
Naruto: the anomaly

Here is my new challenge, I have already tried all the Narutos except the human one. I bring you an idea of how it will affect the world of DxD, the inclusion of Naruto where it should not, should not appear, should not be included, should not damage the already predestined story. There will be no reincarnations, there will be no seals, there will be no memories of the past, or anything. 100% human and will develop The author is the Diabolico, lover of Japanese women, and Solador with Kushina.: Darknaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 2


Both teens stared at each other as their noses tickled at the scent that the wind attracted.

A purely feminine and pleasant aroma came from the beautiful redhead that Naruto found pleasant.

The second aroma was a purely manly and pleasant one that the same redhead in question admired and took a breath, since not all the boys at the academy had a pleasant aroma or did not take enough care of their image.

Both teens stared at each other for what seemed like minutes before they recovered.

Naruto: I apologize, if I make you uncomfortable... I admit that she is very beautiful to look at... - he began calmly and smiled at the cute blush that adorned the beautiful redhead's cheeks.

"and... I, I understand."

Naruto: By the way, I'm Naruto Sawyer... a new student, although I'm lost I'm looking for class A-1... - he introduced himself and explained calmly while the redhead recovered and adopted a serious look before blinking.

"that's my class and I'm Rias, Rias Gremory, my pleasure, naruto-san."

Naruto noticed how the redhead presented herself with poise and grace, worthy of someone of status.

Naruto: Rias, nice name... - He nodded simply to the girl's embarrassment who couldn't believe that the new student could say such... embarrassing words so easily and without being embarrassed.


Rias coughed to recover.

Rias: If you want, let's go together, I was still going to my class, although a little late I admit... - he said and proposed with Naruto attending.

Naruto: that would be good... - he said, standing next to him when they began to walk slowly with laughter, looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

Rias [ A normal human ]... - the devil thought, not feeling any strange aura coming from the somewhat cute boy.

Rias: you said that you are a new student, why would you enter in the middle of the year?... - she asked him with some curiosity that she didn't even know she had.

Naruto turned to look at her and Rias blushed at the intense but pleasant gaze towards her as he looked into her eyes.

Naruto: well, I wanted to know Japan, the opportunity presented itself to me and I took advantage of it... - he answered simply.

Rias's eyes shone.

Rias: I thought so, you are settled and you don't have the appearance of a common Japanese... - she said more to herself.

Naruto: I should say the same, you're a little prettier than several girls I saw on my way, you don't seem like you're from Japan either... - he commented calmly and Rias smiled, although she grimaced slightly when she heard him mention girls so easily and compare them to her before opening his eyes with some surprise.

Rias [ He... is not flirting with me, he behaves more like a... "friend", a normal boy who doesn't expect anything, so he has no filter ]... - she thought to this unexpected perspective, no one has ever told him. He spoke like that, so... free, not like Rias Gremory, Demon, Ojou-sama or someone who had interest in her but him... this boy...

"Oh, are you okay? You stopped suddenly."

Naruto turned to look at the redhead, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

Rias quickly recovered and nodded.

Rias: I'm sorry, it was something in my mind... - she responded with a brilliant smile that Naruto shared and they continued walking with Rias looking at him out of the corner of her eye again... a friend? Could a real friend be the new boy? , someone who would talk to her in her face and joke with her without filters?... . not like sona or akeno who are moderated, someone truly real.

Rias smiled at the prospect.

Rias: If you want, since you are new, I can give you a tour of the academy at break time... - she proposed to Naruto, who agreed with the redhead's steps, since she is the one who knows the way to her class but she seems more interested in something else at the pace they are going, but it's not like she's complaining, she's already 30 minutes late.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at her proposal.

Naruto: why would I want to know more about the academy besides my class?... - he asked with genuine doubts.

Rias smiled amused, someone else would have quickly accepted her proposal and not given her such a derogatory response.

Rias: you need to eat, right?, get to know the cafeteria so you don't get lost again... - he said with a smile.

