
Naruto: Mekka Junrei

He crosses to the world of Naruto on the year 38 since the foundation of Konoha Starting as a war orphan, relying on familiarity with future trends and sophisticated calculations, step by step becomes the strongest in the Ninja world. Im only the translator NO RELATIONSHIPS Finished Novel

angel_bastudas · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

New Team

After waiting at home for around 3 days, Junrei finally received a notification about his group meeting.

"Meet at the Konoha gate at 7 am tomorrow."

Because Mekka Junrei didn't graduated on the regular way, there is no need to perform any so-called tests. Anyone can directly arrange him in any group to help them supplement their manpower.

This is an unbeliably good thing for Junrei. Teaming up with Genins with more experience is much better than teaming up with any little kid who has barely graduated.

Next day.

At 6:50 in the morning,Junrei with all his ninja equipment ready, has already arrived at the Konoha Gate.

He has now become very sensitive to how he handle his time. When he went to the Academy, he always waited the bell to enter the classroom. Training is just too hard, Junrei doesn't want to waste a little time resting.

The reason why he had arrived ten minutes early today is to at least leave a good impression on his teammates.

However, when Mekka Junrei rushed to the Konoha gate, he found that his teammates had already arrived, and now they were looking at him with a dissaproving look.

Junrei's information of his several teammates was gathered yesterday. The team leader Ueno is an old Jonin with rich experience. It is said that even among Jonin, his strength is also considered pretty good.

The other two teammates are also very interesting. One of them is named Shinohara. Although he is a commoner ninja like Junrei, information says that this person will have some Medical-Ninjutsu on him. When he's not on a mission, he will be stay in Konoha, and help in the hospital.

As for the other person, Junrei is even more interested on him. This person is about 10 years old. He's a handsome boy with a childish face and a stubborn face. But this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is in the boy's eyes.

The big eyes were a pair of white pumps, which made the boy's eyes look hazy.

He is from the Hyuga Clan.

According to his information, this guy was named Hyuga Keita, and was extremely proficient in Taijutsu, but it did mention at all whether the person was from the Branch House or the Main House.

However, according to his own thoughs, I'm afraid that the people of the Hyuga Clan will not easily let any of the people of the Main House get out for missions. This Hyuga Keita must be the Branch House.

"Hello!" Mekka Junrei walked over and said his greetings first.

"It's getting late, let's talk as we walk!" Ueno glanced at Mekka Junrei casually, then threw his hand and threw his permit to be let out the Konoha gate, and ran out first.

The other two guys followed Ueno silently from behind, and Junrei was all on the back following along when he saw this.

These teammates although they loook like him, they don't seem to welcome him. It seems that these days will be difficult.

But Junrei had already anticipated this. Just like he doesn't want to team up with some little kid who just graduated, I'm afraid that the people in this team don't want to have to deal with such a little kid who just graduated!

After leaving the village, it was a continuous rush in the morning. Perhaps Ueno had thought already had the path on his mind and just went about it. In the morning, four people were rushing in the road without stopping at any point to rest.

Fortunately, Mekka Junrei has been afraid of being taught some lacking basic training and has done a fairly good ammount of training of his side on his own, otherwise just this road to the mission would be ugly.

At noon, Ueno waved everyone to stop, and with his back turned to everyone said, "Just take a short break and we will continue to hurry in a moment."

During the break, the atmosphere of the team was still very silent. It seems that none of the one's here was a talkative person. This is in line with Junrei's temper, because he is not a talkative person too.

But after eating, the guy Shinohara couldn't help it, and started to try to talk to Junrei, "Hey! What's your name!"

"It turns out that a few of them don't even know my information yet. It seems that i only managed to get their information, cause Hideyoshi teacher was trying to help me." Mekka Junrei could not help but murmur.

"Mekka Junrei, please enlighten me," Mekka Junrei said.

"It turns out that you are Mekka Junrei. When I was in Academy, I heard of your name several times. It looks like you were that guy who defeated Kakashi." Hyuga looked at Junrei with curiosity this time, and seems to have started to get interested on him.

"You know Kakashi too!" Mekka Junrei asked.

"Of course I know, that guy was in our group before this!" Speaking of Kakashi, Shinohara seemed quite annoyed.

Hyuga also said resentfully: "Although his strength was good, he's just way too arrogant. In order to complete our missions, he would simply ignore the life and death of any of us..."

Having said that, Keita gave Junrei a glance, and said strangely, "But since you can beat him, your strength should be good too!"

It turned out that Kakashi was just expelled out of the team by these guys, just in time for Junrei to join and apply for graduation, and the Village fille Juntei into this team.

After a short conversation, Junrei found that both Shinohara and Hyuga Keita were very talkative. The reason why they didn't speak before was because in their last mission, they were almost killed by one of Kakashi's decision. Although the mission was completed till perfection, they didn't like Kakashi's aproach. When they returned to the village, they both joined to kick him out of the team.

Because of this, they didn't like Mekka Junrei, this newly graduate that they got assigned to their team.

Seeing that the three people have slightly become more familiar with one another, Ueno lightly coughed, and his to talk: "Our mission is to enter the Land of Rain territory in order to explore some information, Land of Rain is located in the middle of the Land of Wind, the Land of Earth, and the Land of Fire, once the Ninja World starts war, the Land of Rain will inevitably become the main battlefield. Our mission is to enter the territory of the Land of Rain to explore some Information in regards to the Stone Village and the Sand Village. "

"Understood!" Mekka Junrei three people replied at the same time.

"Go!" Ueno waved, and the group of four people began to hurry again.

In Junrei's impression, during the Second Shinobi World War and the Third Shinobi World War, the Land of Rain became the battlefield for the big Nations to use. It can be said that for the people of the Land of Rain, war is a nightmare. But it's a nightmare that can never be avoided.

However, the Land of Rain is not a popular place. Although the Hidden Rain Village is slightly weaker than them , the Hidden Rain Village has a super expertat it's front, Hanzō of the Salamander with the title of 'Demi-God'.

Therefore, as long as it is not a Shinobi World War, the Land of Rain's life is normally quite peaceful.

But once a Shinobi World War broke out, even Hanzo of the Salamander couldn't protect the Land of Rain from being invaded.

"It looks like Akatsuki is still only a three person group right now but they have grown up. I don't know if I can go to the Land of Rain this time and see those 3 people." Mekka Junrei secretly said in one's heart.

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