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On the back of the boat, there were only Long Chen and Yue Xiaoqian. Yue Xiaoqian nestled in Long Chen's arms, a happy smile on her face.

Yue Xiaoqian recounted her experience after her ascent. It turned out that after ascending, she had fallen directly into the ancestral land of the original devils. She had obtained the most complete inheritance of the First Demon Clan.

Presently, she possessed the mark of the First Devil. Thanks to it, even if she was weaker than the Corpse Demon, she could suppress it. If she fully unleashed her power, not even under a one-on-one situation would her enemies have a chance to escape if they were demons.

However, many of Yue Xiaoqian's abilities were specifically targeted at demons. She didn't possess the same advantage against other races.

So, when she was besieged by demons, she didn't fall into a crisis. However, when the assassins from Blood Killing Hall, Nine Underwold Hall, and other strong individuals from the Human race arrived, Yue Xiaoqian's pressure suddenly increased. Fortunately, Xia Chen and Guo Ran arrived at the critical moment, otherwise, she would have been in danger.

Long Chen also briefly recounted his experience in the Divine Realm to Yue Xiaoqian. When he mentioned meeting Yu Qingxuan, Yue Xiaoqian suddenly sat up, her expression filled with surprise.

During that final battle, they all realized how much Yu Qingxuan had sacrificed for Long Chen. The two were deeply in love due to their past lives' connection.

Thus, upon hearing the news about Yu Qingxuan, Yue Xiaoqian was extremely surprised. "Long Chen, this time you must treat Qingxuan well and ensure she doesn't get hurt."

"Don't worry, I absolutely will," Long Chen nodded, determined to repay Yu Qingxuan in this lifetime.

"By the way, is Bai Shishi also your confidante in the Divine Realm?" Yue Xiaoqian asked with a smile.

Long Chen blushed suddenly, feeling a bit awkward. He nodded and said, "I suppose you can say that."

Yue Xiaoqian chuckled and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm just asking casually. I'm not jealous like Wan'er, I won't pinch you."

As Yue Xiaoqian said this, Long Chen felt even more embarrassed, but he couldn't do anything about it. In fact, he had intentionally kept his distance from Bai Shishi, but in the end, he had fallen for her.

Feelings were unstoppable. No matter how high one's status or talent, they were susceptible to emotions.

"Only Bai Shishi?" Yue Xiaoqian asked.

"Only her, I promise!" Long Chen replied seriously.

"Hehe, why are you so nervous? People like you, who are exceptional, untamed, dangerous, and value emotions, have a fatal attraction to us women.

Having been in the Divine Realm for such a long time, and having only one confidante, it shows that you have been trying to restrain yourself," Yue Xiaoqian comforted him.

Long Chen forced a smile and said, "Your praise makes me feel ashamed. Shouldn't a real man be single-minded and devoted?"

"Sometimes I look down on myself as well, being a person with emotional disorders like me. In fact, each one of you is a heavenly beauty. It's my blessing to be favored by any one of you.

But with so many of you showing affection towards me, I feel like I'm committing a crime. I feel wronged," Long Chen expressed his guilt.

"Fool, you're not committing a crime. Do you know when I fell in love with you?" Yue Xiaoqian's jade hand stroked Long Chen's cheek as she whispered.

"Will I get beaten if I say I don't?" Long Chen felt embarrassed. He didn't understand these things.

Yue Xiaoqian playfully glared at Long Chen and said, "Did I ever hit you? At that time, in the secret realm of Jiuli, you used your body to shield me, refusing to leave. In that moment, I knew my fate was sealed.

You protected me with your life. It's a deadly poison for any woman.

You are mysterious, untamed, arrogant, and hard to tame. You are incredibly tempting to many women. Women are naturally curious and want to get close to you, to unravel the secrets in your heart.

When you are mysterious, untamed, arrogant, and willing to sacrifice yourself for others, there are probably very few women in the world who can resist that allure.

So, I'm not surprised that you have a woman in the Divine Realm, but having only one is beyond my expectations. I was afraid the number of women you had in the Divine Realm would be no less than those in the Tianwu Continent" Yue Xiaoqian smiled, her eyes filled with a touch of emotion.

As Yue Xiaoqian spoke, Long Chen became even more ashamed and overwhelmed with guilt. They were so kind to him that he felt he could never repay them even if he died.

After exchanging a few words with Yue Xiaoqian, they moved from the stern to the bow. Mo Nian's words flew from his mouth, outlining a plan for Xia Chen and Guo Ran:

"Let me tell you, believe me, this is a tremendous opportunity, and this treasure is definitely related to us.

As brothers who share the same mind, our profits will surpass gold. If we successfully complete this venture, we'll be renowned for the rest of our lives."

Observing Mo Nian's serious demeanor, Yue Xiaoqian couldn't help but laugh. This guy's combat strength was formidable, on par with the future descendants of Shengdan Hall, yet at this moment, he resembled a swindler with no sense of dignity.

"I won't comment on whether your taste is good or not, but can you teach me some of your pretentious skills?" Guo Ran couldn't resist asking. "And most importantly, can you compose a poem for me? As long as you agree, I'll follow you even if it means going to the tomb." Guo Ran patted his chest and said, clearly envious of Mo Nian's charismatic nature

"No problem, my brother, consider it done!"

At that moment, Mo Nian noticed Long Chen and Yue Xiaoqian's arrival. He pointed to the map behind him and said, "Since you're here, let's study it together. This large tomb isn't man-made; it's a celestial burial site."

"What is a celestial burial?" Guo Ran couldn't help asking.

To their surprise, Yue Xiaoqian explained, "A celestial burial refers to the burial of the most powerful individuals. Heaven cannot bear to expose their bodies in the wilderness, so the earth cracks, the sky collapses, and the world is buried.

The location of a celestial burial is extremely dangerous. Evil corpses are likely to arise. An evil corpse is formed when a strong person's spirit and body remain intact after death. Once awakened, the evil corpse can cause calamity for people."

Even Long Chen was taken aback. He had never heard of celestial burials before, but Yue Xiaoqian seemed well-informed. Guo Ran and Xia Chen were also surprised at Yue Xiaoqian's extensive knowledge. She truly was erudite.

"Don't worry. I've seen that burial site before. The cemetery faces south, which represents Yang burial. It's different from the usual Yin tombs as it's filled with Yang energy, and the probability of producing evil corpses is not high.

Moreover, nine dragon veins converge around it, forming the spirit of Jiulong Town. The will of Heaven is to allow these beings to rest peacefully.

We are only seeking treasure, not disturbing the bodies. As long as we don't disturb them, everything will be safe," Mo Nian assured, patting his chest.

Upon hearing Mo Nian's explanation, Yue Xiaoqian nodded, indicating her agreement with his perspective. Thus, the plan was settled.

"Boat inspection ahead!"

Just as the boat was about to reach Silver Moon City, a massive siege crossbow appeared, aimed at Guo Ran's boat.

Again, I'm not a pro. If you see any error or mistake pls comment on the paragraph to make everyone's reading experience enjoyable

Translation_Mastercreators' thoughts