Naruto: I... I think you're right... thank you for that... - she responded, raising her fist a little, which Rias looked at with curiosity before raising hers and Naruto hit it.

Rias smiled, surprised by this familiar greeting, similar to that of an anime she saw a long time ago, but she did not try it with anyone because of the image she had to maintain.

Naruto [ is kind of strange ]... - he thought looking at the sexy redhead who is looking at her fist while walking lost in her thoughts.

Naruto [ well, being so sexy, there must have been something wrong with him ]... - he thought calmly and they continued on their way until they reached the room they were looking for.


Naruto calmly opened the door to his class, drawing the attention of the sensei in question and the other students.


Look at it, it's so cute!

It looks like a model!

He's new, he's wearing the academy uniform!

It's Rias-sempai!

Naruto blinked at the girls' hot blood.

"Ah, you must be the new kid from America who arrived today."

The teacher/sensei in question approached.

Naruto: Yes and I'm sorry for the delay, I was lost walking through all the hallways looking for my class or someone to guide me, I didn't find anyone until Rias gave me a hand... - I point to the beautiful redhead behind him. He came out of his stupor.


It has a seat, a nice seat!

Tsk, pretty boy!

Rias? He does know what it means to call someone by their first name!

"Forgive my students, they are very lively when it comes to meeting someone new."

The teacher smiled slightly and gave way to the new student while Rias moved to her seat, also somewhat surprised but "happy?", to be called Rias a pila.

"Okay class, meet your new classmate, he's from America, can you introduce yourself."

Naruto nodded as the teacher gave way and stood in front of the class, giving everyone a better view.

In the girls' opinion it is simply hot.

Naruto: I liked it, I'm Naruto tho Sawyer, I was born in Texas, I'm 17 years old, I know three languages, English, Japanese and Italian... I like doing motocross, playing soccer, reading, gardening among others... - he introduced himself calmly with everyone listening attentively to his presentation.

"Any questions?".

The teacher intervened towards his students.

"Yo, do you have a girlfriend?

A cute brunette asked with Naruto smiling.

Naruto: no... - he responded simply.

"wanted to have?.

The brunette asked again with a smile, ignoring the look that some sent her.

Naruto: well, I thought I would be the one looking for a girlfriend... - he said with a wink, making the brunette blush and implying that it's not like the topic of talking to girls is going to back off.

Rias smiled now accepting that her new possible friend knew no shame.

"Well, the rest of the questions for later, you can sit next to me, Kiyoi-san."

Naruto looked and noticed the girl who raised her hand because next to her there was a free seat and he also noticed Rias several seats away and Tsubaki, the sexy black-haired girl from yesterday.

Tsubaki nodded in greeting, which he returned as well as Rias.

And so the class continued formally with Naruto paying attention, he knew that later he had to review the activities to catch up with the second period of the course, he had already won the first before the transfer.

Tsubaki looked at the new boy at intervals and noticed how focused on the class he looked, with the pen still next to his lip trying to understand and follow the rhythm of the class and...

The devil denied and concentrated on the activity in question, she does not deny that the new boy gave her a great first impression and perhaps, that is what calls her interest, no matter how human it is and it seems not to be the only one, rias- Sama also sends her glances but doesn't notice any ulterior motives in her... perhaps, he also made a very good impression on Rias-sama.


The recess bell rang with several sighing.

"Well, don't forget to do the activities left and Naruto-san, I'll give you a month to catch up."

The teacher informed before leaving towards the teacher's room.

Naruto put his books away as he was quickly surrounded by some of his classmates.

"Naruto-san, uh...

"so beautiful...

"Tell me do you want to come with us to eat...

"yeah, come on, ne...

Naruto looked at the girls with a raised eyebrow and how they stack up, they are more hot-blooded than the ones from his previous high school.

Naruto was going to respond positively only to be Interrupted.

"Excuse me, I promised Naruto-san to show him the facilities, as you know it's new, if you could lend it to me for a moment I would appreciate it...

