
Naruto: the anomaly

Here is my new challenge, I have already tried all the Narutos except the human one. I bring you an idea of how it will affect the world of DxD, the inclusion of Naruto where it should not, should not appear, should not be included, should not damage the already predestined story. There will be no reincarnations, there will be no seals, there will be no memories of the past, or anything. 100% human and will develop The author is the Diabolico, lover of Japanese women, and Solador with Kushina.: Darknaru666

Mart_Ero · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 4

First of all, he explained again, I don't like to just skip everything, no, I like to develop things as they are, more realistic, with sense, if you have already seen DxD, you will understand how everything goes... yes, this has an arc in the middle of the cannon that was when naruto appeared.

The realism comes from how people receive a new student and even more so if he or she looks like a model, and with the girls at the academy, if they saw the anime dxd, they will make the connections.

In short, from the prologue and these chapters they simplify how Naruto is slowly getting under the girls' skin.

That's all, let's continue.



One month after.

It's been a month since Naruto joined Kuoh Academy and met his new friends, Rias, Koneko and Tsubaki, although he has spoken to the latter to a lesser extent more than a few meals because of her job as vice president of the student council, but The ones he has shared with and gotten along very well with are Koneko and Rias, with whom he sees almost every day. We should also add that they also eat together at rest time unless it is necessary for Rias or Koneko to do something, which is When his other sempais "take" him for themselves, the other boys don't seem to like him very much, not that he cares either.

Relatively, Naruto has been very well received at Kuoh Academy, although the president of the student council bothers him a little for not showing up to his cooking club activities in which his upperclassmen cover him and it was at their request that It was written before the president of the student council began to bother him for not writing something that is mandatory for the academy in a club, but now it only bothers him because apparently she found out that he does not participate in his club but has a sheet of information. activities clearly not real but he could do nothing against the leader of the cooking club who affirms his participation.

Naruto had been very amused by the same thing, although he had gone to the cooking club about twice to eat his sempais' preparation.

I should also add that she has had more outings with Rias and Koneko, both together and separately for the fun of both of them due to the type of madness they are drawn into meeting new people, young people from other academies and passing groups with him. who share a fun day.


Leaving that aside, Naruto and Rias are currently doing something that the princess of the crimson villain never thought she would do... well, not for this and that is skipping a day of school and riding a motorcycle, a motocross motorcycle with her team. and everything except the helmets.

Which she currently does with Naruto standing behind her with his arms around her abdomen firmly held.

Rias: this is something difficult... - he said, trying to keep the balance of the motorcycle so as not to go to one side and it turned off, much to his frustration.

Naruto: You have to let go gently, first place one leg and then the other when the motorcycle starts to go smoothly... - I advised him calmly, already having his legs in place, it was just for Rias to find her rhythm.

Rias nodded, settling herself, she placed her leg on the lever and lowered it hard, successfully turning on the motorcycle that began to resonate, doing what Naruto told her, she began to take off slowly to her excitement before raising both legs and continuing at a stable pace.

Naruto smiled placing the lever in place with his hand before guiding them forward on Rias's and accelerating to her surprise.

Rias: wait... - he almost shouted before finding the speed exciting and Naruto accelerated fully without fear.

Naruto: guide the way... - he said with laughter, nodding and taking control.

Naruto smiled, interesting girl.

They were fast without a doubt, do you care? No.

Rias smiled excitedly turning one corner and another as she accelerated to the bottom.

Naruto moved the beautiful crimson hair away from her face, it smelled good, but he had to be careful, the emotion wouldn't overtake Rias and crash them both.

The sound of the motorcycle echoed as they got lost in the streets.


Same moment - Kuoh Academy - rest time - occult club.

Entering this one could see Ravel phoenix , Ravel is a beautiful young woman with dark blue eyes. She has long blonde hair tied in two pigtails with large drill-shaped curls and blue ribbons keeping them in place on her. The front of her hair has several bangs hanging over her forehead, with a V-shaped bang hanging over the bridge of her nose. She wears the Kuoh Academy girls' uniform, with the addition of a black sweater over her shirt. dress.

This same time entering the occult club I expect to see Rias-sempai behind her desk, not her queen as she has been seeing lately after she returned from the Underworld.

