
New Dawn.

In the vast expanse of the "Star Wars" galaxy, where stars shine tirelessly and the echo of the Force resonates through worlds and civilizations, a new story is about to unfold. At the heart of a universe filled with Jedi, Sith, and intertwined destinies, an extraordinary fate awaits. Within the Skywalker lineage, a new light emerges, shaped by the enigmatic circumstances of reincarnation. A man, once lost to the cruel claws of fate, returns as Anakin Skywalker, reborn and destined to rewrite known history. An existence that, even amidst the shadows of the past and future, leaves an indelible mark on the chronicles of a galaxy in conflict. This is the story of a rebirth, a second chance granted by the hands of a cosmic being. A man destined to redefine the fate of a galaxy and rebuild and recover something long lost from an ancient people who were weakened but remain feared. In a world of intrigue, betrayals, and lightsabers, where each spoken word can seal the fate of entire planets, emerges the one who was named the chosen one. He carries with him memories of a past life, accumulated knowledge, immense power, and fierce determination. (Just to note, English is not my first language, and Star Wars is not mine and never will be )

Nox_Aeternus · ภาพยนตร์
3 Chs

Chapter 2

"Ugh," I groan, slowly opening my eyes. I feel as if I'm floating, and looking around, I see nothing but darkness, seemingly infinite.

"Where the hell am I?" I shout into the void. "What happened? How did I get here?" Suddenly, I sense something behind me. I turn around and see a colossal being... no, more than colossal. It appears to be made of galaxies arranged to form a humanoid figure. The being's eyes, or what I think are the eyes, are two extremely bright galaxies, much brighter than the others... no, not galaxies, they are two quasars larger than some of the galaxies that form the being's body, something I don't even know how it's possible. I don't know how I can observe this, so there's no point in thinking about it, things are strange enough already.

Then, the being speaks: "You are in the void, my son. On rare occasions, when a sentient being dies, their soul ends up here instead of following its course to the afterlife. Usually, this occurs when a person dies at a time when they were not supposed to die."

When the being says this, I remember the storm and the plane crashing. So, I ask, "I died, didn't I?"

To which the being replies, "Yes, my son, you died on that plane."

When he confirms this, I feel sad, thinking that I'm going to leave behind my relatives, friends, and everything I know. So, I ask, "What's going to happen to me now?"

The being says, "You will be given the chance to reincarnate in another universe of my choosing, with any wishes you desire, just like all the others who ended up here like you did."

I'm in shock because I didn't expect this to happen. Although I've imagined it many times in the past because of the fanfics, mangas, and animes I've seen, I didn't expect it to be possible. So, I ask the being, "What are the limitations of the wishes?"

The being responds, "None, my son. You can ask for anything you want, and it will be granted unless you ask for something utterly absurd. And when I say absurd, I don't mean omnipotence or conceptual control, it's simply asking to have my powers or to be me. Most of the time, the wishes are related to me."

I'm surprised because this means I could simply wish to be a conceptual being of the concept of the concept, keeping my mind and personality intact, which would give me control over all existing concepts. Of course, I could wish just to be omnipotent, but omnipotence is also a concept, which means I would have control over omnipotence. Well, theoretically, it would work like that, but I have no reason for it because it wouldn't be fun. If I keep my mind, I will get bored quickly, and if I don't, I will just cease to be me. But then again, I would have control over the concept of boredom, so I could make it so I would never get bored.

When I start thinking about this, I shake my head to get rid of these thoughts, as I prefer not to have so much power since it wouldn't be fun or challenging. So, I ask the being, "Which universe will I go to? Is it fictional or a universe I am unaware of? And if it's fictional, which one is it? If not, what is the universe like?"

The being replies, "Don't worry, my son, it's a fictional universe you know very well. You will go to the Star Wars universe."

I'm happy because not only is it a universe I'm familiar with, but it's also one I like. So, I say, "Thank you very much for letting me reincarnate in that universe." The being answers, "You're welcome, my son."

I realize he keeps calling me son and I'm confused. I decide to ask, "Why do you call me son? And what can I call you?"

The being laughs and says, "You were one of the few who asked me that, my son. Well, the reason I call you son is simply that I created you and everything that exists. As for my name, I have been called many things, but you can simply call me Father, God, or Chaos."

I'm a bit surprised, but I had considered this possibility. "Chaos, I will call you Chaos. It's very strange to call you Father, even though you technically are, and God is a bit too impersonal," I say. He nods and asks, "What wishes will you make, my son?"

I reply, "Let me think about it for a while. Even though I've imagined a situation like this in the past, I'd rather think

 about it a bit."

Chaos nods and says, "Alright, my son. Take your time, we have all the time in the universe."

I nod and then sit cross-legged, floating, with my elbow on my knee and my hand on my chin. I think, and after a while, I decide on a wish to make. I say with a somewhat sad smile, "Chaos, could you create a clone of me, so to speak, but more intelligent and talented, and put him in my place in my past life as if I had survived? Although I don't want to leave everything I care about behind, I want to seize this opportunity. So, I decided to do this so that my relatives and friends wouldn't have to suffer from my loss."