Rias intervened, pushing away the girls who screamed at her One-sama.

Naruto smiled and stood up.

Naruto: If you'll excuse me, Rias will show me the facilities, I don't reject your proposal but at another time, fine... - she said and the group of girls nodded blushing, since they had not been rejected at all other than for a short tour of the new boy by his always kind One-sama.

Rias walked with Naruto following at her side.

Tsubaki raised an eyebrow at that, she doesn't see anything wrong with what Rias-sama does, but won't that make Issei jealous? When she returns from helping Azazel-sama and the other leaders in the Underworld?

Student council room.

Sitting behind her desk you could see Sona who skipped her first classes to reduce all the work that was piling up.

Sona put aside the paper she was looking at and took off her glasses, rubbing her neck, moving her head from side to side.

Sona: wouldn't you come for something? What are you doing?... - she asked herself in a low voice and sighed, time to eat.

The sitri got up from her seat, this time she was going to the cafeteria, since Tsubaki caught up with her.

With Rias and Naruto.

Both could be seen walking through the academy campus, while chatting with each other.

Rias: and those are the clubs there are, it is mandatory to join one of them... - she responded to Naruto's question.

Naruto: that will take up my time... I want to have fun, I'm young enough to die studying... I want to go to parties, races, enjoy... - he commented with a slight grimace.

Naruto: In fact, I already coordinated where I can go to practice motocross... - he finished saying.

Rias smiled at the prospect, she has never done any of that... have fun, enjoy that way... being the heiress of her clan many expect a lot from her and... Issei, he... denied.

Rías: well, I think you'll have to fix your time, if you want to enjoy it to the fullest... - he told her calmly.

Naruto: Yes, that's all, what club are you in?... - I ask him with curiosity.

Rias: Occultism... - he answered simply.

Naruto: about looking for ghosts... well, maybe I'll join the soccer or karate club... I'll think about it later... - she said calmly with a laugh, raising an eyebrow, she... I hope he will show interest in joining your club but not...

Naruto moved and fell sitting on the grass watching the volleyball club play in the distance, having a good shadow he looked in that direction.

Rias stopped and looked at Naruto.

Rias: Shall we not continue?... - I ask him with curiosity as he watches him get comfortable.

Naruto: later, this is also the one he rested, I'll rest a little... come sit down or do you have something else to do?... - he said and asked curiously to Rias who thought about it before sitting on the grass next to him. side...finding the pleasant sensation when the breeze hit her.

Naruto looked in the direction of the girls playing in the distance.

Rias looked in his direction, this... this she never did, sitting on the grass and just taking in her surroundings, it's... nice, breeze and all.


A monotone voice seemed to bring Rias out of her reverie and attracted Naruto's curiosity.

"Uh, yeah, Koneko."

Naruto looked at the white-haired girl, cute with a developing figure, pretty golden eyes, although he didn't feel her coming, he didn't even hear her steps.

Rias seemed to notice.

Rias: koneko-chan, this is naruto and naruto this is koneko-chan, one of the members of my club... - she introduced them with naruto nodding.

Naruto: a pleasure... - he offered her his hand from his place, looking into her eyes.

Koneko stared at him for a long interval before accepting his hand and shaking it.

Naruto nodded.

Koneko: What are you doing here, Buchou?... - He asked her with curiosity and even more so to see her with a human.

Rias: that's it, I'm taking in the breeze and admiring my surroundings, it's nice... Naruto is here with me... I was showing him the facilities, he's new to both the academy and Japan... - he responded calmly to his tower. who nodded.

Naruto: If you want, you can join us, it's nice to see this in company... - He proposed what Rias wanted to do and smiled.

Koneko thought about it and nodded, taking out a bag of candy from her back, that's how Naruto saw it.

Rias smiled, forgetting about her obligations and problems with the terrorists for a moment.

The breeze blew as Koneko sat next to the stream in which her hair moved.

