
Naruto: the anomaly

Here is my new challenge, I have already tried all the Narutos except the human one. I bring you an idea of how it will affect the world of DxD, the inclusion of Naruto where it should not, should not appear, should not be included, should not damage the already predestined story. There will be no reincarnations, there will be no seals, there will be no memories of the past, or anything. 100% human and will develop The author is the Diabolico, lover of Japanese women, and Solador with Kushina.: Darknaru666

Mart_Ero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

Chapter 3


New day - Sawyer House - tomorrow.


An alarm clock rang loudly until a hand that came out from under a blanket hit it, turning it off, this being none other than Naruto's, who groaned a little.

Naruto sighed opening his eyes, it's very early but he has classes and...


A feminine scream resounded.

"Oh shit, I need to be in my room, until the next neighbor."

Naruto sighed and looked out of the corner of his eye at the generous naked butt of his neighbor who ran to her house next door, the previous day had been a good day at the academy and everything, meeting three beauties until the day ended and he returned home alone to Later, her next-door neighbor brought her something to eat as a welcome greeting, one thing led to another and she did not deny the advance of her mature neighbor until they reached the room, Miyuki if she is not mistaken, her name is.

Naruto smiled, very good, second day in Japan and he already fucked with someone and a mature woman no less.

Getting out of his blanket completely naked he stretched a little, listening to the creaking of his joints.

Naruto: well, new day... - he commented walking towards the bathroom.

Minutes later he came out fully dressed, only missing his academy jacket.

Naruto moved to the kitchen and looked for breakfast from the pantry while he contemplated that today he would go out with Rias and Koneko after classes, or at night he could go have fun at a club or something like that.

Naruto had some bread and juice, while checking his phone, calls from his sister, mother and some girls from his previous high school.

Naruto raised an eyebrow when he saw the name Miyuki as a new contact and sat down to look at something on his phone while eating breakfast, he still has about 30 minutes before classes start.

Kuoh Academy - occult club.

In this one you could already see activity with laughter behind his desk with his queen now present, this being none other than Akeno himejima, a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is pulled back into a very long ponytail, reaching to the floor with two strands sticking out of the top and slanted back, with an orange ribbon holding it in place.

Like most Kuoh Academy girls, she wears the usual Kuoh Academy girls' school uniform, along with black calf-length socks.

Akeno is on the other side of Rias's desk sitting in a chair, checking a paper in her hand.

Rias: Akeno, after classes finish I want you to impersonate me and organize things here, it won't be much work, Issei and Kiba are in the Underworld, Sona covers them as well as Azazel-sensei... Asia, Xenovia and Irina will return today... ravel next week... in fact as my queen you must be aware of my obligations and what could be better than this... - she said, leaving her pen still on the desk and turned to look at her queen.

Akeno raised an eyebrow, leaving the blade facing to the side.

Akeno: do you have something to do? Is it Issei-kun? Because you have never given me such a poor excuse just to do your job... - he asked and said with a smile.

Rias: It's nothing, I'll just tell you what you'll do... - He dismissed easily, he's not going to give more information.

Akeno frowned for a second but nodded anyway.

Akeno:rossweisse-san sent a message to Sona-sama, she will not return yet, she will have a meeting with Penemue-dono... - she informed her king who nodded calmly and returned to her work with Akeno looking at her out of the corner of her eye... wondering if something happened the days he wasn't by her side.

Rias: Should we go like this? I mean... it's not a date or anything, but the uniform ... - I contemplate, since at least it would show Naruto the best places where they sell manga and anime figures without revealing his side. otaku, of course, and by the way, check out what new anime are on air.


Akeno:ara... classes will begin... - he commented with laughter, getting up from his seat and stretching a little.

Rias: Let's go... - Akeno ordered, getting up from her seat and following her.

The first thing Akeno noticed when entering her class was that there was a new exchange boy from America.

Second, he was being surrounded by almost all the girls in his class.

Third, he's really kind of cute with that smile of his and he seems to react positively to all the hot-blooded girls in his class.

Fourth, Rias, Tsubaki and Sona-sama seem to have an eye on him, she couldn't feel anything strange coming from him, "an ordinary human" was what she pointed out.

Then classes began calmly and Akeno looked around, Tsubaki and Rias glance at the new boy, but she doesn't understand... looking at him she saw him focused on the physics teacher who teaches his classes... yes, it's a bit cute but he doesn't understand it.

Akeno was not the only one who was surprised and curious about everything, Sona is another who also does not understand the possible interest of Tsubaki and Rias in being friends with the new student, she finds it interesting how easy and incoming it is, since she very easily became friends with some girls in his class but is that all? , or is there another approach here?

Sona contemplated little knowing about Rias, Tsubaki and some others liking to be treated normally, like normal girls that you can relate to no matter what, which Naruto somehow does without being the typical hot and perverted boy like her. Most kids at the academy are.

Being that that is what she and Akeno have not come up with and try to discover what could have brought the interest of their queen and king to the new boy by being someone normal.

The class continued its course normally without any interference until it ended earlier than normal for a teachers' meeting that would take place at break time and continue, for which everyone was allowed to leave.

Naruto got up from his desk when he laughed again, he asked to borrow it from the girls who had surrounded him and they gave it to him without any problem.

Akeno looked at that strangely, but a look from her king made her understand that she had homework to do, to which she sighed.

Sona and Tsubaki also looked at that strangely but it's not like they were going to get involved in what Rias did or didn't do.


Departure from Kuoh Academy.

Naruto and Rias could be seen walking calmly side by side.

"Buchou, Naruto-san."

Koneko, who was leaning against the exit wall, greeted them as soon as she saw them and approached them.

Naruto: koneko... - he greeted, offering her hand, which Koneko simply took and they shook.

Naruto: well, lead the way, since you are the ones who know... - he commented with a smile.

Rias: well, follow me... - he said taking the lead with Naruto on one side and Koneko on the other.

The trio began to walk, ignoring the glances of some students in their direction and even more so that of a certain perverted friend of the trio from the church or the saints as they call Irina, Xenovia and Asia, this being none other than Aika Kiryuu.

"This could be the start of a dispute over the pervert's harem, interesting."

The trio first arrived at the shopping center easily attracting the attention of several surrounding people because of their beauty but they did not give it importance.

The first thing they did was buy each one an ice cream while they walked around the place until they reached a games room.

Naruto invited them to come in even with Rias' doubts, they did and found the games very fun, the first thing Naruto did was win a small stuffed animal from Rias and Koneko to thank them both until they saw the two-person motorcycle game. where Naruto took one and Koneko the other, since Rias was embarrassed to play that, even though girls from other academies could also be seen playing some games without any shame.

The game began and apparently it was a competition, Naruto won the first round before Koneko looked at him defiantly for losing and settled down.

Naruto smiled and did it anyway, the duo began to compete evenly, since the game machine was also difficult to pass.

Koneko could tell he was having fun by the small competitive smile on his almost always monotonous face.

The duo disconnected from reality a little and focused on beating the other.

"How much longer will they keep me waiting? 40 minutes have already passed in that same game and there are other people who also want to try it."

Naruto and Koneko left their world at the call, looking at Rias who has a slight pout on her face and behind her there are other people waiting for the game.

Naruto and Koneko apologized with nervous smiles before Koneko gave Naruto a superior smile for 32-31, of course her winning by one point.

Naruto winked in response and the trio left the game room.

They continued visiting other stores until they reached an anime store with Rias literally running to it before stopping politely and making it look like she wasn't excited.

Naruto made fun of her a little before entering the store and curiously looking at everything with Rias recommending some good mangas, while Koneko looked at some books that were striking for their brightness before Rias pulled her to Naruto's side and began to give them a tour. both and tell him which anime is good to read and which one he didn't like and why, before realizing his mistake and tried again to regain his dignity and asked the store manager for a tour.

Naruto and Koneko looked at each other with looks like they didn't believe anything.

Naruto smiled at the cute blush that adorned Rias's cheeks.

In the end, Naruto and Koneko bought the manga and anime figures that Rias recommended, with her placing an order for herself that would be sent home.

Leaving the store they went to lunch at noon.

Already at the restaurant they placed their order, while waiting for their food.

Rias: this has been a lot of fun... - he said while waiting for his food with a smile.

koneko: I agree... - I second with a small smile.

Naruto: I don't deny it, it has been fun sharing with you two... you are nice and fun... - he said calmly, making them both smile.

Rias: well, later we will visit a maid-cafe , although I don't know if they will allow us to try on their uniforms... - she said pointing to her and Koneko.

Naruto: You don't lose anything by asking and I wonder what they look like with them on... - he said with a suggestive smile.

Rias: enough... - he responded lightly hitting Naruto's arm with a smile.

Koneko observed the interaction somewhat strangely... it's strange... she doesn't deny that she likes Naruto-san, he's funny, simple, a soul of fun and even though he's very human... his presence is pleasant and even more so because of how she can release herself around her without fear... be normal, go out in groups, do girl things, no one has ever included her in these things or invited her before, Issei-sempai neither.

Naruto: will you also try a koneko one?... - he asked, taking her out of her thoughts and she nodded.

Rias cheered.

Rias: wonderful... - she responded happily, this... is very fun and everything.

The food arrived with the dishes being served although Rias and Koneko did not miss the look and smile of the waitress who shook Naruto's hand, passing him a paper that he kept, it was surely his number.

Rias looked at that blankly, sure that no one misses the opportunity to flirt with their friend, especially in front of her or Koneko, this whole group of perverted women are surprising.

The trio began to eat their food calmly until Rias's phone rang and she answered the call, frowning before hanging up.

Rias: they can never do anything right ... - he growled in his mind.

Rias: I'm sorry, it seems that something happened and I have to go, but you can continue without me... - he said, drinking his juice and getting up from his seat, he looked at Koneko and denied.

Koneko understood, nothing serious could continue enjoying this outing.

