
Naruto: Mekka Junrei

He crosses to the world of Naruto on the year 38 since the foundation of Konoha Starting as a war orphan, relying on familiarity with future trends and sophisticated calculations, step by step becomes the strongest in the Ninja world. Im only the translator NO RELATIONSHIPS Finished Novel

angel_bastudas · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
68 Chs


Although the situation in the Shinobi World keeps eroding and there's still some friction between the countries, the Third Shinobi World War has not yet erupted, and the war has not even started between the Villages. Therefore, the Land of Rain seems calm and everywhere around is just a peaceful weather.

At this time, on a trail in the Land of Rain, a large silhouette, and 3 small ones, were moving in the rain.

A group of four people, can be easily recognized as a ninja team, even if they're dressed up, as long as they have a little experience with ninja. So if they want to explore information, they cannot act together.

They stopped in front of a small town, Ueno waved to them, and whispered, "Information shows that there are some signs of ninja activity in this town, although this town is still away from the Land of Wind, it is relatively close, so it is not completely ruled out that there are sand ninjas who are around this area. "


As soon as Ueno tone fell, Keita opened his Byakugan. This is the first time Mekka Junrei has seen a Byakugan open, and saw that the veins around Hyuga Kaita's eyes burst out, becoming way more defined and his eyes a bit more hazy than in the Manga.

"There were Chakra fluctuations in 7 places" Hyuga whispered.

Ueno hearing this, took out a pen and paper and drew a simple map of the small town, then asked Hyuga to mark the approximate location of Chakra's fluctuations.

After drawing, Ueno instructed three people: "Chakra appeared in these 7 positions, Junrei and Shinohara each are responsible for exploring one target, Keita is responsible for exploring 2 targets, and the other 3 are given to me. Your mission is to know what country they work for, and as for their conspiracy, wait for us to gather here at 5 pm before making any new arrangements. "

"Yes!" The three people replied at the same time.

This arrangement was quite reasonable, after all, Junrei and Hoshinohara are not the kind of ninjas who are good at gathering information. Even just exploring a target they may not be able to complete it.

After the mission was arranged, Ueno compared the three people with a hand seal, and then everyone disappeared into the woods.

Although the area of ​​this small town is small, it is quite prosperous. There are many shops on the streets and there are many pedestrians on the street.

The Land of Rain is located at the junction of Lands. During the war, it naturally became a battlefield between the Villages. However, in peacetime, this is the only path for the Three Lands merchants to pass to other countries.

A large number of merchants pass by here, which also makes the business here very prosperous.

After entering the small town, Mekka Junrei took a closer look all around, and walked towards his mission goal without leaving any trace.

After looking around in the small town for a while, Junrei finally found his objective. It's a small caravan. Four ninjas are accompanying it to protect it. The leader is unscrupulously wearing the ninja uniform of the Hidden Sand Village. It does not seem to be fear revealing which Ninja Village they come from.

In fact, this is also normal. If you are a ninja on a mission outside, if you wear the uniform of Great Village, it will have a deterrent effect on some small country ninjas and some rogue-ninjas. After all, these ninjas dare not offend those Ninja Villages.

From the outside, it seems that this is just the normal Sunagakure ninja with a mission, not at all.

However, if this is reported, Junrei's ability may be immediately questioned.

Coincidentally, the group was having lunch in a restaurant. Junrei simply fixed his clothes and stepped in.

"Five rice balls, plus a bowl of mung bean soup, thank you." He said while pretending to be cute and told the boss in the store.

Mekka Junrei wasn't sure if there were any sensor ninjas in this group of Sunagakure ninjas, so he didn't dare to use a Transformation Jutsu, fearing that once he used Chakra, he would be exposed. So Junrei can only use his child's identity, simply ask for some sweets and pretend to be a little kid.

The group of Sunagakure ninjas were very vigilant and didn't talk too much while eating. Not at all revealing any information. But what surprised Junrei was that the merchants didn't talk too much to each other, which was obviously not in accordance tocommon sense.

"I'm done eating, thank you for the hospitality!" Mekka Junrei finished the food, paid, and left the restaurant directly, not at all looking at those people more, and didn't stay longer.

In order to ensure that he was not under surveillance, Mekka Junrei also deliberately walked around this small town after eating the small restaurant and ate some street food. After about an hour, he left the small town and went to the meeting place.

At 5 pm, the Mekka Junrei four people group gathered again for the information summary.

"Just a few rogue-ninja, not at all what's special." Hoshinohara said first.

Hyuga then said: "Two of the targets I probed, one of which was the ninja of Land-of-Rain. There was only one person, and the other was about three people. It was the ninja of Hidden Sand Village. I observed through Byakugan, One of these three people is probably Jonin's level. "

"Jonin?" Umeme heard this with a dip in his eyes.

Jonins as a village's elite battle strength, they must have a special mission when they leave the village. It's like Ueno, he is Jonin of Konoha. He came to Land-of-Rain to inquire about other village information and determine whether they had the idea of ​​provoking war.

"What about you? What information did you find?" After analyzing the information that Hyuga had explored, Ueno asked Mekka Junrei.

"A group of Sunagakure escorts escorting a caravan should be led by a Chunin and the other three people are Genin. But one thing seems very strange. As far as I know, businessmen are more talkative, because when they do business, It's necessary to communicate with people, but the merchants rarely talked to each other and stayed very vigilant. I analyze there are probably 2 possibilities, First one may be that their products at this time are very precious, and the second possibility is that they are disguised ninja... and when I left, they did not at all continue to hurry, which also seems very unreasonable. "Mekka Junrei simply said the information he discovered.

"The 3 targets I probed were all ninjas from the Hidden Rain Village, not our main target!" Ueno Indifferently said: "Now it is worth noting that the 2 targets probed by Keita and Junrei, in total 7 Sunagakure ninjas appeared in Land-of-Rain, there must be some kind of conspiracy. "

His eyes glanced over Mekka Junrei three people, Ueno instructed: "Tonight, Hyuga and I entered this small town to explore the information of these different targets, and Junrei and the Shinohara were in charge of other targets. The mission this time has exceeded our current strength. I will send a request to the village for help, until them we don't have to fight with them. "


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