Naruto: And tell me, have you always been to Japan or do you know other places, besides here?... - he asked Rias curiously, still watching how the girls were making an effort in their exchange.

Rias: Oh, I also know other places, but I settled here... I like it, its culture, way of life and the beautiful landscapes it has... - he responded equally looking at the girls playing.

Naruto: I understand and your koneko?... - he asked, taking the nekoshou by surprise for a moment.

Koneko: me?... - she asked without understanding.

Naruto: Are you from Japan? Do you like it... - he asked curiously, looking in his direction.

Koneko: yes and I like it... - she responded simply taking a cookie to her mouth.

Naruto smiled in response.

Naruto: I see, I also find it nice, well I'm just getting to know him but you can see the good vibes... and they like anime? I mean... it's anime land... - he said with a smile You would laugh now if you looked at it.

Rias: Do you like it?... - she asked him and Naruto nodded.

Naruto: Look at some, they are interesting and more so the whole culture, tomorrow I will try to visit some of those anime cafes... - he responded with laughter, smiling.

Rias: well, I like them too and I looked at some... - he responded cryptically.

Naruto: then would you mind accompanying me to one tomorrow, from what I know, here everything is done in groups and I'm just trying to fit into this culture... - he said and proposed in general for both of us.

Koneko blinked for a moment and resumed eating her candy, while Rias thought about it, knowing that her answer would be for both her and her tower.

Rias contemplated, she had work, yes, but... she hasn't taken time for herself and besides, she would only be getting to know some parts... like a normal girl, without responsibilities, with nothing expected of her and nothing special, she would be like a friends outing... normal friends, naruto is new... she's barely fitting in and the truth is that she finds him pleasant and like a new breath, plus she's a human and koneko will accompany her... she could reject and nothing would simply happen , but the truth is that he finds this normal treatment towards her very attractive... he even calls her by her name, although well, he sees it as normal, he is not Japanese.

Rias: well, I'll accompany you tomorrow, I think we'll leave early from what I heard... - she replied to Naruto who nodded.

Naruto: and your koneko, will you accompany us?... - he suddenly asked for his opinion.

Koneko looked at him, then at her president, and then back at him, this... unexpected.

Koneko: I'll do it... - she responded and went back to eating her sweets.

Naruto smiled.


Naruto: It didn't last at all... - he commented.

Rias: right, the cafeteria, I'm sorry we didn't eat anything and...

Naruto: don't worry, I'll eat something later... - he said getting up from the comfortable grass.

Rias followed him as did Koneko who offered two bars of chocolate to Naruto and Rias.

Rias smiled gratefully and took them.

Naruto: thank you, koneko... - he thanked her with a smile, taking the candy bar and opened one before starting to eat it while they returned.

Koneko looked askance at the human's back... it's... strange, nothing supernatural, if not, how... refreshing.

Koneko walked next to both her buchou and the new boy, it's nice to see how she jokes with her president without any interest, just... as friends, she even asks her and even includes when she just met her and... .

Koneko [ Wait... he... tries to make us friends ]... - I contemplate the interaction and nodded, after all he is new and he doesn't even know them or their fame, they are simply other girls for him and apparently he has no filter .

Koneko allowed herself to smile slightly at this human.

In the distance, a certain president of the student council and her vice president were looking at everything with a raised eyebrow, although it sounded specifically like the new student who, from what his queen Tsubaki told him, is someone interesting and not a pervert, and he also managed to get close to Rias and Koneko. On his first day, that speaks very well of the person he is, since Rias wouldn't give him the time... not now and especially not with all the problems they have nearby and Koneko... it's Koneko.

Although Sona and Tsubaki were not the only ones who watched the interaction of Rias, Koneko and the new guy, a certain duo of the perverted trio still watched everything, since the trio of teenagers passed by them without returning a single glance.

Matsuda looked at Motohama and back again, "Wasn't Rias-Sempai supposedly with Issei?" "Issei has competition." was what they said just looking into each other's eyes.