Naruto: I understand, don't worry, I'll pay, it will be the next time I see you in a maid outfit... - he said mockingly, relieving Rias of not bothering his new friend with his absence on his first outing... She is new to all this.

Rias: well, see you... - he said leaving the restaurant.

Naruto: well... now we can go back to the game room and see who is the best... - he said to Konejo who smiled in return.

The duo finished their meal and rest before leaving the restaurant after paying with Koneko finding it pleasant to have all the attention only on her and even more so that Naruto does not feel uncomfortable around her because of her height and appearance.

The duo continued walking until Koneko's nose caught a delicious aroma and she continued "dragging" Naruto with her until they reached a stand of cookies and cakes.

Naruto bought Koneko a bag of cookies with chocolate chips and they walked until they reached a park where they sat for a while under a pleasant breeze and shade.

They watched children play with each other, while a pleasant silence surrounded them.

Naruto seemed to remember something, which Koneko noticed.

Naruto: let's go to karaoke... - he said with a smile and the koneko cookie stopped in the middle of being bitten.

Koneko sat somewhat self-consciously in her seat next to her senpai. She didn't remember how the convention was that she accepted this but she did. They came to one of the karaoke rooms but they were all full and the last one had been taken by a group. of friends who were passing through and did not hesitate to invite her sempai to join her, of course, he rebelled at being in company but those perverts did not care and here she is with her sempai's arm around her neck as if to keep her away. the other girls in respect to her.

A girl is currently singing.

Naruto drank his drink with a smile.

Naruto: I don't understand half of what she sings, but she has a nice voice... - she said with a smile to the singer with the other friends nodding with a smile.

Naruto turned to Koneko and crouched down to her ear when he noticed she was somewhat self-conscious.

Naruto: you don't have to sing, I just wanted to know what karaoke was like but if it makes you uncomfortable, we'll leave, fine... - he whispered to Koneko who smiled and nodded, her sempai understood her, but... she wanted to do this , it was just that I was a little embarrassed to do it, but this is what girls do... I wouldn't waste it... if only Buchou was there she wouldn't be so embarrassed.

The other girls wondered if he is his girlfriend because of the proximity, they would still ask for his number, he is too handsome.

The singer finished doing it and it was Naruto's turn who stood up without any shame finishing his juice, his academy jacket was on one side, only wearing his white shirt that he always wears underneath.

Naruto: We will sing a song for two, it will be rap... come on, Koneko, you just follow what it says on the screen... - he said with a smile, surprising Koneko, but she quickly recovered and stood up, placing herself next to her sempai. .

Naruto chose the song but in English, in Japanese the rap is fine, but it stands out more in English and although the other girls may not understand it, they will with the rhythm.

Naruto started with the music doing it and signs of passage, surprising the girls and Koneko because of how passionate he is and she imitated him with some signs that made her look cute.

The friends only moved their heads up and down to the rhythm and another imitated the words by moving her hands.

Naruto and Koneko followed the duo until they finished the song and high-fived each other in amusement.

The next girls passed by until time passed and they said goodbye of course, but not without the group of six friends giving Naruto their number and a slight flirtation away from Koneko's sight, who they assumed was his girlfriend.

Naruto smiled amused and together with Koneko they continued visiting other places and sharing until the night after so much fun arrived and Naruto picking up his car gave Koneko a tour of the illuminated city.

Inside the car listening to music, Koneko and Naruto could be seen following the address that Koneko gave him to her house.

Koneko: sempai... - she called from her seat to Naruto who looked at her with curiosity when she saw her looking at her phone and then at him, he understood.

Naruto: true, we exchanged numbers... - he asked and Koneko nodded.

Naruto smiled and took his cell phone out of his pocket, unlocking it, he entered the contacts section and gave it to Koneko.

She looked at him before taking her phone and starting to write before handing it back to him.

Naruto checked and saw the name koneko with kitten emojis next to it plus her number and smiled.

Naruto: thank you... - he said before putting away his cell phone with Koneko smiling before realizing it.

Koneko: leave me here sempai... - he asked when Naruto realized that he was almost passing the hotel, what the hell? In the middle of those little houses, such a hotel.

Naruto stopped his car.

Koneko opened the door on her side.

Koneko: I had a lot of fun today, thank you Naruto... - she said with a smile, picking up her bag and stuffed animal, knowing that her sempai asked her to call him normal Naruto.

Naruto nodded.

Naruto: I hope to do this again and that you have a nice night, Koneko... - he told her when she came out and closed the car door behind her.

Naruto sped back before turning around and leaving with Koneko watching him leave before turning around and entering the property where he lives only to see his buchou at the door with her arms crossed under her breasts.

Rias: I see that someone had fun and they even brought her home and at night... - she commented when she saw the not very usual smile in her tower.

Koneko: I did it buchou, we even went to karaoke and...

Rias: leave it... let's go to my room, you'll tell me everything I missed... - he said seriously with Koneko smiling at that but nodded and entered the house.








I hope you like it and vote.