
3805 - Deviated path

Long Chen's meridians were severely shaken, almost on the verge of breaking. It was an extremely perilous situation.

For a cultivator, exerting all their strength is taboo. Such a move is a lose-lose situation, even hurting oneself before the enemy.

Moreover, Long Chen had just formed the Seven Star Battle Armor, and he couldn't effectively control such immense power. Launching a full-scale attack is tantamount to seeking death.

Long Chen would never make such a basic mistake, but the powerful expert from the Dragon race compelled him to do so, leaving him no choice. As expected, the blow nearly knocked him unconscious.

However, Long Chen didn't anticipate that with his own injury, he gained a trace of chaos. He couldn't help but admire the foresight of the dragon expert.

Although Long Chen's meridians were riddled with holes, they could be easily repaired given some time.

However, now Long Chen had absorbed a significant amount of chaotic Qi into his body. He somewhat understood the intention of the dragon expert and directly guided the chaotic Qi into his meridians.

As expected, just as Long Chen anticipated, when the chaotic Qi flowed into his meridians, the wounds rapidly healed. The repaired meridians became several times thicker, displaying great elasticity.

Long Chen's heart was filled with ecstasy. With this development, his purple Qi would no longer leak, allowing him to fully utilize the most direct and aggressive approach with the Seven Star Battle Armor.

The reason Long Chen couldn't control the Seven Star Battle Armor was that the power infused into it was too overwhelming for his meridians to bear.

His muscles and meridians were unable to endure it, resulting in the release of some purple gas to ensure their normal function, which ultimately led to wastage.

It was like giving a man who could only lift a hundred catties of weight a 200 Jin stick as a weapon, but he couldn't handle it at all. He had to use a knife to cut off a part of it in order to control it.

As the body gradually adapted, the weight of the stick could be increased bit by bit, and the meridians formed the foundation of strength. Despite being repeatedly expanded during Long Chen's tribulation, the meridians still couldn't withstand the power of the Seven Star Battle Armor.

But now, with the nourishment of chaotic Qi, Long Chen's nearly shattered meridians had been completely rebuilt. The width remained the same, but the strength and toughness were several times stronger. There was no need to worry about leakage of Qi in the future.

In other words, the current Long Chen could completely control the power of the Seven Star Battle Body, and he was eager to retaliate.

However, it was merely wishful thinking. That world-shaking strike had depleted all the purple Qi in Long Chen's body. It had to be said that Long Chen had placed too much trust in the Dragon Clan's powerful individuals.

"Senior, you're so amazing to have known that I would gain so much from this attack," Long Chen expressed to the dragon expert.

"According to my prediction, you should have gained even more. Among the nine-star descendants, compared to others at the same level, you can only be considered average, or even below average," the powerful dragon sighed.

"What? Am I not already strong enough?" Long Chen's heart leaped crazily, feeling somewhat unconvinced.

After all, even now, Long Chen didn't know how strong he was. After advancing, he was no longer the same old Long Chen. He possessed the momentum to battle all opponents and overlook those geniuses.

The words of the dragon expert were akin to a splash of cold water on his face. Long Chen felt disheartened. He was a man full of confidence, and now, upon hearing such a comment, he felt an emptiness in his heart and a deep sadness.

"Senior, do you happen to know the accompanying combat skills of the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art?" Long Chen tentatively asked.

"I don't know. The secret techniques of the Nine Stars are known only by the Nine Stars themselves. It's impossible for outsiders to comprehend their mysteries.

The Starry River of the Sky Art is merely a branch of the Nine Stars lineage. Although there are some similarities in the aura, there's no comparison in terms of true power. It's like comparing a river to the vast ocean. They're on completely different levels.

Let's not mention that I don't know the combat skills of the Nine Star lineage. Even if I did, it would be of no use even if the Nine Star descendant passed them on to you," the powerful Dragon Clan member explained.

"Why is that?" Long Chen couldn't help but be surprised.

"Why? Don't you understand it yourself? Since you reached the Five Star Battle, your Nine Star path has changed. This is an irreversible change. Let alone me, even the founder of the Nine Star lineage can't alter it," the dragon expert clarified.

"Yes, the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art can be altered. The original Pentagram and the later Hexagram have deviated from the original path and become stronger.

In other words, the Seven Star Battle Body is now in its original form. Due to the change in route, I can only be considered average among the Nine Star descendants. However, if we change the form of the Seven Star Battle Body, based on past experience, the power of the Seven Star Battle Armor should be elevated to a higher level," Long Chen thought to himself, a sense of desolation emerging. But soon, a flame ignited within his heart.

When he altered the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, he had a premonition that the future path would be arduous. However, since he had embarked on it, he would never have any regrets.

He also believed that with his own abilities, he could tread a different path from the original Nine Star Hegemon Body Art, and it would be no less impressive. His lofty ambitions were still burning.

"Haha, yes, young people should possess such momentum, have lofty aspirations and embrace challenges.

You've altered the cultivation path of the Nine Star Hegemon Body Art. Whether it's good or bad, nobody knows. Since everything is uncertain, you should charge forward even with your eyes closed.

However, now you need to continuously accumulate strength to withstand the impact of the Seven Star Battle Armor. Only when you have full control over the power of the Seven Star Battle Armor can you alter its state.

Your meridians, after undergoing the baptism of tribulation, the assistance of the Nine Star descendants, and the restoration of chaotic Qi, have already become strong enough. There is one thing missing now," the Dragon expert chuckled.

"What is still missing?" Long Chen hurriedly asked.

"What you still lack is my Dragon King Essence."

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts