

Minato and Kushina sacrificed their life by sealing half of nine tails in their daughter Nurumi, a fraternal twin, elder sister of Naruto. Miraculously, Kushina saved by her uncle Kenji Uzumaki. Lord third taking care of twins until a rumor about Nurumi as demon fox spread in village. Which resulted in lord third make a decision as joining the twins in orphanage, Nurumi as Nurumi Uzumaki and Naruto as civilian orphan. Both Naruto and Nurumi growing up in orphanage always fights each other. Unknown to everyone this is their way of showing love each other. As time passes, they become true siblings, but Nurumi becomes younger sister and Naruto becomes elder brother. Naruto learns truth and meet his mother who is unconscious for so long. This is a story about the fraternal twins against their odds. This is a fiction story written by a Naruto fan that wants to present readers his version of Naruto story. thankyou, manu1318

Manu1318 · Fantasy
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12 Chs



Yesterday I was scolded by mother a lot, but what can I say I really made a mistake. Today I will become genin officially, 'who will be my team member', that what I am thinking.

I want to be with my brother, then we will spread our name 'twin devils'. So, I went to Naruto's room to see him, I couldn't find him. So, I went down stairs.

"mother where is brother and uncle?"

Just before mother is going to answer, Naruto and granduncle entered through main door.

"where did you went in the morning?"

Naruto looked at me, "I have received a mission.so, we have to leave now"

"what…", other then that no other word is coming out, my mind is in mess.

But mother asked, "what kind of mission is given to a genin like you?"

"no mother, old man hokage received intel on Uzumaki survivors and it is my duty to bring them to Konoha as future clan head"

Mother is surprised but didn't say anything, instead looked at granduncle, "are you sure about this uncle?"

Granduncle, "its not simple as we think, atleast for now we don't have other choice. Unifying all scattered members must be done, and at the same time we can't leave this village. Atleast until we are strong enough"

I don't want to leave Naruto, "but you don't need to go right. I don't want to you to leave me"

Naruto smiled and hugged me lightly, "I have to say, I am proud of you Nurumi. You amazed me splendidly. You are my big sister and I felt proud of you as your younger brother. Until yesterday I used to think, you can't do many things without me, but you proved me wrong. Unknowingly I become your shackles in you path. You have great potential Nurumi.

After that battle, I think a lot, you want to become hokage and for me, I have to manage Uzumaki. We both have our own paths and we have to walk in them. So, even though this is sudden, I think I got this mission on right time. For us to realize our own paths we have to walk in them.

Even if this is not mission, I still have to leave. Based on intel there are two survivors, one is on mysterious island and another is mother and daughter pair in Kusagakura. This will take six months on round trip.

Now, big sister Nurumi, lets set a date for our reunion fight. By that time, I want to see who is stronger. What do you think, big sister?"

I felt several emotions, sadness, proud, happy, surprise, anxiety and finally happy to be challenged. After Naruto completed, I don't know what to say, and looked at mother. Mother has tears in her eyes, they were happy tears.

My thoughts were finally catch up the situation. I don't want to make him sad, so I accepted his challenge along with him going out for six months. Since granduncle is with him, I am sure he will be safe.

Mother, "be safe Naruto, don't forget to eat, train in time and your safety is first priority, ok?"

Naruto, "yes mother, I will be safe and healthy"

Mother looked at granduncle and both nodded each other. This is mystery to me, as far as I remember they won't even talk to each other much, only nod.

Both Naruto and granduncle were left and said good bye to them and then to mother, since I am running out of time for school.

I went to school, I am late by ten minutes, still I am able to get in without much problem. Soon Iruka sensei started calling teams name and team sensei. Sakura and Ino were as usual were praying and fighting to be in Sasuke team.

I have to say I am also Sasuke fan, but due to his arrogant nature I didn't become too close. Unlike him, his brother is very nice and mature. Especially his mother comes to academy to see me, once a week. I learned from her, she and mother were in same team. They are friends, so she looks after me a lot. But I felt sorry for not telling her about my mother, what can I do, I want mother to be safe.

I am sitting next to Hinata, she is looking around, "hey. Nurumi where is your brother. He should be here with you right. Sensei already calling names"

I felt funny, I know why she is asking my brother. My lips curved, "ho… my dear Hina-chan wants to be with Naruto"

Her cheeks become red, "what are you talking about…"

Four years back my brother saved her from bullies, at that time she is shy unlike now. she regularly come to Naruto's restaurant to see him. She has secret crush on my brother, there were times she also comes with her mother. Her mother is very polite and caring, even when everyone around me calling me beast, she always smiles genuinely and care for us.

She is also my mother team when they were genin. At that time, I really don't know the name of mother, tells many stories about mother. Me and my brother were very grateful and close to them.

We heard Iruka sensei voice, "team seven, Nurumi Uzumaki, Sakura Haruna and Sasuke Uchiha. Next team eight, Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka.... Next team ten, Shikamaru Nara, Ino Yamanaka and Choji Akimichi. Your team leaders will come to pick you after lunch until then class is dismissed."