Ravel:akeno-san... - called the queen immersed in her work who had not even noticed her.

Akeno looked up from her papers at the call.

Ravel sweated.

Akeno:ravel... - greeted.

Ravel: rias-sempai... I didn't see her today, I don't even feel her at the academy... - he commented, noticing for a moment a slight frown appear on Akeno's face before disappearing.

Akeno:buchou had to do something today, don't worry... - he said softly to Ravel who nodded slowly.

Ravel: well, if you see her, tell her that I'm looking for her, I need to talk to her about something... - she told Akeno who nodded and went back to her work.

Ravel left the club room deciding to look for the others to talk to, even Koneko, things without Issei-sempai are boring but from what she knows he is training with Tannin-san, Azazel-sensei and Ajuka-sama somewhere. of dragon territory to improve and study their armor due to its rapid and strange evolution.

Ravel: when he returns I will scold him for leaving us so much time ... - the devil thought, nodding to herself, since she did not know when her sempai would return either, she has not asked Rias-sempai so as not to bother her by making her remember Issei-sempai's departure. .


Student council.

Sitting behind her desk you could see Sona frowning, this month has been really annoying, all her work, the new student who tries to think she's smart, one more rebellious laugh and rumors that some girls have been taking the boys. baths for a boy, it seems that they finish this year and now you laugh skipping classes.

She simply wanted to send everything to hell, but no, this is a challenge that she would overcome and emerge victorious, what Rias did is her problem after it does not affect her, but the new student... he... he would understand, how He shouldn't mess with her.

Sona: now how to bring Naruto-san to my territory... do you think you can be smarter than me? I don't think so... - the sitri murmured seriously with Tsubaki sweating having heard her, yes her friend has lined up his president against him with the cooking club move.

Tsubaki: I'll have to talk to him ... - she thought before smiling in her mind, she would never help anyone before with academic faults among others, but... her new friend is nice and fun, a new respite for her that will support for her own amusement, she is a demon after all.


Outskirts of Kouh City.

Arriving at a desolate and mountainous part, Rias and Naruto could be seen with the latter looking at the other humans who were juggling on their motorcycles.

Stopping near a small wooden house, Rias did so with Naruto getting off the motorcycle.

Naruto: we arrived... - he said looking around when a girl approached him with a clipboard in hand, she was wearing her motocross suit the same as his one, which is red and Rias's is white, girl was purple.

"Tu... sawyer, ¿no?".

Naruto: I'm... I would appreciate it if you could bring me my motorcycle and the two helmets... Oh, this is my partner, Rias... she will also compete... - he said when Rias was next to him and greeted by raising his hand.

"I understand, it will be provided to you... Sawyer and Gremory, they are on the list, well... we look handsome."

The girl ended up winking at Naruto before walking away with her list in hand, while Rias stared at him.

Rias: not for a second when everyone tries to seduce you, eh... - she said seriously to Naruto who smiled.

Naruto: don't worry, fine... when you're with me I only have eyes for you... - he said with a blushing smile to Rias who hit his arm making Naruto laugh.

The duo returned and looked at the other competitors, it was a normal competition and just for fun, but everyone's competitive side made them stand out more than the other one like the one who turned with his motorcycle in the air to whistle at Naruto. the maneuver.

Rias: do you think I can do something like that?... - she asked Naruto, looking at the other competitors, there were even girls her age spinning their motorcycles for her growing desire to do the same.

Naruto: I don't know, it will depend on whether you are not afraid and your reaction time, but I know that you will do well... you are intelligent, you will find a way... - he said with laughter, nodding with a smile at the confidence and supported .

They both saw a group of girls talking among themselves, surely planning how they would try to win.

Rias looked at them and then at Naruto.

Naruto: go, try to fit in without fear, trust me... - he said and pushed her in the direction of the group of girls who noticed the two with laughter looking at Naruto and then at the group of strangers before walking somewhat nervously towards them. .

Naruto watched as Rias was accepted before he headed towards the group of boys he met the day before.

Rias with a smile greeting the girls who received her, looked out of the corner of her eye as Naruto greeted a group of boys and smiled with amusement.

"Don't, don't... dime, are you new?"

"Yes, it does count."

"He is very handsome".

"Can we compete to go on a date with him?"

