
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · แฟนตาซี
43 Chs


He brought me to a car and I got in then Master drove into town, before going to a different off-road into a clearing, we were surrounded by trees. He passed me a phone and I dialled my father's number. "We're at 35-32," Master said.

"Hello?" Dad asked.

"Hey dad, we're at 35-32," I said.

"On the way princess," dad said, and he hung up. When Master got out and so did I. I met him in front of the car and he caressed my face.

"You will go with him and live life to the fullest little slave, you will not kill yourself, you will forget everything I've shown you, you'll forget me," Master said.

"Please don't order that Master, I don't want to forget you, you've been the best thing that's happened to me," I said looking up at him as tears fell down my face.

"I'll cherish you forever little slave," Master said, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"May I hug you, Master?" I asked, when he pulled back, he nodded and I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me as close as he could, and I cried even more.

"Get away from my daughter" I heard my father boom, and Master let me go.

He took a set of keys out and unlocked the collar and cuffs from me, "we didn't know who she was Sir, she's all yours" Master said.

"Like hell you didn't know we have the same last name" dad shouted, and I heard a click of a gun, I turned around and dad had a gun pointed at Master. I stood in front of him. "Move Jessica," dad said.

"No, not until you lower your gun," I said.

"Listen to your father," Master said.

"When he lowers it and promises to leave you alone I'll move but until then I won't," I said.

"Fine, I won't kill you, it seems my daughter is just as stubborn as she always was," dad said lowering his gun. "It's time to go, Jessica," dad said, and I walked over, I looked back at Master and I swear I saw a small tear fall down his face. He gave me a small smile as he got in his car, and as he drove away I started crying even more. Dad led me to his car and I got in, I was looking out the window as tears fell down my face. "He's not worth the tears, princess, he's a bad person," dad said, I didn't speak to him, or look at him. When he pulled up to his house, I got out and went straight to my old room, I stripped down, then knelt on the ground at the foot of a chair and looked out the window. I hated wearing clothes.

I wondered what the gang is doing, how they're dealing with the second attack, and how Master is doing with losing more members and his slave. When I heard a knock, I ignored it as I looked out the window into the woods, remembering running freely through the woods at the warehouse. I heard the door open and my father swear before closing the door again. "Put some clothes on Jessica" dad shouted through the door, but I didn't respond, just continued looking out the window. "I'm coming in and you better have clothes on," dad said, and I heard the door open again. I heard him swear but felt a blanket around my body. "What did they do to your back, Jess?" Dad asked, and I didn't look up or respond. "I oughta kill them for hurting you," dad said, under his breath and I looked up glaring at him.

"You do that and it'll be the last thing you do" I growled.

"Come downstairs so we can talk Jessica and put some clothes on," dad said, not even looking down at me.

"Fine, but as soon as we're done I'm coming back up," I said, I heard dad sigh before walking out, I stood up and went to touch my collar realizing it was no longer there and I felt tears fall down my face. I put the dress on that Jorge gave me and headed back downstairs. I saw dad sitting on the couch, so I went in.

"Sit down princess," dad said, patting the couch. Instead, I knelt down, but I kept my knees together and hands clasped in front. He let out a sigh "you're not a slave in the house" dad said.

"It's where I'm most comfortable, you took me from my Master," I said.

"He was using you to get to me," dad said.

"He didn't know I was your daughter, and only when I told him that he said he had to release me. When I told him he went pale, he had no idea" I snapped.

"And your back?" Dad inquired.

"Was because I broke rules, Master was in a coma for two weeks, and I refused to leave his side even over an order from one of his men" I said. I stood up and went to make a smoothie because I was getting hungry and it was time for breakfast. "If what you say about them is true that they are bad, then so are you. Did mom know you were a gang leader before she died?" I asked.

"She was my slave before I married her, making her my queen" dad said, and I tilted my head.

"Did you love her while she was your slave?" I inquired.

"Towards the end of her slavery, I realized I fell for her, it was three years in and that was when I decided to release her and marry her," dad said.

"Why don't Masters love their slaves? You loved mom while she was a slave yet you freed her, why?" I asked.

"It's unheard of to keep someone you love as a slave, the most any Master can do is cherish them, because while they are a slave they are to obey, and if they are captured then they can be used to hurt their Master, so freeing them allows them the ability to not say anything even when ordered," dad said.

"Why didn't you tell me? I looked up to you" I said, and dad came into the kitchen.

"Exactly you looked up to me because I was in the army, if I told you I wasn't you would've looked at me differently," dad said.

"No I looked up to you because you were everything I needed in my life, you protected me from the monsters when I was a child, you taught me to protect myself, and you taught me to be resilient. It had nothing to do with your occupation, I still would've looked up to you if you told me the truth" I said.

"I'm trying to protect you now princess, these men, they are bad, they'll sell you," dad said.

"They already have, and the one who paid for me set me free twice. But I went back to them, I paid him to keep me as his" I said turning to look at him.

"My men, they were found in a river. What happened?" Dad asked.

"They killed them," I said.

"They were outnumbered, I didn't make the same mistake again," dad said.

"I did as you trained me to, protect myself and the people I care about. I stole Master's rifle from his office and killed five of them. Master already lost three of his men and they were outnumbered, if I didn't do anything then they would've died. I did what I could to protect them even if it meant murder, they were at my home and I had to protect it. I was under attack, and I took the training you gave me and protected myself, last time they killed two slaves, and I knew if I didn't do anything they would kill everyone in there, those girls are innocent and they didn't deserve to die" I said as I poured my smoothie into a bowl. "I'm going back up to my room, don't do anything to Masters gang, he really didn't know I was your daughter, hell I didn't know who my father really was, at least Master never lied to me," I said, walked past him and headed up to my room. I just knelt down at the foot of my bed and drank my smoothie, wishing I was kneeling at Master's chair.

When the smoothie was gone, I headed downstairs and cleaned the bowl. When I felt the need to clean the whole house so I did. I cleaned everything, and I relaxed as I was cleaning I felt at home as I cleaned.

It may not be the same, but I could still submit to my heart's content. I felt eyes on me but I ignored them as I cleaned, I smiled as I dusted over mom's figurines. As long as I lived I would always be a slave, and I'll take the little pleasures of submitting to the simplest tasks. Once the house was cleaned I felt empty once again. I headed out back and lay in the grass as tears once again fell down my face. Yesterday I was so happy when Master woke up, I couldn't wait until he came home and I could kneel at his feet, and then when he came home he freed me to protect his men because of my father. My father took my happiness from me, he made Master free me because Master had to protect himself and his gang.