
Chapter 41 : Raid Part 2

YAH YEET. Esketit.


Wraith (noun) - a ghost or ghostlike image of someone, especially one seen shortly before or after their death.

The wraith. Scary, but instantaneous. Just like Kenji. He disappeared. The only visible feature being his eyes. Through the fog, All six Pains cowered around, hunted like prey. And the predator was faster than them. In a matter of seconds, one Pain was down. Down was a nice way of putting it. The whistle of movement was all Pain heard. Before they could turn, a thud smashed into the ground. Nothing but a block of meat. Oozing blood, seemingly waiting to be surloined and packaged to homes all across the village. Kenji increased the speed of his swipe exponentially. Pain attempted to push the fog away, but more filled the small circle he had created. One pain caught a glimpse of Kenji. The main Pain pulled Kenji toward him with as much might as he could. Pain knew the limitations of his almighty push and pull, the speed of which he could accomplish it. So, he was caught off gaurd when Kenji threw his marker directly at pain, catching the drift of the almighty pull. Kenji appeared before him. Any type of reaction seemed delayed. Before he could think, Kenji thrust his sword into Pain's midsection. The first time Pain felt fear. This is what many rogue ninja talked about. No one had ever lived Kenji's lightning whirlwind of teleportation, or the devilish gaze he was now in contact with. Kenji valued speed, that's what Pain would have to target.

Kenji knew little of Pain. Only his basic attack pattern and what he fought like. Over their few missions together, he didn't learn as much as the other akatsuki, so he was surprised when Pain seemed unaffected by a stomach jab. This was bad. Still in midair, Kenji threw a marker backwards, trying to escape. He heard the marker hit flesh. One pain sacrificed itself to stop the marker, close enough to kenji where it wouldn't matter if he teleported. Pain used this chance. A dark chakra enfused blade sliced Kenji's left leg clean off. Pain backed away with a smile, until that smile faded as Kenji burst into several crows, cawing as they dispersed.

A crow clone. lol.


"Ahhh!" Obito was sent flying along with Yagura.

Itachi barely stood. Red chakra surrounded him. Susanoo was in full effect.

"Hm. That... was unexpected." Obito rose from a mound of crushed rocks.

"I know you can't hold out for long like that Itachi. Just lay down your sword."

Itachi coughed up blood, but stopped it with his hand. "Even if I die, I'll still take you with me."

"Well... I guess-"

Obito stopped. A voice fluttered into his head. A demanding voice with authority. A voice no one could disobey. "Enough! Focus on the one we came for."

Obito looked at Yagura. "Round up the ones we have. Master has informed me of the location."

Yagura nodded. Both flew away. Itachi wasn't complaining. He approached the Hokage who came to a few minutes later. "Itachi?"

"Yes Sir. Can you tell me what's going on?"

Minato stood. "Later. Right now, lets save as many as we can. We have to find somewhere to go."

"But what about the Leaf!?"

"Itachi, you know more than anyone. The Leaf isn't the village. It's the people."


"Lets go."


All six Pains were torn to pieces. Kenji dissipated the mist. He had another few scars added to the collection. Pain wasn't in the akatsuki for nothing. He wouldn't die unless Kenji erased him completely. The white mangekyo stood still in his eyes. Blood flowed from both eyes. That fight strained his eyes to the limit. And for a split second, his vision blurred. Kenji didn't bother. There was no time to deal with that. Kenji approached Rei, short on breath, he removed the bars from her body.

"Come on. Lets get these people out of here first."

He propped her on his shoulder. Rei hated that she couldn't even focus at a time like this. She obviously noticed Kenji had been training his body heavily. But her bloody face masked the redness underneath. The villagers approached Kenji with thanks. He was happy to have won the hearts of a few people. Kenji counted. There was only around twelve.

"Can you teleport them out?" Rei asked.

"Where to?"

"Asuma and Kurenai sensei started evacuating towards the West Gate. She pointed towards the destination.

"It'll take a lot of chakra, but I should be able to. We could just walk ov-"

Kenji peered into the distance with his byakugan. A monstrous chakra was heading right for them. Obito.

"What is it?" Rei asked.

"Everyone hold hands right now!!" Kenji told the villagers. He basically tossed Rei towards a woman at the front, but he didn't have time to be gentle. Kenji rared back and flung a marker with pinpoint accuracy, the sharingan helped, towards the west gate. He raced back to Rei and held her hand.

"Is everybody ready?" Kenji looked around. Everyone nodded. He turned towards Obito and back to his marker. "Come on"

Kenji focused directly on his marker. Nothing else. Even the image of Obito in his face didn't deter him. Obito's hand reach towards Kenji's face, sparking his space time jutsu in full affect. Right before Obito could get him, Kenji disappeared. Along with everyone else.


At the West Gate...

"Shikamaru, you and the rest lead this group out. Follow the group ahead of you hurry!"


Asuma turned to Kurenai. "Is that it? Don't tell me that's it. That's probably less than half."

Kurenai turned towards their home, destruction and flames was all she saw.

A kunai pummeled the ground, only six feet in front of them. Both jonin guarded and stepped back. In the Blink of an eye, Kenji, Rei, and twelve villagers appeared.

"Senseis! Here's twelve more! I'm going back for more. Rei needs medical attention right now!" Kenji turned.

"Wait Kenji." Rei grabbed his arm.

Kenji flashed back to the mine. Rei grabbing his arm with the force of a shark bite. But this time, it was with worry and softness. This was the first time Kenji noticed it. He didn't have time during the fight, but past all the blood and soot, even he couldn't deny. Rei was beautiful.



"I said I'm fine. I'm going with you."

"What! No. you just-"

"Nine tales." Rei lifted her arm up and down. She was fine.

"Oh. Cool. "

Asuma eyed them both and walked up. "Listen. I believe in you kids, but try to avoid the akatsuki as much as possible. Just try and find everyone. Meet back here in half an hour. If you don't, we'll come looking for you."

"Thank you sensei." Rei nodded.

She turned to Kenji. "Let's go."


Alright. Yeah its short. Midterms are over so that's good. I'll try to maintain the schedule I was wanting to now. Should be easier. I have something to do, so I had to cut it off today. Since it's spring break, I'm gonna be that guy that sits inside and writes, so I'll try and write the double long chapters everyday this coming week. That wasn't the last of Pain btw. He got rekt. Lets be honest, but he'll be back. It's about to get serious. YERRR!