Just when Iruka sensei going to leave, Hinata stands and asks, "sir, what about Naruto, new student"

Iruka know well about Naruto since he is blood brother of Nurumi, "he is assigned to another team", and then he left.

After lunch, we were waiting for our sensei. One by one come and took their teams and left. After an hour or so, only three teams seven, eight and ten were left. At last, a beautiful black haired, red eyed lady entered.

"team eight follow me"

Hinata, Kiba and Shino left with her.

"hey… team ten follow me", another jonin sensei, is sitting in window. After Shikamaru, Ino and Choji were left, we were left behind waiting for our jonin sensei.

Soon one hour passed, a man covering one eye with his head band entered the room.

"you are team seven right? Follow me"

We followed him, the strange goofy looking guy and he took us to top of school building.

"let's start with introductions. I am Kakashi Hatake, my likes, dislikes, and future dreams were not your concern."

'is this what you call introduction?', but didn't say loud.

I stand and looked at him, "I am Nurumi Uzumaki, my likes are ramen, my brother. My dislikes are waiting, people who look down on others and my dream is become strongest hokage, so people will not look down on me or my brother."

Next Sakura stand, "I am Sakura Haruna, my likes are are… (looks at Sasuke), my hobbies… (looks at Sasuke), and my dream… (looks at Sasuke)."

I have to say she is perfect fan girl, who lives in her dream.

Sasuke, "my name Sasuke Uchiha, I don't have any likes. I hate people who don't respect Uchiha. My dream is become stronger than that guy and show the strength of Uchiha to this world."

This idiot only care for his Uchiha pride, other than his beautiful skin nothing is good about him. How did I even have interest in him?

Kakashi sensei interrupted my thoughts train, "good, meet me tomorrow morning in training ground at sharp eight a.m. now you were dismissed" and disappeared in a flicker.


It's been a month my journey started towards mysterious island, still two more days to reach island. There are only one ship goes to that island which carries some goods. So, we decided to ask crew for information.

According to them, they heard a loud cry from that island which scared them. So, they never leave this port area at any cost. I decide to enquire about red haired girl. They did see a red-haired girl travelling their ship around three or four years ago. Due to her red hair some of them remember her, but don't know her name.

Before leaving to island. I sent a letter to mother and Nurumi through express delivery at pretty reasonable fair and takes two days for delivery. I think they were using hawks to deliver packages.

Nurumi sent a letter, it has around five pages. She must have put so much effort to write this, since this is first time she wrote this long. I started reading the letter,

"hi little brother Naruto, I hope you are doing good. I am happy to be able to receive letter from you and mother is doing good and is at peace after reading your letter.

I have lot of things to tell you but you are not present here. So, I am writing everything in this letter. You know this is first time to write, you have to cherish and be grateful to receive my first letter.

After you left Iruka sensei assigned us into teams, actually I always want to be in your team, but I fall in to a wearied team. You are curious about my member, right? Let me tell you, Sakura and Sasuke. One is fan girl of Sasuke and another is self-centered hypocrite. You should have heard their introduction, it is hilarious.

Next our jonin sensei is most boring sensei. His name is Kakashi Hatake. But next day he gave us a test, which were completed successfully. But I have to say when he is serious his skills were pretty good. After that until now we took many D rank missions, even though I don't want to but this is all for newly passed genin team will get.


Since there is no academy, I am able to spend more time with mother, I have to say she is very strict when teaching, after that she loves me so much, I felt the strict mother is illusion. Hey, don't tell this to her, she will scold me.

Ok bye. I will stop here; I can't write anymore."

After two days we were landed on mysterious island, the captain pointed out the direction where he heard the beast roar. So, we started to move in that direction.

After half a day travel, we heard beast loud scream, based on the cry I am not able to identify what type of beast so did master. It took fifteen minutes of run at full speed.

On the way they were attacked by large size spiders, snakes and ants. But they are not particularly attacking them, it's just they were running away from the mountain at the center of this island. So, they are not attacking us we just moved away from their paths.

By the time we arrived at the location, we found a destroyed building entrance, which is built into the rock mountain. After searching rubbles, I found a book which is filled with recorded data. But my eyes are attracted to title of that book, "PROJECT: ULTIMATE SUMMONING ANIMAL".

Going through that book I found many things that I am not able to understand. Luckily, they write the reason for starting this project. In simple words, in order to meet the demand for summoning animals they started to develop various animals that meets demands. Soon, they interested in developing ultimate summoning animal with no drawbacks as other summoning animals.

I have to say they are pretty much stupid people in this world. Imperfection is perfection itself. When summoner and summoning animal works together and built a strong bond, they can be perfect together.

We heard another painful screech and moved out side and looked towards volcano mouth, all we see is a large eagle legs and neck is warped by many tentacles and slowly pulled into volcano. We looked at each other and started running towards volcano entrance.

We reached volcano entrance in a minute, I can see an eagle nest with female eagle screeching painfully and she is pregnant. Now I understand why they didn't left in the face of danger, because the female eagle cant fly.