Rias sweatdropped before sticking her chest forward.

Rias: He is with me, but we can compete for a kiss from him and whoever wins gives it to him in front of the others... - she said with a fun and competitive smile.

"Then don't be jealous when I win."

"Metere mi lengua en su garganta".

"Olle, dirty."


Rias smiled strangely, she never expected human girls to be like that, but she was never in their circle before if it wasn't for her new friend... it's funny, they consider her one of them and just like that, before she thought it would be difficult to make friends and fit in. ...not just like that, speaking without fear or filters... very satisfying.

Naruto from afar watched Rias fit in and smiled, next time he would bring Koneko or maybe Tsubaki, surely the black-haired girl needed more fun in her life, maybe a crazy party would help her relax, yes.

The competition began minutes later on the men's side with Naruto taking his newly given motorcycle as he was told that they had already given Rias both helmets. Searching for her, he found her laughing with the group of girls from before and accelerated in her direction.

Naruto:rias... - he called when she approached and gave him his helmet.

Naruto: thank you, the other motorcycle is yours in case you decide to compete... - he said with laughter, nodding with a nice smile.

Rias: I hope you win, well... - Naruto winked at strangers, who nodded with a smile, watching her return with her group of new friends who were smiling in her direction, much to her curiosity.

Naruto put on his helmet and accelerated towards the session where he would compete, joining it only to take off a few minutes later for his amusement, he thanks his crazy brother for allowing him to do all this with his escape from his asylum.

Naruto had fun with the extreme game maneuvering like the others although he ended up in 8th place for wasting time maneuvering and looking at Rias's section he blinked with slight surprise to see her go ahead although obviously, she is not doing maneuvers and he I would be surprised if he did it like the others who are showing off.

Naruto watched for a moment before returning to his own session.

And the afternoon passed slowly with the sound of the engine echoing throughout the place until Naruto later approached the laughter session, turning off his motorcycle, he got off, placing his motorcycle lock and helmet aside.

He inhaled the satisfying air even though it smelled more like mud than anything else.

Naruto looked around at the different groups of girls who were talking to each other, looking for a crimson hair that stood out as he saw her come out of a group of 9 girls who were looking in his direction.

Naruto sweated when he saw Rias's white suit completely dirty and mud covering half of his lower part and one of his arms, he had surely fallen off his motorcycle like the one who did it about three times due to small mistakes.


Rias called with a bright smile even with her somewhat dirty face.

Naruto: laughs, I see you... - he didn't end when he was hugged by surprise and lips, soft and moist lips joined his in a kiss that ended just as it began.

Naruto: what? Rias... - I try to say something surprised.

Rias looked at him, blushing and nervous.

Rias: what? You don't like me? Do I make you uncomfortable?... - she asked him quickly with a slight apprehension even while hugging him.

Naruto: no... no, it just took me by surprise, just that... - he responded now, wrapping his arms around Rias' waist and pulling her into a kiss without doubts or fear.

Rias reciprocated him for a moment before turning her face away and smiling but without breaking their embrace.

Rias gave him a short kiss on the lips again before speaking.

Rias: I like you... he stated... but I don't want anything to change between us, I want you to continue being the way you are, call me stupid when I act stupid, joke with me, make fun of me, watch anime with me and be with me, fine ... - he said softly, giving another short kiss to Naruto who smiled and even more because of the cute blush he was wearing.

Naruto: if it's your request... - he said passing his hand through her long crimson hair before kissing her again for a moment looking into her eyes with laughter doing the same, such captivating eyes.

They broke the kiss.

Rias: koneko, you can be with her... - she said out of nowhere with Naruto raising an eyebrow.

Naruto: I thought you would be jealous, what do you like about me?... - she asked him with a smile with Rias's lips tickling at the warm breath that joins with his.

Rias's eyes sparkled at the question and she smiled wholeheartedly.

Rias: I don't know! That's the exciting thing, I feel an emptiness in my stomach, an uncontrolled emotion... an excessive fear in case I make you angry... I don't know, I like that, I read that when you If you truly fall in love, you don't know what you like about that person, but their smile alone captivates you and makes me happy like now, you make me happy!... - he responded with almost euphoric emotion, really happy.

Naruto smiled at how cute she looked with that excessive emotion.

The group of girls who heard everything because they were somewhat close smiled at the emotion of their friend in love and nodded, Love is blind but also unpredictable and when it is reciprocated, the emotion is simply overwhelming as they now see in the pretty rookie who turned her word from the kiss that they reminded her of a lot just to annoy her.

Naruto gave him another kiss but now with his tongue with Rias reciprocating without any shame of being seen by others, the warm saliva, the warm breath and the soft movement of their tongues, delighted them but more to Rias... everything of the month It just piled up and she couldn't believe how happy and blissful she felt... experiencing a human life as a normal girl, with a cute, attentive, funny and somewhat crazy handsome boyfriend, doing what she never did before, having fun. truly and forgetting everything... she couldn't be happier, of course the first thing that made her truly happy was breaking her engagement with Raiser, "let that bird die" and the second thing was meeting Naruto Sawyer.

He simply, she doesn't know, she doesn't know... she has no answer, but one thing is damn sure.

Naruto and Rias broke their kiss looking into each other's eyes while licking their lips.

"Find a room!"


Someone shouted, making the couple smile as Naruto put Rias around the shoulder and approached the group of friends with her and they began to talk with Rias simply looking at him, looking at him... a bright smile on her face and she joked. with the girls... this, his wish, simply coming true, he did well to arrive late to class that day.

Rias pouted as Naruto laughed as he heard her fall off his bike before she herself burst into giggles with the others.

Later - night.

Two blocks before Hyōdō Mansion.

Sitting on a motorcycle, Rias could be seen with Naruto resting her arms around her waist with Rias doing the same around her neck looking at Naruto with a calm smile, she simply couldn't put her smile aside at his progress today.

Naruto: sure, aren't you hungry?... - he asked curiously to Rias who denied, she simply felt happy, very happy, she had no appetite.

Naruto: well, did you have fun today?... - he asked with a smile.

Rias: You have no idea and I thank you, I can already boast that I ride a motorcycle and win a motocross competition, and also win a group of friends who don't mince their words... - she responded with a smile.

Naruto: you won't let that go, right... - he told her with a drop of sweat and Rias pouted.

Rias: I literally confessed and later they flirted with you in front of me, although I don't deny they are fun... - Naruto responded with a smile, nodding, giving her a light kiss.

Naruto: although I don't want to separate from you, it's time to go back and take a bath... - he said with laughter, nodding, they have shared a lot today.

Rias: Yes, I also need a relaxing and warm bath, I smell a little... I sweat a lot... - she said, remembering that she only stopped to drink water and continue in the competition, well, she was very competitive and was putting on a motorcycle... competing for the first time in his life in something against other humans and he had a lot of fun.

Naruto: well... - he exclaimed, releasing Rias' waist as she got off the motorcycle.

Rias: have a nice night and dream of me... - she told him, giving him a kiss before going on her way or she would truly accompany him to his house with the great desire she has not to leave him... everything is simply so exciting this.

Naruto smiled when he saw her turn a corner and took off in the direction of his house, missing the fact that Rias appeared around the same corner and watched as she disappeared into the distance with her hand pressing where her heart was beating in euphoria.


Arriving at the Hyōdō mansion, Rias sweats when she is greeted by a koneko with her arms crossed in front of the door.

Koneko: after I take a bath I'll wait for you in my room, buchou... - she said monotonously.








Well, I'll start, I captured the human reaction and what Rias captured in the first three seasons of the anime, where she wanted to be called Rias, etc. Naruto indulged that... that she almost forgot.

Relax, I'm simply giving development to everything ... in case you are wondering that halfway through the cannon Rias is already madly in love with "issei", everything will be explained.

When you truly fall in love you are simply blind, you don't know it, it is unpredictable so don't look for an explanation for love either, there are different types of love, but true love is inexplicable, you don't know what you like about that person, just see them now. It fills you with happiness, emotion and... inexplicable. That's what Rias is literally feeling and no, she didn't just fall in love with Naruto's face if you read the beginning.

I won't give spoilers, keep reading to see where these will go... and don't tell me anything, Rias Cannon literally fell in love with Issei in half a month, which was how long the raiser thing lasted, 10 days of training and 5 since the Raynare thing. but here it is different as you see.