Chaos looks surprised and says, "A great wish, my son. You're the first to ask that of me, and yes, I can and will do it."

I thank him with a smile, and he replies, "You're welcome, my son."

I return to my thinking pose and continue to think. After a much longer time than the other two combined, I decided the rest of my wishes.

I tell Chaos, "I have finished deciding on the rest of the wishes." Chaos nods and waits for me to speak.

So, I begin, "The first is to reincarnate as Anakin Skywalker and truly be the son of the Force, not a version from an alternate universe where I'm Palpatine's son, for example."

Chaos says, "Sure, but why reincarnate as him and not just wish to be the son of the Force with as many Midi-chlorians as you want?"

I answer, "I could do that, but I like the idea of reincarnating as Anakin, and I enjoy the self-insert fanfics about him." Chaos nods, chuckles a bit, and inquires about the next wish.

I say, "The second wish is to have all the powers of Spider-Man since, in addition to having a strength equal to or greater than a super soldier, as I understand, he is much more agile and can walk on walls. And of course, the main reason is the ridiculously powerful thing that is the spider sense, if it works as I think it does."

Chaos smiles and says, "That is indeed a good wish, though relatively common. And what is the next wish?"

I nod in agreement with his comment and say, "The third wish is to have extreme regeneration, which can heal minor wounds in seconds and more severe wounds in about 10 to 20 minutes and can regenerate limbs, but it would take about a day depending on how much was lost."

Chaos nods and says, "A good wish, and it seems you don't want to share the original fate of Anakin, losing your arm and later much of your body." I nod and say, "Obviously, why would I want to be weaker?"

Chaos nods and asks, "And what is the next wish?"

I reply, "I haven't decided yet."

Chaos nods and remains silent. I return to my contemplative pose and, after a much longer time than the other two combined, I decide the rest of the wishes.

I say to Chaos, "I have finished deciding on the rest of the wishes." Chaos nods and waits for me to speak.

Then I start, "When I turn 5, I will meet an extremely skilled Mandalorian warrior on Tatooine and become friends with him. Then, he decided to train me, and he would free my mother and me from slavery in the future. But despite this, I will still meet Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan, as I want to receive Jedi training, even though I plan to leave the order after learning all I can."

Chaos nods and says, "Certainly, an interesting decision. But why have you decided this?"

To which I reply with a playful smile, "I'm not going to tell you since I think you will watch my life. So, a little surprise for you. And well, you are omniscient as far as I understand, so if you want to, you could find out."

Chaos responds with a smile, "Of course, my son. And although I could know whenever I want if you don't tell me, I have decided not to do so and will wait to see."

I nod and say, "Okay, so the next wish is to have complete knowledge of the technologies of the Halo universe."

The being smiles and says, "An interesting wish. With this, you will have access to a different technology tree and, in some aspects, better and perhaps worse in others than that of Star Wars."

I nod my head and state my next wish: "To have all the knowledge and design of a mix between a good Iron Man armor and Halo's MJOLNIR armor with a more Mandalorian appearance, which does not hinder my Spider-Man powers and with strength, and that all parts that work better as a whole are made of pure beskar."

Chaos laughs and says, "A very good wish that will give you powerful and extremely useful armor. So, what is your next wish, Arthur?"

I reply, "My next wish is to be immune to all existing diseases and poisons and those that may be created in the future, and that no one can clone me or do anything with my powers and abilities."

Chaos responds, "A good decision. That way, you run a lesser risk. And now, what is your next wish?"

I reply, "My next wish is to have psychic immunity, meaning no mental attack or manipulation using the Force is effective against me. And I also want an extremely strong willpower."

Chaos nods and says, "A good decision, Arthur. That way, you eliminate a possible future weakness and risk."

I nod my head and continue, "For my next wish, I want a soulmate on Mandalore who has the powers of a Marvel super soldier, extreme regeneration, immunity to poisons and diseases, and mental attacks and manipulations, just like me. And that she is as beautiful as possible within my concept of beauty. Oh, and that she is the same age as me. Speaking of beauty, I want to be as handsome as possible for a man within my concept of beauty, and that I and my soulmate meet quickly when I go to Mandalore."

Chaos gives a playful smile and says, "So, you don't want to stay single in this life?"

To which I respond, "Obviously not. Who would want to spend an entire life alone? And although I know I could find a partner in the future, I prefer to have a guarantee. Besides, it's better, because that way the relationship is sure to work out."

Chaos nods and asks, "And what is the next wish?"

And I reply with a smile, "I want a large mecha that is powered by a core that gives it unlimited energy and protected by a pure beskar chassis. It is capable of unrestricted flight, with and without atmosphere, and can reach a maximum speed of 500,000 km/h (300,000 mph) after a long period of acceleration, without discomfort for those inside it has access to hyperspace and can navigate in it without any problem.

