chaotic Qi, the Three Thousand Worlds will not be sealed" the Dragon expert explained.

'Since that method doesn't work, let's set it aside' Long Chen began to cultivate the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art to quickly restore his purple Qi.

Under the vision of the purple gas emanating from the Star Sea, the 180,000 stars resembled 180,000 springs. In less than half a day, Long Chen's purple Qi had recovered to about 80%.

Long Chen then stopped cultivating. As long as he didn't engage in battle, his purple Qi would recover in a few hours naturally. There was no need to intentionally restore it.

When Long Chen's recovery reached 80%, Mo Nian and Yue Xiaoqian had recovered to 77.78%. Xia Chen and Guo Ran had fully recovered. Especially Guo Ran, who didn't need to meditate at all. As long as he activated the Heavenly Dao Crown, his recovery was swift, taking only half an hour.

At this moment, Guo Ran was pleasantly surprised and excited, deeply engrossed in studying his Heavenly Dao Crown: each person's Heavenly Dao Crown possessed unique abilities. The specifics needed to be explored individually.

Long Chen believed that Guo Ran's Heavenly Dao Crown might not possess any special abilities. After all, it was based on his own talent, perseverance, and aptitude. This guy was lacking in all aspects. But Long Chen didn't want to extinguish his enthusiasm and allowed him to explore it himself.

However, having the Heavenly Dao Crown would greatly enhance Guo Ran's recovery of physical strength, which was advantageous in battle. It provided an endless supply of strength.

Most of the time, Guo Ran relied on his battle armor in combat, so his physical strength consumption was minimal. With the Heavenly Crown, his combat endurance would be astonishing.

"Let's go. We should return to Silver Moon City and gather our brothers before heading back to Haotian City. The Dragon Blood Legion will once again shake the world" Long Chen declared.

Upon hearing this, Xia Chen and Guo Ran were filled with fervor, especially Guo Ran, who howled in excitement as the commander-in-chief.

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts