

Minato and Kushina sacrificed their life by sealing half of nine tails in their daughter Nurumi, a fraternal twin, elder sister of Naruto. Miraculously, Kushina saved by her uncle Kenji Uzumaki. Lord third taking care of twins until a rumor about Nurumi as demon fox spread in village. Which resulted in lord third make a decision as joining the twins in orphanage, Nurumi as Nurumi Uzumaki and Naruto as civilian orphan. Both Naruto and Nurumi growing up in orphanage always fights each other. Unknown to everyone this is their way of showing love each other. As time passes, they become true siblings, but Nurumi becomes younger sister and Naruto becomes elder brother. Naruto learns truth and meet his mother who is unconscious for so long. This is a story about the fraternal twins against their odds. This is a fiction story written by a Naruto fan that wants to present readers his version of Naruto story. thankyou, manu1318

Manu1318 · Fantasy
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12 Chs



It's been a week since chunin exams started. The chunin exams has three stages, first stage is written test. The seconds stage of chunin exams commence immediately after first stage is over. second stage is tournament battles between three-man teams. In Konoha, the second stage held in forest of death, which is forbidden due to beasts. Because of high passing rate in second stage, they held additional elimination round, preliminaries, one-to-one battles.

The finals, is one-to-one battles held after one month of second stage. The third stage decides who is winner, but winner doesn't mean they can become chunin, performance of genin is what makes him a chunin. This is decided by the evaluator ninja and daimyo. Yesterday only the preliminaries is completed, and finals will be held after one month.

It's been six months, that damn Naruto still didn't appear in front of me. Let him return first, after that I will kick his ass dattebane.

During these past six months many things happened, the very first thing I realized is Naruto's absence. After so much thinking, I understand what Naruto trying to say. That time I decided to become strong and stand side by side with him. This is another goal other than become hokage.

Another thing that changed my life is, my first A rank mission to land of waves. After a month of full D rank missions, I decided to take more dangerous mission. When I told Kakashi sensei, he rejected immediately. But my suggestion is supported by Sasuke and Sakura. After pestering grandpa hokage for some time he decided to give c-rank mission.

The mission is to escort bridge builder Tazuna to his home land in land of waves. This is less risky mission which will take around ten days including return journey. Unknown to us he is targeted by dirty businessman Gato. He haired to missing nins from hidden mist Zabuza Momochi and Haku and Zabuza is one in Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

Due to his intervention the normal C rank escort mission become a A rank mission. I have to say our sensei, the Sharingan the Copy Ninja, is surprised us with his battle with Zabuza. After so many twists and turns we were able to successfully killed Zabuza and his partner Haku along with Gato. We guarded Tazuna and his family until the bridge construction is completed.

After three months we were returned to Konoha. When I told our friends, "We completed A rank mission", they were shocked and demanded for detailed report. After this Sasuke become more friendly not only me, with everyone. He still looks down on people due to his pride, but compared to before he is approachable. I have to say he save me lot of times, even risked his life to save. Before I used to hate due to his goofy personality, but now not only changed and he looks more handsome to me. If I have to say I started to like him.

Now, I went to meet Kakashi and coming to home and found there are many new people sitting in hall, they all have one common feature, that is their read hair, same as mother and Naruto. I found Naruto smiling at me.


Me and master standing infront of old man hokage, along with the Uzumaki survivors. Big sister Honoka, Rin-san and Karin.

"how are you Naruto. How is your journey?"

"it's good to see, you are doing good old man. Let me introduce them to you. these three were Honoka Uzumaki, Rin Uzumaki and her daughter Karin Uzumaki."

"I got details from Hirato before, but I have to say you handled the situation very well with Kusagakura. We use new identities here, since Kusagakura already confirmed their deaths. but I have to say you are late, I am expecting you to participate in this chunin exams."

"yes it's sad I am not able to participate, but you already know, I am too late for that. So, no need to discuss about it"

Old man turned towards three people, "welcome to Konoha. I am expecting your arrival. You can move in and live with Naruto. Naruto later come help me to arrange paper work. You may take leave for now and rest properly."

After that we left to our home, mother is making lunch, Nurumi is not in hall, maybe she is out.

"Mom… I am home"

She come to me and hugged tightly. I also hugged her, 'yes this warmth is filling the void in my heart." After minute she released and looked at the people, who are standing behind me.

I took this as a chance to introduce them, "mom they are…"

I stopped and looked Rin-san, who is staring at mother with her teared eyes and I looked at mother, she also starring at Rin-san and moved towards Rin-san,

"Rin, how long it's been. I never though I see you again"

"same for me Kushina, it's good see you again"

I am surprised that mother and Rin-san know each other. I have to say it's pretty rare occurrence.

We moved to hall and I started to tell mother what happened during my journey. Just my story completed, Nurumi entered into hall. I am happy to look at her, it's been six months the last time I saw her.

she moved towards me, so I thought of hugging her and I opened my arms wide. But contrary to my expectations a strong punch hit my abdomen. I lost consciousness for a second, then a sharp pain come from by stomach and my back. Then I realized I struck to my wall behind me.

I looked at Nurumi who is in front of me, she is crying.

"you bustard, why did you take long time to return, you told me you will come in six months. But it's been a week more than six months and you didn't replay also. I thought you won't come back; do you know how much me and mother suffered."

She is hitting my chest with her fist repeatedly, but they are just light punch. After some time Nurumi calm down and I told sorry many times. Finally, she calmed down and looked towards at new members,

"hello! I am Nurumi Uzumaki. Sorry for my earlier unsightly behavior. After looking at this guy after so long I am not able to control myself"

Surprising she gave polite apology. I can see she improved a lot during my absence.

Mother told her to sit next to her and introduced everyone, "Rin is my friend during my childhood, after knowing the destruction Uzushiogakure. I was devested a lot. But looking at you now. I am so happy, Rin"

After some time, we gave guest room to Rin-san and Karin. Honoka big sister sleeps with Nurumi. Now everything is settled. But there is one problem, that is income. So, I decided to discuss with master to further expand business or find other sources to make money.

Next day, me and Nurumi we roaming on streets. Since her battle will be in next month, I can spend today with her to compensate her. just we were strolling around without any destination, we saw an old man peeking into female bath house.

Nurumi runs towards the old man who is standing on toad and peeking into women bathhouse. Just I am going to move, I found this person is similar what mother described. While I am thinking Nurumi jumped and is going land her foot on to his face.

The toad extended its tong and caught her leg just before kick landed. It hanged her upside down.

That old man, "Landing a surprise attack on me won't work young lady." And looking closely, "You are looking nice for your age I have to say".

Seeing Nurumi struggle and tears, I decided to interrupt them. So, I moved infront of him, "Hello, can you release my sister please. If bully her more you will regret after meeting mother, god grandfather"

""what…!"", both Nurumi and old man surprised. I can understand why they were shocked. This old man hasn't seen us since we were born, so no way for him to know recognize us. As for Nurumi, she can't recognize a person just by hearing their features, after all she natural air headed.

The toad released Nurumi. She stands up and looked at the old man with teared eyes and shouted, "I HATE YOU!", then runaway with out waiting for me. All I do is stand and look at her back.

After her back faded away, I looked at the old man, *sigh*, "now you did it"

He staring at without hearing what I am telling and pointing his finger, "Naruto"

"yes, god grandfather"

He laughed very loudly, "don't call me that, call me legendary toad sage"

I am surprised at his changeover in mood, "yes… yes… toad sage. Why are here, I heard you didn't come to village since my father death. Don't tell you come to see us"

His mood fell again, "sorry"

Even though sorry is single word, hearing from him, it expressed many emotions. Looking at him, I decided to forget it.

"so, what are you going to do, come with me to meet Nurumi?"

"no, I am going to meet sensei first. See you later Naruto and say sorry to your sister on my behalf"

And then he disappeared. This old man is cunning. I went towards direction Nurumi run away.

Today, I decided to spend my day lazily, which is impossible if master is present. Today he left village, I heard he went to Uzumaki temple and won't come any time soon. Rin-san were in hospital until she recovers completely and Karin is taking care of her. big sister Honoka is spending her time with mother, she is learning many things. I have to say she will be the best waifu in the future.

But my mother disturbed by best lazy day with old man hokage message, unwantedly I dragged my body to old man hokage office.

"what is it old man, I am enjoying my day to my best"

"you are wasting your youth Naruto. So, I prepared training for the next month."

I am shocked, my best lazy days were crumbled infront of me, "no… I don't want any training"

"come on… are you old man or am I? anyway, from Hirato, I got it you are genius in fuinjutsu, but you didn't have good trainer for ninjutsu. Now I got a trainer for you, you will be under him from now on. Now you can leave"

Even though I am depressed, I am excited to learn ninjutsu, 'I hope he will be good, since he is referred by old man himself.' While thinking I left to home.

Next morning, I have to say I am excited about training and I reached training place which is next to river. By the time I reached there my god grandfather is already there fishing. Even though this is surprise, but I am happy to be learned from sage.

"hello! Toad sage, I am surprised to know you are my trainer"

He turned back and looked at me, "he… he… he… little Naruto, it's my request to sensei. You have to wait for someone before the training starts."

Half an hour later, I heard a sound coming from bushes. When I looked at it, Nurumi comes pushing the bushes away. She looked at me, "Naruto why are you here?"

Pointing my thumb at toad sage, "this toad sage is my trainer. Why are you here?"

Nurumi surprised, "me, Kakashi sensei is training Sasuke personally for this month. So, he told me, he assigned a new trainer for me and gave me this location to meet him"

Now I understand, this guy wants to spend some time with us by training both of us. Otherwise, he wouldn't have requested both of us.

The toad sage stands and faces us, "now both of you here. First, I will teach you Nurumi about your special gift and Naruto, you listen carefully and learn, since you are focusing on fuinjutsu."

Toad sage pointed his finger at Nurumi's seal on stomach, "you probably know that nine tail fox is sealed in you, right?"

Me and Narumi nod and then he continued, "you may not know, this seal is some what special compare to other sealing techniques. This seal allows nine tails red chakra to leak and mix with your chakra, which enhances your abilities by far margin.

Unlike other jinchuriki, you can access tailed beast chakra. This is not burden for you, this is blessing. So, use it very well. Now your training is to use that red chakra and adapt to it. For that to happen, your blue chakra must be exhausted. How to do…?"

After a minute, Nurumi come up with an idea, "I can use clones to exhaust my chakra", she summoned around twenty clones and started to fight each other.

Looking at her clone battle, I felt I need to learn, "toad sage, can you teach me this technique?"

"you want to learn B rank clone technique. Fine, but before learn, let me remind you. The B rank clone technique is forbidden jutsu, due to its massive requirement of chakra. Under normal conditions, people will exhaust their chakra after two clones and suffer chakra exhaustion. So, don't overdo it."

After half an hour, Nurumi exhausted her chakra.

"now I will teach you summoning technique to you".

Then toad sage summoned a toad, Gama, keeper of summoning contract scroll. The toad took scroll from its mouth and give it to Nurumi.

"this is toad clan summoning contract scroll. You write your name with blood to be able to toad summoning. You can summon toads with your blood as medium. Now complete the contract and I will teach you hand seals"

Nurumi quickly writes her name. toad sage looks at me and signals to write my name also.

Nurumi, Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram "summoning technique", *puff* smoke filled the place where Nurumi slammed her hand.