It has melee weapons and projectiles typical of what you'd see in a fictional mecha, having greater battle power than most battleships. And it can be modified by adding new things to it by a sufficiently skilled mechanic and it sort of has a regeneration or self-repair that will make any damaged part of it recover after a few hours or more depending on the level of damage and its control system is similar to the Jaegers from Pacific Rim but I can control it alone.

It can transform into a large futuristic spaceship with decent combat capability and it can move at sub-light speeds it has a version of the original armaments of the mecha form and It has enough space to comfortably accommodate a few hundred occupants in this state. If it reverts to mecha form while other occupants are on board, they will be moved to cryogenic chambers stored within it in a highly armored area.

Ha! And only I and those whom I give permission can pilot it and it has an artificial intelligence at the level of Jarvis in it and she is completely loyal to me."

Chaos looks at me surprised gives a brief nod and says, "A wish I sincerely did not expect but a very good one; with it, you will not only have an almost indestructible ship with good combat power but you will also have a powerful mecha and a very useful assistant."

I smile scratch my neck a bit and say, "I like giant robots so I thought why not have one well it won't be weak and will be intimidating so I decided to wish for it."

Chaos smiles and says, "It's normal for you to like those things from what I've seen but putting that aside, I will place the mecha in its ship form in the dead area of ​​Tatooine waiting for you and even if someone other than you reaches the area where it is they will not be able to find it you will always feel a call in the direction of the mecha so you can go to it at any time."

When I hear what he says I smile and say, "Thank you very much, Chaos, but now that you've talked about not being able to find it, I have another idea, I want it to have a camouflage system that makes it able to become invisible and I want it to have a version of the armor I talked about earlier already inside the ship and that it be

 perfectly sized for my adult version."

Chaos nods and says, "Of course, but just so you know, they won't remove the sound that the mecha or the ship makes even though it's not a big problem in space or when it's flying at low speed within the atmosphere it's better you be careful."

I nod and say, "I was already expecting that so thank you very much."

And after a silence, I speak again, "I want to know the formula of the super soldier serum and that I can produce it without any problems I know how to create a vita ray chamber, and I can create one again without many problems and that there is a chamber and a serum on the ship the chamber can be reused but the serum is for one person only, ha! And that people injected with the serum have no mental alteration other than becoming loyal to me."

He looks at me surprised "Why ask for that if you already have the spartan enhancements?"

I look at him scratching my neck a bit and say, "Well besides I don't know if they have any side effects and that they require the spartans to need a lot of preparation that they are too risky for my taste from what I know? Well, the super soldier serum is easier to implement and has better results from what I know."

He nods in understanding and scratches his chin a bit "You are right about that and well the fact of making them loyal to you is a good idea as that will mean you won't be betrayed."

I nod my head which I notice I do a lot and say "Exactly but for my next wish I want complete knowledge of the technology of Full Immersion Virtual Reality from Sword Art Online and to have a FullDive chamber inside my ship and that the artificial intelligence and I have complete control of the worlds within the virtual reality of this technology, well she would probably have more control than me even with the same level of access so to speak but that doesn't matter much since she is completely loyal to me, and I want the FullDive chambers and all these other technologies to be possible to be created and are not expensive."

He looks at me with an expression that I think would be surprised since it's kind of hard to tell when what we're looking at is an immeasurable being made of infinite galaxies and he says "I didn't expect that but why do you want to use that because I doubt it's just for entertainment"

 I give him a proud smile of myself and say "you are right it is not just for games but for education and training, since with that education would be much more interesting since imagine learning history but instead of just listening to someone recounting being there, imagine learning about biology and just being able to see in front of you and interact with what is being taught, for geography showing the types of relief and all these things firsthand the possibilities are immense, and well for training it would be like training in real life but without risks and being able to experience situations that would be almost impossible to occur in real life since either they would be very risky or it is very difficult to reproduce them for training and not to mention the time passing differently within the virtual reality of FullDive and that since it will be the AI teaching all these things each teaching method, pace, etc. would be different for each person to fit better with her and provide quality learning that is not so tedious."

He looks at me with surprise again even though I think he already knew I would wish for these things and says "Really a great wish that one and with great potential"

I scratch my neck with a smile on my face and just say "Thank you"

Chaos nods again and says "So what is your next wish?" I shake my head in denial and say "None, I've already wished for everything I wanted"

Then, Chaos nods and says: "So, it's time for you to go to your new life, my son."

He waves his colossal hand, and I find myself standing in front of a door that seems to be made of stars. Chaos appears in a mini version next to the door and turns the knob, opening it.

Then I say with a smile, "Thank you very much for the opportunity you gave me, Chaos. I am truly grateful for that."

Chaos nods and says, "You're welcome, my son, you're welcome."

Then, I walk towards the door and, just as I'm about to cross it, I stop, turn to Chaos, and ask, "Will we see each other again, Chaos?"

To which Chaos replies, "Yes, my son. We will meet again when you die before you go to the afterlife."

I nod and say, "Goodbye, Chaos. Until next time." I turn towards the door and hear behind me, "Goodbye, Anakin. Until next time." I step through the door and everything goes dark.

Do you think I overdid it?

Nox_Aeternuscreators' thoughts