

Minato and Kushina sacrificed their life by sealing half of nine tails in their daughter Nurumi, a fraternal twin, elder sister of Naruto. Miraculously, Kushina saved by her uncle Kenji Uzumaki. Lord third taking care of twins until a rumor about Nurumi as demon fox spread in village. Which resulted in lord third make a decision as joining the twins in orphanage, Nurumi as Nurumi Uzumaki and Naruto as civilian orphan. Both Naruto and Nurumi growing up in orphanage always fights each other. Unknown to everyone this is their way of showing love each other. As time passes, they become true siblings, but Nurumi becomes younger sister and Naruto becomes elder brother. Naruto learns truth and meet his mother who is unconscious for so long. This is a story about the fraternal twins against their odds. This is a fiction story written by a Naruto fan that wants to present readers his version of Naruto story. thankyou, manu1318

Manu1318 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs


I am looking at struggling eagle mother, but master is looking down into volcano. I also want to see so I went next to him and look down. What I saw is shocking to me.

A beast with large body with unusual shape, two small hands and large tentacles firmly holding the male eagle. But its main body bind by large glowing chains, but they are not enough to hold that beast. I realized these chains are Uzumaki clan bloodline technique, "Adamantine Sealing Chains".

My master jumped into volcano. when he reached the height of eagle, he released white glowing blades, Beast Tearing Palm, cutting all the tentacles tying the eagle. it freed and fly away into sky, circles around the volcano screeching.

I started to go down by walking on the volcano walls. Master released his Adamantine Sealing Chains, binding the beast and pushing it into the hole it came from. The girl who is holding it looked at the us, she is looking very weak because of extreme use of chakra and soon going to fall.

Looking at this girl whom we are searching for, the Uzumaki descendent. Her chains were going to break soon due to her weak state. Normally Adamantine Sealing Chains were strong enough to hold nine tails, but after looking at this girl and master's chains I understand more about Adamantine Sealing Chains.

Normally they were formed by Uzumaki using his chakra, which has strong attack and sealing powers. But they were mostly depending on chakra resources and chakra control ability. With both master and that girl chains the sealing of that beast is fastened.

When I am looking at the sealing process, I noticed its glowing eyes and that's it. My mind went blank and I lost all my senses, I can't see, listen, and touch. It's like I appeared in endless pitch-black world.

After unknown amount of time, I felt a strong shock passing through me, which brought back my senses. Then I understand I fell for its genjutsu. I looked towards girl, she was on ground and unconscious. I moved next to her and checked her condition. After finding she only exhausted her chakra, I felt relief and took a pill from my pocket and fed her.

In due time, a lighting strike come at me and master. I took her into my hands, carrying her in princes' style, me and master jumped away from the strike. It hit the ground and formed a half foot pit.

Master strengthened the Adamantine Sealing Chains, and restricted its complete movements. Moving towards lava and slowing moved its body. Due to extreme heat the chains were dissolved, which loosened the grip of the chains.

The beast brock free and turned into flying beast and moved into air. The flying male eagle in the sky come down towards it and hold it with its claws. The beast trying to brock free and the eagle is pushing it into lava.

Master releases, Lightning Release: False Darkness techniques, which shoots a lightning rods at beast. It tears through its wings and falls into lava. Just when its body passes on master, he released his chains. This time it pushes the best into lava, which burns thoroughly.

After that beast died, I looked at girl in my hands. Her complexion is got better, but she is still unconsciousness. Master come and checked her, after finding she is good, he relieved. We decided to stay here until she woke up, before we start our journey.

After two full days, she finally woke up. She tried to look around but after some time she started cry. It took a few minutes to stop crying. Until she calms down, we didn't say any word.

"who are you?"

'Finally, she decided to talk', I started conversation with introductions, "I am Naruto Uzumaki, future clan leader and he is Kenji Uzumaki, clan elder and my grand uncle. We heard a Uzumaki is moved to this island, so we decided to come here. Can you tell me your name, it is very difficult talk without your name?"

"Sorry, my name Honoka Uzumaki, I am an orphan. The people here took me to help them to seal that beast. But it is stronger than me. All were dead because I am weak", she started to cry again.

Now I can't bear, "miss Honoka sorry to say this, don't you think this is retribution."

She shocked, looking at her expression I am able to guess she also didn't like biological experiments happening here. But no one would have listened her.

"I came here to invite you with us as a fellow Uzumaki. I am gathering all scattered Uzumaki's to restructure a clan."

After thinking for some time, Honoka accepted it immediately. I can understand her, since she is Uzumaki and no one in this is alive, so basically is equal to orphan. But that's good. We stayed for ten days in this island to make a sail ship for three of us to cross the sea.

During this time, I continued my training in Uzumaki style techniques, now big sister Honoka is also joined with us. She is an orphan until the research team taken in her, so she is started from basics. But I have to accept, she is good learner.

On second day the female eagle gave birth to six babies. They were around size of one foot, their parents who are around three store building size and their wing lengths more than twice of their height. The eagle family is always friendly to us, Father eagle provides meat every day. Compare to human who backstab or discriminate, animals were many times better.

