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On the next day, Naruto and Jin came to the training ground to get started with their training. Jin was very excited about this training time. Not only he will be helping Naruto to grow stronger than his canon self but at the same time, he will be breaking his limits and trying to master the second stage of Ultra Instincts.

"Jin, what are you going to teach me," Naruto said in an upbeat tone and was ready to learn what ever Jin will team him.

"Okay Naruto, I have a really strong technique which you can learn. This technique was created by the fourth Hokage and I was able to re-create this technique after many years of training.

But you can learn this technique much faster than I have learned. Not only do you have me teaching you but at the same time you can also use your shadow clones to increase your learning speed" Jin said and waited for Naruto's reaction but Naruto on the other hand did not show any reaction.

Naruto did not even understand how his shadow clones could help him learn faster and to this, Jin had to face palm.

It took Jin 5 minutes to explain the entire shadow clone training method to Naruto and after the entire training process entered Naruto's thick skull which was an amazing feat on its own.

Naruto was shocked at what he was a mission all this time.

That started Naruto's training in one of the most used Jutsu besides Shadow Clones and by far the most versatile Jutsu beside Shadow Clones.

The Rasengan.

Jin already purchased many water balloons for Naruto beforehand and then show Naruto what he exactly had to do and ask him to make more than 50 clones and start practising.

But before that Jin had to remove the seal which Orochimaru placed on Naruto so he can use his Chakra rightly again.

This occupied Naruto for the entire day.

Jin at this time was working on his Ultra Instincts second stage namely " Ultra Instincts Sign".

He crank the gravity level for himself up to 20x and started to push his body and Ki control to the max.

By the end of the day Naruto already completed the first part of the Rasengan Training but Jin on the other hand did not find any improvement in his Ultra Instincts. The only improvement was that he was stronger than before because his body started to adapt to 20x gravity.

This training session continued for more than 10 days. Naruto mastered Rasengan in 10 freaking days. with the help of his clones of course but still. If it's not genius then what it is?

Jin himself needed more than a month with his Ki to learn this technique.

Jin made Naruto promised not to tell about this technique anyone at least until the Chunin Exams final and also not to use this technique on a comrade. He can only use this technique on a Comrade if he is trying to save himself.

Jin had to be a little specific with his words as there is a possibility that Sasuke might use Chidori on Naruto in the future and that Naruto should learn to defend himself with Rasengan.

After that Naruto started to train on his own but not for long.

Jiraiya was told by Hokage to train Naruto and Jin. But Jiraiya did not accept training Jin. He already was doing many things for the village and now Naruto as well.

He possibly can't handle another little brat on his tail. The only reason he is accepted by Naruto was because he is Minato's son and Jiraiya is his God Father.

Hiruzen at this point was completely helpless. He too can't ask more from Jiraiya. He also doesn't have anyone currently available to teach Jin.

The best person is undoubtedly Might Guy and Jiraiya. But Jiraiya refused and Guy currently is training Tenten in Taijutsu because Tenten personally ask for her sensei's help.

Thus no one could help Jin. Not in Taijutsu at least.

Hiruzen could have let Jin train under Anko but she is not suitable to teach Jin. Jin is a close combat fighter and Anko is heavily invested in poison attacks.

The age-old Hokage sign. It's very unfair for Jin to not have a Jonin like all the other Genins but he really can't do anything about this. Not this fast now. His last hope was Jiraiya but he refused him.

And thus the time passes just like that. And finally, the day of the Chunin exams came.

All the Genins were looking forward to this day and many important people have already come to Konoha to watch this Chunin Exams.

Jin in the end was not able to complete the second stage of the Ultra Instinct but was stronger than ever because of his insane training which he did in the last month.

Now he was just hoping that that is enough to win the upcoming battle.

All this time Naruto was training with Jiraiya and all the other Genins also train under the guidance of their jonin sensei.

It was morning and today Jin did not do any more training but just went for a light jog. Wanting to save his energy for the Chunin Exams.


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