On the day of leaving the we were going to say goodbye. The babies were surrounded me and held me down not allowing me to leave. At that time master suggested me form an exclusive summoning contract them. The eagle parents can understand human language but can't talk. They accepted the contract it.

The summoning contracts were varied into, clan summoning contract and animal summoning contract. When summoning contract is formed with animal clan, the user can summon any or all from that clan. There are many animal clans and they are much superior to other animals. Most of them can perform various jutsu and can also speak human language.

Animal summoning can only be formed with wild animals. In general, they are no different from animals in the forest but they can harness chakra. They can be trained to perform jutsu, and support the user.

I forged summoning contract with male eagle and named it "GARUDA", and Honoka forged contract with female eagle, "ALERIA". In this journey I learned many things, it's a fruitful journey.

On tenth day we resumed our journey, only difference is Honoka. With this a part of the mission is completed. Next destination is Kusagakura, where two Uzumaki were found in Kusagakura medics. This mission has to destination points which are polar opposite.

After sailing for half a day, we approached an unknown island, master sailed the boat.

"follow me silently"

"yes master" "yes elder"

Me and big sister Honoka were following master, after half an hour we can see a village ruin. I looked at big sister Honoka, but she signed me not to talk.

Master stopped in front of ruins and turned towards us, "my children, welcome to Uzushiogakure, our ancestral land."


five people were moving towards Konoha, they covered in black hood, a few strands of red hair are standing out. Three are young around thirteen to twenty and two are middle aged people.

By now you can guess right? It me Naruto Uzumaki, completed my mission and on our way to village. Now we were group of five people and we decided to move stealthily. The two new people were Rin Uzumaki and Karin Uzumaki.

After destruction of Uzushiogakure not many people know the existence of Uzumaki. This is the first time, where people able to see so many us and if we were spotted by other village shinobi, I don't know what it leads to?

In worst case this may trigger another war and put force to handover the Uzumaki, at that point I don't believe that Konoha is willing to protect us, not until we were strong enough. Since, we were not strong by ourselves, my mother and master decided to become a clan under Konoha and use overall Konoha strength to ensure Uzumaki clan safety, atleast until we were strong.

After the Uzushiogakure ruin exploration completed we went to Kusagakura. After reaching there and witnessing the situation of Uzumaki people, I understand one thing, they are not better than slaves. Rin-san and Karin posses remarkably powerful life force, which gives very long life even in Uzumaki clan and tremendous chakra resources. Their highly potent chakra gives them very strong healing powers, which can be used by biting on their hand.

It can be other people or self-healing, but this is too dangerous and not allowed to use once per day. But Rin-san over used her powers without care, only to keep Karin safe. Due to her over usage she looks very old and so thin. I can heal her just like I healed mother, but which makes me weak around for a week, this is too dangerous since we are out of Konoha.

To save mother-daughter pair me and master discussed and finally four scenarios were concluded. First two were peace negotiations with Kusagakura or forced abduction. For me these two are worst options even as last resorts. Both scenarios involve Konoha in political and war, also exposes regrouping of Uzumaki. This leads to assignations or start of new war.

Third is kidnaping mother-daughter pair silently. Even though this looks safe, but it's only a temporary measure and both of them can't be introduced as Uzumaki. If not, this leads to unstable relation between both villages.

Fourth is most difficult to achieve. First mother-daughter pair must be dead in visible manner, then Kusagakura must declare their deaths and finally create a new identity for this pair. Then only we can be safe and they regain their freedom.

To achieve this master used old ancient and difficult technique from Uzumaki clan. The process is simple, but to execute this technique, he or she must have mastered Uzumaki fuinjutsu style. Using mother-daughter blood as medium, master changed appearance of two dead bodies into mother-daughter appearance. The dead bodies look exactly same and their DNA is also masked by mother-daughter DNA.

This technique is called a derived variation of "Uzumaki style: blood clone technique", a very complicated and time-consuming process. This involves fuinjutsu, extreme chakra control, body anatomy and finally ninjutsu. This variation can only create clones using dead bodies. This process took nearly a month to do in secretly.

After placing the dead bodies in the place of real bodies and using already connected large amount of blood master created true death scene of mother-daughter pair. Of course, this is mostly suitable for Uzumaki, due to their huge chakra resources and life force otherwise loosing large amount of blood at a time will kill normal people.

After master took them to our secret hideout outside the village and I explained them about my mission and current Uzumaki clan condition. After chatting with them I realized Rin-san knows master as elder in clan and mother before mother left the village.

Karin recovered in two days, but Rin-san is not good as she overused her healing ability as well as losing large amount of blood. On third day Karin begged Rin-san to bite her, so she can recover completely. Since this is safe and best way, we insisted follow Karin idea. Ultimately big sister Honoka is able to convince Rin-san. I have to say big sister Honoka has charm to move human heart. Even wild animals will listen to her if she tells them sternly.

After travelling for a week, we finally reached Konoha main gate. Master left one day before to meet old man hokage to give report while we moved towards Konoha. By the time we reach Konoha, master is waiting for us at gate. After that we directly went to meet old man hokage.